
46 How to Grow up with Pleasure

46 How to Grow up with PleasureIntelligenceDialogue with the Universe

Point-1】Never cares to worthless things
(1)Control Your Own Destiny
If you have not lived your life, Who will become yourself
Control Your Own Destiny or Someone Else Will.-Jack Welch1935-
Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life.
Don’t be trapped by dogma – which is living with the results of other people’s thinking.
Don’t let the noise of others’ opinions drown out your own inner voice.
And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition.  -Steve Jobs1955-2011

It is your heart to determine your happiness.
Which is true Lazy or impossible
As long as the tomato is a tomato, it is the real thing. It is fake when you try to show the tomato to melon.
Money is not all of life, but no money is inconvenient. Convenient is better.

(2)Find out what is really important for you Carry out the way to which your only once life be applied.
If today were the last day of my life, would I want to do what I am about to do today? Steve Jobs1955-2011
Even if I knew that tomorrow the world would go to pieces, I would still plant my apple tree. -Martin Luther1483-1546
Word of Tadanori Yokoo
"Be who you are"・・・"Explore yourself more and more to become your own ultimately, and you express it, its expression becomes the word of God.
(Randy Taguchi, " Island of Light Rain, Yakushima" p.195)

Go the extra mile on the only way that makes you getting a life
It's a real tear, or cop-out
Locate the goal, and go just straight

(3)Don't be trapped by compete.
Don’t have an inferiority complex.
Don't be scrupulous.
Merely appreciate that you are alive.
And concentrate your power on taking out 100%

Your mind will become easy if you appreciate. 

Point-2】 Reliance upon others is useless. Reliance upon others withers your mind and you become easy to be deceived.
When it is in dependency, the leading role of his life is not himself. Shigeki Suwa
"If it is made for individual to be buried into a group and these monotonous days are repeated free thinking becomes impossible, it becomes easy to start a hint, and mental regression comes." 村井翔
Source:「心理学・入門」宝島社文庫 December, 1999(p.198)
Since imprinting [which makes it regard it as an important thing that it is not important for you] is performed through education and a home life, it is necessary to continue the correction and escape from there tenaciously.

Freedom makes people solitude.
But don't be afraid.
You cannot grow up, if you are not solitude.
It says, if you do not forget love.
Solitude and love grow up you.

The friendship between the wise men is light like water. Chuang-tzu B.C.552-B.C.472

Criticize on the basis of alternative proposal.

Point-3】For grow up with pleasure, love the people, believe the people, accept the people, act for the people.
If not, you are reduced, and would result in disaster to yourself and mankind.

Go fishing for the happiness of the day. Make a fortune for the happiness of one year. Help the people for the happiness of life. The extract from a Chinese proverb

 BenevolenceJusticeCourtesyWisdom, and Sincerity
The 5 Confucian virtues
BenevolenceTo love million people in compassion, and to hold Courtesy by suppressing selfish desires.
... Chuang-tzu (BC552-BC472) was preached Benevolence the highest morality.
JusticeTo hold Courtesy by suppressing selfish desires
CourtesyConcrete action of Benevolence.
... Which was something that leads to identification system to the axis the patriarchy, but in modern times, it may be considered as manners.
WisdomIntelligence and culture.
SincerityThick friendship, honesty.
...That was proposed based on the five elements theory for the four virtues that Mencius (BC372? -BC289) proposed.

Humans are mass of greed.
Scramble leads to shortage. Share will lead to allowance. Scramble leads to hate. Share will lead to peace.
Have a soft heart

 Liberté, Égalité, Fraternité « リベルテ、エガリテ、フラテルニテ »
Originating from the French Revolution. (1790 )
FraternityIn France, charity or benevolence is class discriminatory.

Point-4】Do not be too greedy.
Human becomes smaller if he is too greed. And, he becomes easy to be deceived in person.

Even if  I think that I understand myself, actually it is hard to understand.
Your mind will become easy if you appreciate.・・・Everyone is a child of the miracle.

Point-5】Be positivThink always about happy things.

To do so, please praise yourself and others daily.・・・Because the positive and negative contagious.
Never blame yourself
To blame yourself is like making your enemy. As a result, everything becomes impossible increasingly.

Be positive, do it positive, give the positive  by Studio Gooda

Don't blame yourself.
But even you are small.
If you won't stop to blame, you'll be flour.

Easy Mindfulness
15 minutes. Close your eyes to focus on breathing. (Rather than do not think, only focus on what is happening now in front of you.) ・・・Good to sleep.

The brain works well when optimistic.
It's no problem if you stumbled in your life.
Don't mind troubles. You just alive
Basic of judo is passive. Judo's passive is the practice of tumbling, losing and exposing the shame in front of people.
Don't sweat it. Not to be idle. Take care of business.
Take care of business. Specific answer comes out if go for broke.
How come you spent so long thinking timeLife would end
You are limbo when you are confused. Snap out of itReally settle down if you put feet on the ground.

You must have insight and judgment not only intelligence and culture.

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