
68 The Cost of Space Travel #SpaceTravel

68 The Cost of Space Travel #SpaceTravel

○Cargo [1]・・・< >:Success rate(%)
・Falcon(SpaceX/USA)    1.6 billion$/t<79.2>
・Proton(ILS/RUS)      1.7 billion$/t<88.2>
・H2B(Mitsubishi Heavy Industries/JPN) 1.8 billion$/t<100> [2]
・H2A(Mitsubishi Heavy Industries/JPN) 2.1 billion$/t<96.7> [3]
・Ariane( Arianespace/EU)        2.1 billion$/t<95.2>

・Round trip of astronauts to the ISS by Soyuz  70.7million$(2013) [4]
・The cost of current space travel(4 minutes)  18 million$ [5]

1. Yomiuri Shimbun November 25, 2015
2. H-IIB - Wikipedia
3. H-IIAロケット - Wikipedia
4. 日経ビジネス online-Shinya Mtsuura
5. Stuart Clark” Virgin Galactic tests new spaceplane”at theguardian.com 20161208


68 宇宙旅行のコスト #宇宙旅行

68 宇宙旅行のコスト #宇宙旅行

○貨物 [1]・・・< >:成功率(%)
・ファルコン(スペースX/米国)   16億円/t<79.2>
・プロトン(ILS/ロシア)     17億円/t<88.2>
・H2B(三菱重工業/日本)     18億円/t<100> [2]
・H2A(三菱重工業/日本)     21億円/t<96.7> [3]
・アリアン(アリアンスペース/欧州) 21億円/t<95.2>

・ソユーズによるISSへの往復  85億円(2013) [4] 
・4分間の宇宙旅行(訓練含む)  25万米ドル [5]

【参 照】
1. 読売新聞 2015年11月25日 
2. H-IIBロケット - Wikipedia 
3. H-IIAロケット - Wikipedia 
4. 松浦 晋也”ウクライナで“困った”。米ロの宇宙での共依存“at 日経ビジネス online
5. 宇宙旅行の御案内 クラブツーリズム(ヴァージンギャラクティック社 日本地区公式代理店)

67 Artificial Gravity #SpaceTravel

67 Artificial Gravity #SpaceTravel

【New Song】RADIO DOG (A DOG ON THE MARS) #NewSong #Mars 
2019 Songwriting Studio Gooda!

A pet dog living on Mars in 2030.
Owners are dead.
Every day, he do a healing dance in front of the grave.
He has not eaten for a long time.
But a robot dog that does not die.
He is waiting for human beings.

○Almost people can live comfortably under the rotation of the spacecraft (more than 500m radius) in less than 1round per minute. [1]

※Space colony Elysium [2]

○The time it takes to travel between them varies from six to eight months. [3]

※SpaceX plans to Mars[4]

○The trip takes around seven months; a bit longer than astronauts currently stay on the International Space Station. [3]
☆ Therefore, manned Mars exploration is somehow.

○ By the way, MIT has succeeded in the development of artificial gravity generator!(2015)[5]

1. Space Colonization - Wikipedia 
2. Annalee Newitz “Could you really have a space colony like the one in Elysium?”
3. “How long does it take to travel to Mars?”at Mars One
4. Loren Grush”SpaceX plans to send a spacecraft to Mars as early as 2018”at THE VERGE 2016
5. Jennifer Chu “Working out in artificial gravity”at MIT News 2015

67 人工重力 #宇宙旅行

67 人工重力 #宇宙旅行

【新曲】火星の犬【New original song】 #新曲 #火星
2019 Songwriting Studio Gooda!


※スペースコロニー エリジウム [2]

○火星までは片道半年 [3]


○人類の最長宇宙滞在期間は438日(1994年) [5]



【参 照】
1. スペースコロニー - Wikipedia
2.エリジウム / 格差社会と自己犠牲をテーマに分かりやすく。
3. 宇宙放射線による年間被ばく (09-01-06-04) - ATOMICA
4. “米スペースX、2018年の火星探査計画を発表”at NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC 日本版
5. 宇宙飛行の記録一覧 - Wikipedia 
6. Jennifer Chu “Working out in artificial gravity”at MIT News 2015

【履 歴】
20190125 【新曲】火星の犬の追加

66 Fusion Power #SpaceTravel

66 Fusion Power #SpaceTravel

66-1 ITER( International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor) [1]
・The goal is to build a fusion power plant in 2040-2050.
・The ITER experimental design has been changed to 2020, one year later than originally planned, under the influence of in eastern earthquake. Aim to start full-scale operation in 2027 as planned. The total project cost is 2 trillion yen.
・In addition, experimental reactor completion of the 2020 has become difficult.

・The name is derived from iter (: Net, Road).
・Seven countries and Region (Japan, China, EU, India, Russia, South Korea, USA)are involved in the this plan.
・ITER construction site is in Cadarache, France.

※Tokamak :A tokamak is a device that uses a toroidal field (traveling around the torus in circles) and a poloidal field (traveling in circles orthogonal to the toroidal field). In a tokamak, the toroidal field is produced by electromagnets that surround the torus, and the poloidal field is the result of a toroidal electric current that flows inside the plasma. This current is induced inside the plasma with a second set of electromagnets. In this device, construction cost is cheap but plasma is unstable. [2]

66-2 Nuclear Fusion Reaction [3]
○The most-researched candidate for producing controlled thermonuclear fusion power is D-T fusion reaction. (D: deuterium, T: tritium) 

○Deuterium is contained in large quantities in seawater.
○Tritium is breeded while irradiated with neutrons in lithium blanket surrounding the fusion reactor.

66-3 Proton-proton chain reaction [4]
○The proton–proton chain reaction is one of the two (known) sets of fusion reactions by which stars convert hydrogen to helium. It dominates in stars the size of the Sun or smaller.
○Plasma(atomic nuclei and electrons become apart) is confined by gravity.

Individual reaction


・ν is e-neutrino, γ is gamma ray.
・(1-1) occurs at a rate of99.75%( (1-2) :0.25%).

66-4 Merit and Demerit
○Merit : Nuclear fusion reaction is stopped automatically with a little adjustment mistake.
○Demerit:Radioactive waste of the same level as nuclear power plant.

66-5 Cold Fusion [5]
○The research is continuing.

66-6 News
○The Wendelstein 7-X fusion device(W7-X)(Stellarator)at Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics (IPP) in Greifswald produced its first hydrogen plasma on 3 February 2016. 
・Successive extensions are planned until, in about 4 years, discharges lasting 30 minutes.
The practical application of nuclear fusion is expected of around 2025. [6]

・Germany has forged ahead in funding the project, which in the past 20 years has cost €1.06bn.

※Stellarator [7](Helical Device):A stellarator is a device used to confine hot plasma with magnetic fields in order to sustain a controlled nuclear fusion reaction.
The name refers to the possibility of harnessing the power source of the sun, a stellar object.

※ The diameter of the W7-X is 10m. [7]

○A small, modular, efficient fusion plant (Tokamak)
March 2018 MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA) aims to realize small nuclear fusion reactor technology (tokamak type) within 15 years. [8]

Illustration courtesy of the MIT ARC team [8]

1. ITER 
2. Tokamak - Wikipedia
3. Fusion power - Wikipedia
4. Proton-proton chain reaction - Wikipedia
5. Cold Fusion - Wikipedia
6. IPP:Max-Planck-Institut für Plasmaphysik
7. Stellarator - Wikipedia
8. MIT and newly formed company launch novel approach to fusion power - MIT News 20180309

【Change log】
20180312 News: MIT's plan was postponed from 2025 to 2033.

66 核融合発電 #宇宙旅行

66 核融合発電 #宇宙旅行

66-1 国際的な核融合実験炉(ITER(イーターと読む))[1]

※トカマク型:トロイダル(Toroidal 円環状の)コイルを流れる電流とプラズマ中を流れるトロイダル電流によってプラズマの閉じこめ磁場を形成する。建設コストが安いがプラズマが不安定。[2]

66-2 核融合反応 [3]


66-3 太陽の核融合反応とどう違う?[4]
○太陽と同程度かそれより質量の小さい恒星でのエネルギー生成の大半を担っているのは陽子-陽子連鎖反応(proton-proton chain reaction)。



・ (1-1) は99.75%, (1-2) は0.25%の割合で生じる。

66-4 核融合の利点と欠点 [3]


66-5 常温核融合 [5]

66-6 ニュース
○ドイツのマックス・プランク研究所の核融合炉「ヴェンデルシュタイン 7-X」(W7-X)(ステラレーター型)で水素プラズマの生成に成功(20160203)。[6] [7]



○2018年3月 MIT(アメリカ・マサチューセッツ工科大学)は小型核融合炉技術(トカマク型)を15年以内に実現することを目指す。 [10]

Illustration courtesy of the MIT ARC team [10]

【参 考】
1. ITER - Wikipedia
2. トカマク型 - Wikipedia 
3. 核融合炉 - Wikipedia 
4. 陽子-陽子連鎖反応(proton-proton chain reaction)- Wikipedia 
5. Wikipedia - 常温核融合 
6. IPP:Max-Planck-Institut für Plasmaphysik
7. ヴェンデルシュタイン 7-X - Wikipedia
8. ヘリカル型 - Wikipedia 
9. Stellarator – Wikipedia
10. 核融合発電所を15年以内に実現することを目指すMITの新たな研究がスタート-Gigazine 20180312

【履 歴】
20180312 ニュース:MITの計画が2025年から2033年に。

【Original Song】THE DARK UNIVERSE-Studio Gooda!

【Original Song】THE DARK UNIVERSE-Studio Gooda!
This is the Japanese version of THE DARK UNIVERSE.
I sang about dark matter and dark energy.


https://youtu.be/73DNQYniQo4HE DARK UNIVERSEの日本語版です。


65 Colonization of the Planet #SpaceTravel

65 Colonization of the Planet #SpaceTravel

65-1 Colonization in the solar system
65-1-1 International Space Station (ISS)(1999~2024)) [1]
・Altitude:400 km
・Crew: 6 people
・Participating countries:USA, Russia, the European Space Agency, Canada, Japan 
・It requires little replenishment of water by also play the water from the urine not only the condensed water in the air. [2]
・Additional crewmembers are transported to the ISS by Soyuz.
・Total cost: 154 billion dollars [2]

※ISS [3]

65-1-2 Earth’s Moon
○Google and the X Prize Foundation will hold the moon unmanned exploration race "Google Luna • X Prize (GLXP)"! [4]
・Race participants compete to send high-definition images and videos to the earth until the end 2017.
・Grand Prize $20 million 

○About the Moon [5]
・Average distance from Earth: 380,000 km 
・Travel time:3 days
・Gravity:1/6 of that found on Earth 
・Atmosphere:With too sparse an atmosphere to impede impacts, a steady rain of asteroids, meteoroids and comets strikes the surface of the moon. 
・Water:In 2009, orbiting spacecraft discovered water molecules on the moon.
・Oxigen:The crust is made of oxygen, silicon, magnesium, iron, calcium and aluminum, with small amounts of titanium, uranium, thorium, potassium and hydrogen.
・Radiation:It does not provide any protection from the sun's radiation.
・Long ago the moon had active volcanoes, but today they are all dormant and have not erupted for millions of years. 

65-1-3 Mars
65-1-3-1 Mars One[6 ][7]
○Mars One aims to create a permanent human colony on Mars in 2027. 
2016 Latest tests will cut candidates down to just 40 - 24 of whom will make the trip
2017 The first teams of candidates are expected to be selected and start training. 
2020 A demonstration mission is sent to Mars to test technologies, while a satellite is placed into Martian orbit.
2022 A rover is launched to Mars to find a settlement location.
2026 Mars One sends a second rover, two living units, two life support systems and a supply unit to Mars, to form the habitat.
2031  First humans land on Mars

○Mars One is possible with conventional technology, but funding is a problem.
・Cost: $ 6 billion
(Funds are raised in broadcasting rights and donations.)
(So far, it has raised $ 780,000.)

※Mars One Webshop [7]

〇On January 15, 2019, a court decision was settled to liquidate the organization, bankrupting it in the process.
※Mars One-Wikipedia

65-1-3-2 SpaceX [8]
○The SpaceX CEO has unveiled a vision for the colonization of Mars that he says will involve hundreds of reusable craft, each carrying somewhere between 100 and 250 colonists or so and also producing fuel from available resources on Mars for the return trips.
○NEWS and Roadmap
2019 A dummy doll arrived at the ISS.
2025 A manned spacecraft arrives at Mars.

65-1-3-3 About Mars [9]
・A trip to Mars:6–7 months
・Diameter:half of the Earth
・Gravity:about 40% of the Earth
・Rotation period:24 hours and 40 minutes
・Satellites, two (Deimos, Phobos)
・Air:0.75% of the Earth (95% carbon dioxide, 3% nitrogen, 1.6% argon)
・Water:there is ice in the basement.
・Due to the lack of a magnetosphere, solar particle events and cosmic rays can easily reach the Martian surface.
・Rradiation levels in orbit above Mars are 2.5 times higher than at the International Space Station.

65-1-4 Space elevators
○Now, why do we need space elevators?
○Because transportation cost of space elevator is 1/160 of the rocket.
※Transportation cost of space elevator::5million~10 million$/t(Falcon:1.6billion$/t) [10]

○In 2012, the Obayashi Corporation announced that in 38 years it could build a space elevator using carbon nanotube technology. At 200 kilometers per hour, the design's 30-passenger climber would be able to reach the GEO level after a 7.5 day trip. [10]
○An Earth-based space elevator would consist of a cable with one end attached to the surface near the equator and the other end in space beyond geostationary orbit (35,800 km altitude). [10]
○To construct a space elevator on Earth the cable material would need to be both stronger and lighter. [10]
※ The length of the cable: 144,000km, weight :7,000t
○The estimated construction costs would be $10 billion.

※宇宙エレベーター [11]

65-2 Alpha Centauri [12]
○Alpha Centauri (α Cen) is the closest star system to the Solar System at 4.37 ly. It consists of three stars
○Mass and Age
・A:1.1M(the mass of the Sun)、4.85 billion years
・B:0.907M、4.85 billion years 
・C (Proxima):0.123M、4.85 billion years 
○Reaching period:30,000 years(Current technology) 
○About 25,000 years later, Alpha Centauri will be 3.26 ly away.
○If you think the energy and safety between the long-term move, it is necessary to utilize the forces of nature.
→No.79-1 Starship Solar-System(SSS)

65-3 The destination OF the sun in the solar system
○The Sun lies at a distance of 25,000–28,000 light-years from the Milky Way Galactic Center. The Milky Way is a barred spiral galaxy that has a diameter usually considered to be about 100,000–120,000 light-years
・The Milky Way contains over 200 billion stars.

☆Depending on the movement of neighborhood stars, there is a possibility that the sun is close to the other stars.

※The monement of the local solar neighborhood [13]

65-4 Collision with Andromeda Galaxy [14]
○In about four billion years, the Milky Way will collide with its nearest neighbor, the Andromeda Galaxy. The two are rushing towards each other at about 112 km per second.
○After the Collision the two galaxy should settle into a smooth elliptical galaxy.

65-5 News
○A diamond planet was found![15]
・This planet is only 40 light-years away.
・It takes 300,000 years for one way, 600,000 years for round trip by the spacecraft.

☆Hasten the development of the Hayabusa-Z!

1. Tim Sharp”International Space Station: Facts, History & Tracking“at Space.com 2160405
2. 国際宇宙ステーション - Wikipedia 
3.”The International Space Station: Together is the Future” NASA
4. "Google Luna • X Prize (GLXP)"
5. Moon: Home - NASA
6.MARK PRIGG FOR DAILYMAIL.COM “The final countdown for Mars One: 100 remaining candidates for controversial one way trip to undergo 'intense' testing” 20160606
7. Mars One
8. Sid Perkins”Elon Musk’s path to Mars begins with Red Dragon—but what science will it do?”at Science 20160927
9. C olonization of Mars - Wikipedia:
10. Space elevator - Wikipedia:
11. 石井 英男”宇宙エレベーターが実現する「2050年宇宙の旅」” at TELESCOPE Magazine 2013
12. Alpha Centauri - Wikipedia
13. BhavanaJagat
14. Nola Taylor Redd” The Andromeda Galaxy (M31): Location, Characteristics & Images”at SPACE.com 20120508
15. Caterina Visco” Il pianeta di diamante”at WIRED 20120812

【Change log】
20190326 Amendments to the Space X and Mars One