
80 Black Hole #BlackHole

80 Black Hole #BlackHole

80-1 Travel to black hole
○September 2011 Supermassive black holes •at about 54.4 million light-years away in the direction of Virgo announced.
○In the case of a star whose mass is more than about 30 times the sun, it becomes a black hole.
※If we confine the mass of the earth to 1 cm, we can create a black hole

○Black holes have extremely strong gravity, even light could inhale as well as 
substances nearby.

○Incidentally it takes about 100,000 years for 20 light years by the ship cruising speed of the current, so we will need about 300 billion years till the black hole in space travel ! ! !

(Reference) [2]
・ The theoretically expected cosmic jet that equivalents to the movement of the substance, and the X-rays emitted from the substance inhaled by the black holes are observed.
・ The white hole solution to which time reflection of the black hole is carried out exists in the solution of the Einstein equation.
 ・The information inhaled by the black hole is not lost.

80-2 Evaporation of Black hole:Hawking Radiation
1974 Stephen William Hawking
・One of the characteristics of the quantum theory is that there is no empty space thing.
・This may look empty at first glance, in a micro scale pair production of virtual particles of negative energy and positive energy always has been done.(Quantum fluctuation)

・Well, in just outside the area of the event horizon, positive-energy particles can escape from the black hole if energy is greater.
・On the other hand, negative energy particles are sucked into the black hole.

※event horizon:In the inner side than the event horizon, since the speed required to escape from the black hole is greater than the light speed, it is impossible to escape from there even light .

• Since the negative energy particles are inhaled, the energy of the black hole is reduced as a result, the black hole becomes smaller gradually.
・Black hole is going to "evaporation". 
・Thee is a theory that final process of this evaporation is observed as a gamma-ray burst.
・At the time of the black hole evaporation is newly made protons and neutrons.
・And temperature at this time, also reached T = 10^32.

※Temperature of black hole:T

(k:the Boltzmann constant, M:the mass of the black hole)

○In general relativity (classical theory), even though light can not escape from the black holes, this evaporation is caused by the quantum effect.

○However, the time to partition evaporation is 10^145 years, that is orders of magnitude longer than the age of the universe about 10^10 years. On the other hand, the mass of the black hole formed by the accelerator is considered to be around 10 ^ -27 [kg], and the evaporation time is 10 ^ -97 [sec].

○At present, it is not known sure thing about this process.

○There is a theory that through the mechanism of Hawking radiation, it is possible to recover the energy of the black hole. [3] [4] [5] 

1. Yahoo! Japan News
2. Black hole - Wikipedia 
3. The mystery of the black hole Scientific Seminar of the Physical Society of Japan 2004
Text "Einstein and physics in the 21st century"(August 5-6, 2004)
High Energy Accelerator Research Organization Makoto.Natsuume
4. A Universe from Nothing. Lawrence M. Krauss -2012
5. Star Lifting - Wikipedia

【Change log】
20170307 Integration of Black Hole and Evaporation of Black hole
20171125 Correction of evaporation time

80 ブラックホール #ブラックホール

80 ブラックホール #ブラックホール

80-1 ブラックホールへの旅
○2011年9月 超巨大ブラックホールが、おとめ座の方向に約5440万光年離れた位


(参 考)[2]
・ 物質の運動に相当する宇宙ジェットや、ブラックホールに吸い込まれていく物質が出すと理論的に予想されるX線が観測されている。
・ アインシュタイン方程式の解には、ブラックホールを時間反転させたホワイトホール解が存在する。
・ ブラックホールに吸い込まれた情報は失われない。

80-2 ブラックホールの蒸発:ホーキング放射

1974年 スティーヴン・ホーキング




(k:ボルツマン定数、 M:ブラックホールの質量)


○ただし、蒸発しきるまでの時間は、太陽質量程度の星では10^145[year] となり、宇宙年齢 10^10[year] より十分大きい。一方、加速器で形成されるブラックホールの質量は 10^−27[kg] 程度と考えられており、蒸発時間は 10^−97[sec]。


○ホーキング放射のメカニズムを介して、ブラックホールのエネルギーを回収することができる、という説がある。[3] [4] [5] 

【参 照】
2. ブラックホール- Wikipedia
3.ブラックホールの謎に迫る 2004年日本物理学会科学セミナー
高エネルギー加速器研究機構 夏梅 誠
5. Star Lifting - Wikipedia

20170307 ブラックホールとブラックホールの蒸発の統合
20171125 蒸発時間の修正

79 Starship #SpaceTravel

79 Starship #SpaceTravel

79-1 Starship Solar-System(SSS)
○Since the life expectancy of the sun is 5 billion years, the human race needs to be moved to any other stellar systems.
○30,000 years to go to our nearest neighbouring star, Alpha Centauri (distance: 4light years) by the fastest spacecraft today.
○If you think the energy and safety between the long-term move, it is necessary to utilize the forces of nature.

○The solar system is orbiting through the Milky Way galaxy in 240km/s.
○If you have a solar system on the spacecraft, long-term energy and safety can be ensured.

Solar System [1]

○Movie:The helical model - our solar system is a vortex[2]

○Proposal of Martyn J. Fogg(1989) [3] [4]
・Stars like the sun exist about 300 within a distance of 100 light-years. This plan assumes that to finish the replacement work of the sun and other stars in about 10 million years. 
・First, put a ring of superconductor around the sun, and supplement the 10% of the energy of the total output of the sun. Then generate a toroidal magnetic field by flowing a strong current, and rectify the flow of charged particles spewing from the sun in one direction.
・With this propulsion system, the movement speed of the sun after 700,000 years will be 1km / s, and you can change the scope of the course 1.9 degrees with respect to the rotation axis. After 2.7 million years each of those will be 5km / s, 9.5 degrees, and after 10.7 million years 20km / s, 33.7 degrees.
・Next, select the course that slip through the side of the star of the target. And adjust the inrush course to put the Earth in orbit of the other stellar.

※Starship Solar-System [5]

79-2 Starship construction plan:Proposal to Breakthough Starshot [6]
○Still, we can not experiment with the solar system, so we will experiment with the nearest star (Alpha Centauri).
The plan is as follows.

○Purpose of this plan:To remodel Alpha Centauri closest to the solar system (4 light years) into a star ship that all humans can live in.

○Method: In this plan, 100 gram mini spaceships equipped with GAI and nano machine will be accelerated to 5% of the speed of light with a solar sail and will be sent to the planet of Alpha Centauri in 100 years.
※ For the basic concept see RenéHeller and Michael Hippke's proposal. [7] [8] [9]
※ The energy source of the propulsion system is the sun and Alpha Centauri.
※ The size of the sail is 100,000 square meters (about 14 soccer fields).
※The sail is made of graphene which is a very thin and light carbon film and covered with a cover with high reflectance so that it can endure the harsh conditions of the deep space and the heat of the star of the destination. (10 years for development)
※If it is higher than this speed, the craft will pass Alpha Centauri.

○ Structure of Nanocraft:
Camera, nuclear battery, propulsion system, navigation, communication equipment, nano machine 


☆ Crew
• Crews are two GAIs (Neutralink of male and female brain tissue: Adam and Eve)
・Two GAIs are backed up and restored to each other.


※The root of Starship [9]

10 years later Launch of No. 1 Nanocraft 
20 years later Completion of the laser propulsion system of Star shot 
25 years later Star shot firing 
45 years later We will get information from the star shot (resource, landable land, landing method).
50 years later Launch of No.2 nanocraft (supply ship) (2 new GAIs)
100 Years later Arrive at Alpha Centauri, collaboration of 2 nanocrafts and receive supply material (landing and terraform material etc)
150 Years later Arrive at earth type planet of Alpha Centauri and start of terafoam (mineral collection and processing, construction of solar panels etc)
160 years later Start of building a Starship 
☆2,000~3,000 years later  the completion of the Starship- Starship construction plan 
☆40,000 years later Humanity will arrive at the starship (Alpha Centauri)
☆10 million years later Reaching of a Starship to the other star. [4]

※Image of a star ship: A Shkadov thruster as conceived by the artist Steve Bowers. [10]

1.The helical model - our solar system is a vortex 
3.太陽が最期を迎えても地球ごと助かる方法 A Successful Failure
4.Martyn J. Fogg, "Solar Exchange as a Means of Ensuring the Long-Term Habitability of the Earth," Specul. Sci. Technol., 12, pp.153-157 1989.
5.YAHOO! 知恵袋
6.No.64-5 Plans to Build Interstellar Spacecraft:Breakthough Starshot 
7.Full braking at Alpha Centauri - Max-Planck-Gesellschaft 20170201
9. George Dvorsky “How An Interstellar Starship Could Actually Explore Alpha Centauri”at GIZMODO 20170202
10.PAUL GILSTER “Moving Stars: The Shkadov Thruster” 20131126

【Change log】
20170526 Addition of No.79-2 Starship construction plan:Proposal to Breakthough Starshot

79 星船 #宇宙旅行

79 星船 #宇宙旅行

79-1 宇宙船太陽系号




○Martyn J. Foggの提案(1989) [3]

※宇宙船太陽系号 [4]

79-2 星船建造計画:ブレークスルー・スターショットへの提案 [5]


※基本コンセプトはRenéHellerとMichael Hippkeの提案を参照。[6] [7] [8]

カメラ、バッテリー(:nuclear battery)、推進システム、ナビゲーション、通信機器、ナノ工作機




※Starshipの航路 [9]

☆10年後 1号探査機の打ち上げ
20年後 スターショットのレーザー推進システムの完成
25年後 スターショットの発射
45年後 スターショットからの情報(資源、着陸適地、着陸方法)を得る。
☆50年後 2号探査機(補給船)の打ち上げ(新たな2体)
☆100年後 ケンタウルス座アルファ星に到着+1・2号の連携・補給資材(着陸・テラフォーム資材等)の受け取り
☆150年後 ケンタウルス座アルファ星の地球型惑星に到着、テラフォームの開始(鉱物採取・加工、太陽パネルの建造 等)
☆160年後 星船建造開始
☆2,000~3,000年以内 星船の完成
☆4万年後 人類が星船(ケンタウルス座アルファ星)に到着
☆1,000万年後 星船(ケンタウルス座アルファ星)が他の恒星に到達する。[10]

※星船のイメージ: A Shkadov thruster as conceived by the artist Steve Bowers. [11]

【参 照】
1.The helical model - our solar system is a vortex 
3.太陽が最期を迎えても地球ごと助かる方法 A Successful Failure
4.YAHOO! 知恵袋
5.No.64-5 恒星探査計画 :Breakthough Starshot 
6.“太陽系外惑星へ探査機を送る新手法、科学者が提唱”at NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC 20170206
7.Full braking at Alpha Centauri - Max-Planck-Gesellschaft 20170201
9. George Dvorsky “How An Interstellar Starship Could Actually Explore Alpha Centauri”at GIZMODO 20170202
10. 太陽が最期を迎えても地球ごと助かる方法 - A Successful Failure 20080330
11.PAUL GILSTER “Moving Stars: The Shkadov Thruster” 20131126

20170526 No.79-2 星船建造計画 の追加