・The size of the universe is more than 93 billion light-years(ly). [1] ・・・0.92×10ˆ11
・Surface that the universe is expanding at the speed of light[2]
・Distance to the Andromeda Galaxy(the nearest galaxy) is about 2.5 million ly ・・・2.5×10ˆ6
・By the way, the disk of the Milky Way galaxy is about 100 000 ly in diameter. ・・・1×10ˆ5
・Distance to the nearest star ・・・4×10ˆ0
・Solar system is about 100,000 ly in diameter. ・・・0.6×10ˆ-3
・Distance to the Sun from the Earth ・・・1.6×10ˆ-5
・Diameter of the sun ・・・1.5×10ˆ-7
・The Earth is about 13,000 km in diameter. ・・・1.4×10ˆ-12
・Human height is about 1.7m. ・・・1.8×10ˆ-16
(The length of the DNA in the cell of the human is 1.8 m.)
・The size of human cells is about 15μm. ・・・1.6×10ˆ-21
・The size of the atom ・・・1×10ˆ-26
・The sizeof hadron (proton, neutron) ・・・1×10ˆ-31
☆The size of the atom and the nucleus is different enough human height and cell. So, the nucleus is not visible even look at the atom.
・The length of "String" and "other seven spatial dimensions" contemplated in the superstring theory ・・・1×10ˆ-51
☆If the reference unit of the size of the universe is the speed of light, the size of the parallel universe is about 1×10ˆ51ly.
☆It may be there are the 82nd power piece of 10 universe in the parallel universe.
[Expansion of the universe] [3]
• Since the Big Bang, The universe has continued to expand.
・Everything is moving away from us, with a speed that is proportional to its distance. :The Hubble Law [4]
・ For expansion of the universe is the expansion of space-time itself, so it is also possible to exceed the speed of light.
・The universe is the same everywhere.:Uniformity
・Currently, the observable universe is expanding at 3.5 times the speed of light.
・Expansion of the universe is described in the general theory of relativity.
・ Outside of the observable universe is not known whether infinite or finite.
⇒ Therefore, in order to escape from our universe, rather than fly, it is necessary to exceed the time and space.
1. Wikipedia: 観測可能な宇宙(The universe/Japanese)
2. The galaxies, 18 billion light-years more distant from the observer, go far off beyond the speed of light. So we can not observe them.
3. Wikipedia:宇宙(The universe/Japanese)
4. edX/Cosmology/Section1 Space and Time/Lesson1/Referende Notes 1
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