
3 Aurora-1 #aurora #truth #love #passion

3 Aurora-1 #aurora #truth #love #passion

【New Song】VISIBLE 2019 Songwriting Studio Gooda! #NewSong #VISIBLE 
Everything returns to the universe.
Truth, love and happiness will become more visible as you approach the edge of death.
There is something which disappears when it is exposed to flames of passion.

3-1 Truth・Love #truth #love

Truth, love and happiness will become more visible as you approach the edge of death like the aurora.

3-2 Passion   #passion

There is something which disappears when it is exposed to flames of passion, likes the aurora. 


【Chege log】
20180907  Organizing figures.
20190105 Change 3-1 translation
20190207 Addition of 【New Song】VISIBLE

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