
71 A planet inhabited by creatures has Discovered!【Space Travel】 Dialogue with the Universe

71 A planet inhabited by creatures has Discovered!【Space Travel】 Dialogue with the Universe

April 17, 2014 NASA released
Discovered planet (Kepler 186f) is about 500 light years from Earth at a distance. Its
size is about 1.1 times of Earth's. It rotates around the star similar to the Sun by over 130 days.
This is the first time that Planet of Earth's size is confirmed in habitable zone.
Source: National Geographic News

・By the way, the current speed of the spacecraft, you can go to this planet in about 25 000 years.

December 05, 2011 NASA released
Discovered planet (Kepler 22b) is about 600 light years from Earth at a distance. Its size is about 2.4 times of Earth's. It rotates around the star similar to the Sun by over 290 days, and the planet's surface temperature is about 22 degrees.
Source: National Geographic News

(1) The Goldilocks planet is the planet which is in the habitable planets and which is similar to Earth in terms of the size and other. Kepler 186f that has been recently discovered is Goldilocks planet.
(2)The use of stone tools first began about 1.8-2.5 million years ago. Homo sapiens (current human) appeared approximately 190,000- 200,000 years ago.

(3) The Distance to the closest terrestrial planet(Gliese 581) is15 light-years.

71 生物が住んでいる可能性のある惑星【宇宙旅行】宇宙との対話

71 生物が住んでいる可能性のある惑星【宇宙旅行】宇宙との対話

2014年4月17日 NASA=アメリカ航空宇宙局発表
出典:ナショナルジオグラフィック ニュース


2011年12月5日 NASA=アメリカ航空宇宙局発表
出典:ナショナルジオグラフィック ニュース

【参 考】
(1) ハビタブルゾーンにある惑星をハビタブル惑星(Habitable planet)、またその中でも特に地球とサイズ等が近い惑星はゴルディロックス惑星(Goldilocks planet)と呼ぶ。
(2) 石器の使用がはじまったのは約250万~180万年前。ホモ・サピエンス(現在のヒト)が出現したのが約20万~19万年前。
(3)最も近い地球型惑星(グリーゼ 581)までは15光年。

70 Colonization of the planet【Space Travel】Dialogue with the Universe

70 Colonization of the planet【Space Travel】Dialogue with the Universe

○Human colonization of other planets will be achieved by intelligent machines consisting of mechanical and electronic components.- Stephen William Hawking

○Google and the X Prize Foundation will hold the moon unmanned exploration race "Google Luna • X Prize (GLXP)"!
・Race participants compete to send high-definition images and videos to the earth until the end 2017.
http://www.bloomberg.co.jp/news/123-NQHPU66JTSEM01.html (Japanese)

☆Travelers of the universe would be a complex of brain and artificial intelligence(:GAI).

70 惑星への植民 【宇宙旅行】宇宙との対話

70 惑星への植民 【宇宙旅行】宇宙との対話

○人間の他の惑星への植民は、機械や電子コンポーネントからなる知的マシンによって実現する。 スティーブン・ホーキング 



69 The Ultimate Disaster=Escape Earth!【Space Travel】Dialogue with the Universe

69 The Ultimate Disaster=Escape Earth!【Space Travel】Dialogue with the Universe

・10 billion years later, more than 10% increase in solar luminosity.
・20 billion years later, the Earth's ocean has dried up!
・30 billion years later, our Milky Way and Andromeda Galaxy collide!
(Possibility of collision of the sun and other stars is low if the two galaxies collide )
・5 billion years later  The sun has become a red giant. 

【Reference】AstroArts  What happens, the distant future of the solar system

※In addition, there is also a theory that the universe will continue to expand forever, since it would fully cooled, in a few trillion years, mankind is a need to escape from this universe. 
【Reference】Michio Kaku / New York incandescent classroom " Amazing prophecy of "Theory of Everything;TOE"" 20150403

・Mankind will no longer be able to cling to the earth.
☆If it do not have the intention to protect it's own safety by its own force, and even the any intelligence body, it is not possible to expect a future.  by Studio Gooda!

・There is hope! Do not give up!!

1.7 million years ago  Human beings born
About 0.5 million years ago  Peking man
About 230,000 years ago    Emergence of Neanderthals(Homo sapiens)
About 200,000 ~190,000 years ago  Emergence of Homo sapiens sapiens

69 究極の防災=地球脱出! 【宇宙旅行】宇宙との対話

69 究極の防災=地球脱出! 【宇宙旅行】宇宙との対話


【参 考】AstroArts どうなる、太陽系の遠い未来

【参 照】ミチオ・カク/ニューヨーク白熱教室「『万物の理論』の驚くべき予言」20150403

☆自らの安全を自らの力によって守る意思を持たない場合、いかなる知性体といえども、未来を期待することはできない。 by スタジオグーダ!

・希望はある! あきらめてはいけない!!

【参 考】
170万年前     人類誕生
約50万年前    北京原人
約23万年前    ネアンデルタール人(ホモ・サピエンス)の出現。
約20万~19万年前 新人(ホモ・サピエンス・サピエンス)の出現。


68 Independence【Life】Dialogue with the Universe

68 Independence【Life】Dialogue with the Universe

“It is experience precious to a young person to notice "a difference between oneself and the others." It becomes the cause to go to independence. However, regrettably many people will go to dependence with reverse independence. By uniting with familiar someone, they try to negate loneliness. 
The object of their dependence is a sweetheart, the best friend, or a family. Those dependence is only the means for curing one's loneliness. Therefore, the self-centered action which disregards a partner's character and goes to monopolize thoroughly is seen frequently. Or they lose themselves completely and are under the partner's thumb.
It can be said that it is just manifestation of dependence, if they would like to meet their partner every day, or desire to be together always, or want to monopolize their partner. Even if the wish is filled temporarily, it never lasts long. Because their partner are different existence from them, and they are another characters.”


“When it is in dependency, the leading role of your life is not yourself. The partner for dependence is the leading role of your life, and is governing your life. With independence, we become the leading role of our life.”・・・” Anyway, a dream cannot be realized while you have been weak lonely. That everybody take over loneliness and try hard towards realization of a dream makes possible the better human relations which respect mutual character.“

Original text: Shigeki Suwa『援助者のためのコミュニケーションと人間関係 第2版』建帛社

Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life. 
Don’t be trapped by dogma – which is living with the results of other people’s thinking.
Don’t let the noise of others’ opinions drown out your own inner voice.
And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition.  -Steve Jobs(1955-2011)

The friendship between the wise men is light like water. ―Chuang-tzu (B.C.552-B.C.472)

68 自立【知性を探る】宇宙との対話

68 自立【知性を探る】宇宙との対話


原典:諏訪茂樹『援助者のためのコミュニケーションと人間関係 第2版』建帛社


孤独は、創造を業とする者には、神が創造の才能を与えた代償とでも考えたのかと思うほどに、一生ついてまわる宿命である。 塩野 七生「ユリウス・カエサル」ルビコン以降[中] (p.115)


『愛するものと一緒に暮らすには一つの秘訣がいる。すなわち相手を変えようとしないことだ。気にさわる彼女の欠点を直そうとすると、忽ち彼女の幸せまで破壊することになるからだ』【ジャック・シャルドンヌ (1884-1968)】

67 Select good environment for your growth【Life】Dialogue with the Universe

67 Select good environment for your growth【Life】Dialogue with the Universe

・Since we tend to follow the influence of others or environment, we have to choose the environment of being able to be subject to good influence.

○Both bad habits and good habits infect from person to person.

【Resource】Kelly McGonigal "The Willpower Instinct"

67 よい環境を選ぶ【人生】宇宙との対話

67 よい環境を選ぶ【人生】宇宙との対話


○ よい習慣も悪い習慣も、人から人へと感染する。

66 Self Control【Life】Dialogue with the Universe

66 Self Control【Life】Dialogue with the Universe

“The Willpower Instinct”Kelly McGonigal is consulted very much.
The phrase with which I am pleased is as follows.
・Self-control can be demonstrated if you breathe slowly. (p.92)
・Movement, sleep, and relaxation become willpower strengthening. (Second Chapter)
・If it has fallen, it will become easy to lose temptation. It can have confidence, if a guilty feeling is wiped away. (p.232)
・Even if it fails, let's have consideration to ourselves. Then, it is avoidable to repeat failure out of a guilty feeling. (p.232)
It is an opposite effect that thinking, feeling, and desire tend to be suppressed, and when it does so, the thing which you want to surely avoid on the contrary will be considered, felt or performed.
・We will overcome the wave of thinking, feeling, and desire by recollecting the target which can be absorbed, or acting toward the target which is really important for itself. (Chapter 9)

66 自制心・自己コントロール【人生】宇宙との対話

66 自制心・自己コントロール【人生】宇宙との対話

・呼吸を遅らせれば自制心を発揮できる。 (p.92)


65 Unleash Your Brain Power 5/Praise yourself and others【Life】Dialogue with the Universe

65 Unleash Your Brain Power 5/Praise yourself and others【Life】Dialogue with the Universe

・The 4th way to foster neural positive is "to praise oneself and others".
・Human is animal that can reflect.
・You blame yourself or someone else when you regret.
・To blame is into practice and becomes a habit.
・Since this habit inhibits the development of positive neural circuits , we need prevention it.
・To make it a habit to praise yourself and others every day inoder to unleash your brain power.
・When people are praised, they become happy, and brain power will be released.

65 脳力の解放5/自分と他人を褒める【人生】宇宙との対話

65 脳力の解放5/自分と他人を褒める【人生】宇宙との対話

・ ポジティブな神経回路を養成する第4の方法は「自分と他人を褒める」ことだ。

64 Unleash Your Brain Power 4/Not too greedy【Life】Dialogue with the Universe

64 Unleash Your Brain Power 4/Not too greedy【Life】Dialogue with the Universe

・The third way to train positive neural circuit is "not too greedy".
・If you are too greedy, field of your view becomes narrow.
・When this condition continues your feeling ends up atrophy, and you can not seen fun which is everywhere.
・From here, the training of negative neural circuit starts.
・So beware of "too greedy"

○ Proverb:Too much is as bad as too little.

64 脳力の解放4/欲張り過ぎない【人生】宇宙との対話

64 脳力の解放4/欲張り過ぎない【人生】宇宙との対話

・ ポジティブな神経回路を養成する第3の方法は「もっともっとと欲張り過ぎない」ことだ。
・ もっともっとと欲張り過ぎるとどうでもいいことにこだわるのと同じように視野が狭くなる。
・ 心の視野が狭い状態が続くと、心が萎縮し、いたるところにあるはずの楽しみが見えなくなる。
・ ここからネガティブな神経回路の養成が始まる。


63 Unleash Your Brain Power3/Independence【Life】Dialogue with the Universe

63 Unleash Your Brain Power3/Independence【Life】Dialogue with the Universe

・The second way to train positive neural for unlock your originally brain power without having to atrophy is not rely on others.
・The reliance on others is withering the emotions insidiously.
・Even if you go to temples and shrines or a church, and wish only your happiness and fortunes, the Buddha and God will only get bored.
・For unleash of your brain power , it is good to think about not your thing but the surrounding person, and to ask the happiness for the person of the world, if you can do.
・But you don't need to do all of your work, everyday life, etc. by yourself.
・If you do not assign but continue only miscellaneous business, your feeling will shrink.
・You should be advanced work, housekeeping, etc. valuing teamwork and communication and borrowing a surrounding person's power.
・After all, in order to set your brain's ability free, the posture in which it does not depend on other things is required.
・If you do not depend on other things and have a margin to sympathize with the others, your brain power will be enleashed.

63 脳力の解放3 /自立【人生】宇宙との対話

63 脳力の解放3 /自立【人生】宇宙との対話

・ ポジティブな神経回路を養成して、もともとある脳力を萎縮させることなく解き放つための第2の方法は他のものに頼らないことだ。
・ 他力本願は、人の気持ちを知らない間に萎縮させる。
・ それに、寺社や教会に行って、自分の幸福や幸運ばかりを願っても、御本尊や神様に愛想をつかされるだけだろう。
・ 脳力の解放のためには、自分のことではなく周囲の人、できれば世界中の人の幸福をお願いするのがよい。
・ とは言っても、仕事や日常生活など、なんでも自分でやれということではない。
・ 分担をせず雑務ばかりを続けていると、気持ちが萎縮する。
・ 仕事や家事などは、チームワークやコミュニケーションを大切にして、周りの人の力を借りながら進める。
・ でも結局は、脳力を解き放つためには、他のものに頼らない、自分がやるという姿勢が必要です。
・ 他のものに頼らず、他人を思いやる余裕を持つことで、脳力は解き放たれる。