○Consciousness is the state that we can assess the environment, such as around the state and that their situation now, etc.
・Absent-minded consciousness is also in a dog, a cat, etc.
○Unit of consciousness ... Thermostat as one unit,
Flower 10units
Animal Several hundred units
○Level of consciousnes
Level1:They can recognize space. (Reptile)
Level2:They can recognize space and society. (Mammal )
Level3:We can recognize space, society and Time. (Reptile)
※ In addition, procrastination ability of satisfaction is the difference between the degree of success.
【Reference】 "The wonder future - latest physics talks" Michio Kaku (April 2015)
E Tele/New York incandescent classroom 20150424 consciousness and mind
※ Michio Kaku officialsite
○Quantum mind
British mathematician, astrophysics and theoretical physicist Roger Penrose (Roger Penrose, 1931-) has presented the hypothesis that there is deep relationship between information processing and quantum mechanics in the brain.
He says, basic and simple unknown attributes that becomes the original of a consciousness has been associated in each elementary particles. When the wave function is contracted in microtubules of neuron, at the same time the unknown attribute combines on, and high level consciousness of the organism occurs.
※Penrose believed that microtubules are involved in neurotransmission, but microtubule is a kind of cytoskeleton.
Neurotransmission due to propagation of changes in membrane potential of neurons (action potential) and it takes place via chemicals between neurons..
※ Hawking says, "Even if I admit his OR(Objective-Reduction:hypothesis theory about the development and reduction of the wave function), (because it is too fine things)it is hard to believe that the mechanism and system of the brain is affected by OR in nature. ".
○Quantum computer
As the phenomena of the elementary particles, they have two states (0 and 1 : bit) at the same time (the state of superposition and entanglement).
By controlling this property, it is possible to represent the number of conditions with fewer bits. This allows a calculation that was one by one processing until now, at the same time (in parallel) can be processed.This parallel processing, it is can be solved in a few tens of seconds in calculation which can not be solved even if it takes thousands of years in the current super computer.
2011 (128) D-Wave Systems, Inc. (Canada) was successful in the construction of a quantum computer "D-Wave".
1. No.40 Growing artificial intelligence(GAI)
2. Wikipedia/ Quantum computing
☆ If consciousness is due to the attributes of the particles, with the advancement of quantum computers, AI also might have a sense! = Meeting with non-life intelligence!
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