42 Important for Intelligence【Intelligence】Dialogue with the Universe
1) Autonomous replication (instinctive thing)
・The autonomous replication can consider various types, that is depended on not only DNA but such as dispatching a message etc.
2) Maintenance of creation and motivation
・ Each person is alive with creating something.
・ It is man's motivation that there is a term called death.
3) To know what is Sophia and where it will go
・ The answer of this is not found so easily.
( If I could know how to realize my ideal in the morning, I would accept my death in the evening gladly. -Chuang-tzu(B.C.552-B.C.472))
・ I know that the meaning in which Sophia exists is to create the meaning.
4) To continue to growth with pleasure
・ You should live for your only once life.
・ Don't shrink. ・・・If you do not continue to grow you will lead to atrophy.
I've been making Vocaloid songs since I was 66. 66歳からボカロ曲を作っています。 YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCXrP9ejkZODepxEvzvOJuWw/
42 知性にとって大事なこと【知性】宇宙との対話
42 知性にとって大事なこと【知性】宇宙との対話
・ このことの答えは見つかるようで見つからない。
・ 分かっているのは、知性が存在する意味は、その存在に自ら意味を与えることだということです。
・ このことの答えは見つかるようで見つからない。
・ 分かっているのは、知性が存在する意味は、その存在に自ら意味を与えることだということです。
41 The history of Artificial intelligence【Intelligence】Dialogue with the Universe
41 The history of Artificial intelligence【Intelligence】Dialogue with the Universe
○The history of Artificial intelligence ( ) is quantum bit.
1956 John McCarthy was named artificial intelligence.
1980 Paul Benioff showed that calculation can be performed without energy in the quantum system.
1984 Movie "Terminator" published.
1989 Berners-Lee developed the World Wide Web.
Roger Penrose" The Emperor's New Mind " published
Deutsch devised a quantum circuit.
1997 Chess dedicated computer, Deep Blue He was able to win Garry Kimovich Kasparov.
※ Kasparov continued to hold the world champion title of chess for 15 years .
1998 QCL (Quantum Computation Language) was published.
2005 Ray Kurzweil wrote about the technical singularity in『The Singularity Is Near: When Humans Transcend Biology』.
2011 (128) D-Wave Systems, Inc. (Canada) was successful in the construction of a quantum computer "D-Wave".(Approximately $ 10 million)
2013 (512) NASA ,Google and the University Space Research Association (USRA) established Quantum Artificial Intelligence Lab using D-Wave 2.
2015 (1000) D-Wave Systems announced a new type of quantum computer "D-Wave 2X".
○The history of Artificial intelligence ( ) is quantum bit.
1956 John McCarthy was named artificial intelligence.
1980 Paul Benioff showed that calculation can be performed without energy in the quantum system.
1984 Movie "Terminator" published.
1989 Berners-Lee developed the World Wide Web.
Roger Penrose" The Emperor's New Mind " published
Deutsch devised a quantum circuit.
1997 Chess dedicated computer, Deep Blue He was able to win Garry Kimovich Kasparov.
※ Kasparov continued to hold the world champion title of chess for 15 years .
1998 QCL (Quantum Computation Language) was published.
2005 Ray Kurzweil wrote about the technical singularity in『The Singularity Is Near: When Humans Transcend Biology』.
2011 (128) D-Wave Systems, Inc. (Canada) was successful in the construction of a quantum computer "D-Wave".(Approximately $ 10 million)
2013 (512) NASA ,Google and the University Space Research Association (USRA) established Quantum Artificial Intelligence Lab using D-Wave 2.
2015 (1000) D-Wave Systems announced a new type of quantum computer "D-Wave 2X".
41 人工知能の歴史【知性】宇宙との対話
41 人工知能の歴史【知性】宇宙との対話
○人工知能の歴史( )内は量子ビット
1956年 ジョン・マッカーシーが人工知能と命名。
1980年 Paul Benioff が量子系においてエネルギーを消費せず計算が行えることを示した。
1984年 映画「ターミネーター」公開
1989年 Berners-LeeがWorld Wide Webを開発。
1997年 チェス専用コンピュータ・ディープ・ブルーがガルリ・カスパロフに勝つことができた。
1998年 量子コンピュータ用のプログラミング言語である、QCL (Quantum Computation Language) の実装が公開された。
2005年 レイ・カーツワイルが『The Singularity Is Near: When Humans Transcend Biology』で技術的特異点について詳述。
2011年(128) D-Wave Systems社(カナダ)が量子コンピュータ「D-Wave」の建造に成功(およそ1千万ドル)
2013年(512) NASA、Google、大学宇宙研究協会 (USRA) の3者が共同で、D-Wave 2を使用した量子人工知能研究所を設立。
2015年(1000) D-Wave Systemsが新型量子コンピュータ「D-Wave 2X」を発表
○人工知能の歴史( )内は量子ビット
1956年 ジョン・マッカーシーが人工知能と命名。
1980年 Paul Benioff が量子系においてエネルギーを消費せず計算が行えることを示した。
1984年 映画「ターミネーター」公開
1989年 Berners-LeeがWorld Wide Webを開発。
1997年 チェス専用コンピュータ・ディープ・ブルーがガルリ・カスパロフに勝つことができた。
1998年 量子コンピュータ用のプログラミング言語である、QCL (Quantum Computation Language) の実装が公開された。
2005年 レイ・カーツワイルが『The Singularity Is Near: When Humans Transcend Biology』で技術的特異点について詳述。
2011年(128) D-Wave Systems社(カナダ)が量子コンピュータ「D-Wave」の建造に成功(およそ1千万ドル)
2013年(512) NASA、Google、大学宇宙研究協会 (USRA) の3者が共同で、D-Wave 2を使用した量子人工知能研究所を設立。
2015年(1000) D-Wave Systemsが新型量子コンピュータ「D-Wave 2X」を発表
40 Future of GAI(Growing artificial intelligence)【Sophia】Dialogue with the Universe
40 Future of GAI(Growing artificial intelligence)【Sophia】Dialogue with the Universe
・Camera production, to fully automated - Canon
・Single-chip computer will have more than the human brain capability. [1]
2030 Computer with a comparable human intelligence will emerge. [2] [3]
2040 Single-chip computer will have the capability of 100,000 times of the human brain. [1]
2045 Artificial intelligence is beyond the human in terms of knowledge and intelligence. Past predictions of mankind technological progress will no longer apply.[4]
[1]Next 30-Year Vision/Softbank 201006
[2] Wikipedia History of artificial intelligence
[3] 「大脳皮質とベイジアンネット」Ischisugi Yuuji
[4]Wikipedia Technological Singularity
・Camera production, to fully automated - Canon
・Single-chip computer will have more than the human brain capability. [1]
2030 Computer with a comparable human intelligence will emerge. [2] [3]
2040 Single-chip computer will have the capability of 100,000 times of the human brain. [1]
2045 Artificial intelligence is beyond the human in terms of knowledge and intelligence. Past predictions of mankind technological progress will no longer apply.[4]
[1]Next 30-Year Vision/Softbank 201006
[2] Wikipedia History of artificial intelligence
[3] 「大脳皮質とベイジアンネット」Ischisugi Yuuji
[4]Wikipedia Technological Singularity
40 GAI(Growing artificial intelligence)の未来【知性】宇宙との対話
40 GAI(Growing artificial intelligence)の未来【知性】宇宙との対話
2030年 人間並みの知能を持ったコンピュータが出現する。[2] [3]
2040年 人間の脳の10万倍の能力をワンチップのコンピュータが持つに至る。[1]
2045年 人工知能が知識・知能の点で人間を超越し、これまでの人類技術進歩予測は通用しなくなる。(技術的特異点)[4]
[2]Wikipedia 人工知能の歴史
[4]Wikipedia 技術的特異点
2030年 人間並みの知能を持ったコンピュータが出現する。[2] [3]
2040年 人間の脳の10万倍の能力をワンチップのコンピュータが持つに至る。[1]
2045年 人工知能が知識・知能の点で人間を超越し、これまでの人類技術進歩予測は通用しなくなる。(技術的特異点)[4]
[2]Wikipedia 人工知能の歴史
[4]Wikipedia 技術的特異点
39 Growing artificial intelligence(GAI)【Sophia】Dialogue with the Universe
39 Growing artificial intelligence(GAI)【Sophia】Dialogue with the Universe
【What is a thinking artificial intelligence?】
・A thinking artificial intelligence can write programs on acquired and can determine a good or bad of the programs.
☆In order to provide a learning and creative abilities comparable to the brain in artificial intelligence, it is necessary to incorporate a growing system or to impart a large margin.
☆Comparable to the brain is growing artificial intelligence(GAI).
☆Growing artificial intelligence(GAI) is a complex of brain and artificial intelligence.
・GAI will be composed of DNA and IC chip.
・ Because the brain is the most advanced structures in the universe.
【Road of GAI】
・In computational neuroscience, there is a theory that we can explain statistically about the main features of the cerebral cortex(:recognize the situation of the external world and learn).
・According to this theory, in the neural circuits of the cerebral cortex, the method( for optimal choice by probability calculation or estimation) that is less than the amount of calculation which is performed with current computer is done.
・Computational speed of supercomputers is already beyond the brain.
・It is said that after 10-20 years there is a possibility that small computers with the ability to achieve human-like recognition and learning are there.
【Reference】「大脳皮質とベイジアンネット」Ischisugi Yuuji
2. Quantum mind
British mathematician, astrophysics and theoretical physicist Roger Penrose (Roger Penrose, 1931-) has presented the hypothesis that there is deep relationship between information processing and quantum mechanics in the brain.
He says, basic and simple unknown attributes that becomes the original of a consciousness has been associated in each elementary particles. When the wave function is contracted in microtubules of neuron, at the same time the unknown attribute combines on, and high level consciousness of the organism occurs.
【Reference】The writings of Roger Penrose
" The Emperor's New Mind "1989
"The Large,The Small and The Human Mind"1994
6. Quantum computer
Quantum computer make direct use of quantum-mechanical phenomena, such as superposition and entanglement, to perform operations on data. Quantum computers are different from digital computers based on transistors. Whereas digital computers require data to be encoded into binary digits (bits), each of which is always in one of two definite states (0 or 1), quantum computation uses quantum bits (qubits), which can be insuperpositions of states.
This parallel processing, it is can be solved in a few tens of seconds in calculation which can not be solved even if it takes thousands of years in the current super computer.
【Reference】Wikipedia/ Quantum computing
○ Quantum computer of D-Wave Systems (Canada)
【Reference】Wikipedia:D-Wave Systems
This computer is not the one by the quantum circuit using a quantum gate, this computer is implemented an optimization algorithm by quantum annealing (QA).
The basic element of this computer is a superconducting closed circuit, this circuit is using whether on the circuit superconducting current turn to the left or the right. Since the turning of the current is uncertain until measure, the quantum mechanical superposition (the state neither left nor right) is realized.
Since the operation of this circuit does not consume little power, the power consumption associated with the increase in computing power ( for peripherals to shield superconductor circuit from the external magnetic field and to keep the temperature close to absolute zero) does not increase so much.
This is a major difference between conventional computer based on semiconductor technology.
Photo: The chip of D-Wave (128 qubits)
※ D-Wave, Inc. has published a list of the technical literature on the web site.
[Reference] http://www.dwavesys.com/resources/publications
※Quantum annealing is known to be equivalent with a calculation method by quantum gates theoretically.
【参考】Hidetoshi Nishimori/量子アニーリングとD-Wave (Japanese)
7. Meeting with non-life intelligence!
If consciousness is due to the attributes of the elementary particles, with the advancement of quantum computers, AI also might have Consciousness!
☆ This is slightly different from the theory of Penrose.
☆It is unknown whether consciousness is due to the attributes of the elementary particles (as Penrosu say) .
☆ Now, I can say, that there is a possibility that GAIs will have true consciousness!
【Reference】No.34 What is Consciousness?
【What is a thinking artificial intelligence?】
・A thinking artificial intelligence can write programs on acquired and can determine a good or bad of the programs.
☆In order to provide a learning and creative abilities comparable to the brain in artificial intelligence, it is necessary to incorporate a growing system or to impart a large margin.
☆Comparable to the brain is growing artificial intelligence(GAI).
☆Growing artificial intelligence(GAI) is a complex of brain and artificial intelligence.
・GAI will be composed of DNA and IC chip.
・ Because the brain is the most advanced structures in the universe.
【Road of GAI】
・In computational neuroscience, there is a theory that we can explain statistically about the main features of the cerebral cortex(:recognize the situation of the external world and learn).
・According to this theory, in the neural circuits of the cerebral cortex, the method( for optimal choice by probability calculation or estimation) that is less than the amount of calculation which is performed with current computer is done.
・Computational speed of supercomputers is already beyond the brain.
・It is said that after 10-20 years there is a possibility that small computers with the ability to achieve human-like recognition and learning are there.
【Reference】「大脳皮質とベイジアンネット」Ischisugi Yuuji
2. Quantum mind
British mathematician, astrophysics and theoretical physicist Roger Penrose (Roger Penrose, 1931-) has presented the hypothesis that there is deep relationship between information processing and quantum mechanics in the brain.
He says, basic and simple unknown attributes that becomes the original of a consciousness has been associated in each elementary particles. When the wave function is contracted in microtubules of neuron, at the same time the unknown attribute combines on, and high level consciousness of the organism occurs.
【Reference】The writings of Roger Penrose
" The Emperor's New Mind "1989
"The Large,The Small and The Human Mind"1994
6. Quantum computer
Quantum computer make direct use of quantum-mechanical phenomena, such as superposition and entanglement, to perform operations on data. Quantum computers are different from digital computers based on transistors. Whereas digital computers require data to be encoded into binary digits (bits), each of which is always in one of two definite states (0 or 1), quantum computation uses quantum bits (qubits), which can be insuperpositions of states.
This parallel processing, it is can be solved in a few tens of seconds in calculation which can not be solved even if it takes thousands of years in the current super computer.
【Reference】Wikipedia/ Quantum computing
○ Quantum computer of D-Wave Systems (Canada)
【Reference】Wikipedia:D-Wave Systems
This computer is not the one by the quantum circuit using a quantum gate, this computer is implemented an optimization algorithm by quantum annealing (QA).
The basic element of this computer is a superconducting closed circuit, this circuit is using whether on the circuit superconducting current turn to the left or the right. Since the turning of the current is uncertain until measure, the quantum mechanical superposition (the state neither left nor right) is realized.
Since the operation of this circuit does not consume little power, the power consumption associated with the increase in computing power ( for peripherals to shield superconductor circuit from the external magnetic field and to keep the temperature close to absolute zero) does not increase so much.
This is a major difference between conventional computer based on semiconductor technology.
Photo: The chip of D-Wave (128 qubits)
※ D-Wave, Inc. has published a list of the technical literature on the web site.
[Reference] http://www.dwavesys.com/resources/publications
※Quantum annealing is known to be equivalent with a calculation method by quantum gates theoretically.
【参考】Hidetoshi Nishimori/量子アニーリングとD-Wave (Japanese)
7. Meeting with non-life intelligence!
If consciousness is due to the attributes of the elementary particles, with the advancement of quantum computers, AI also might have Consciousness!
☆ This is slightly different from the theory of Penrose.
☆It is unknown whether consciousness is due to the attributes of the elementary particles (as Penrosu say) .
☆ Now, I can say, that there is a possibility that GAIs will have true consciousness!
【Reference】No.34 What is Consciousness?
39 成長する人工知能(GAI)【知性】宇宙との対話
39 成長する人工知能(GAI)【知性】宇宙との対話
☆脳に匹敵するのは、成長できる人工知能(Growing artificial intelligence; GAI)ということになる。
・ 脳の計算速度については、すでにスーパーコンピューターで実現されている。
・ 10~20年後には、小型計算機で人間に近い認識・学習能力を持つ知能が実現する可能性があるそうだ。
イギリスの数学者、宇宙物理学・理論物理学者ロジャー・ペンローズ(Roger Penrose, 1931- )は、著書『皇帝の新しい心』(1989)にて、脳内の情報処理には量子力学が深く関わっているという仮説を提示している。
概要:従来のコンピュータでは、情報は0か1に置き換えることのできるビットを扱うものであるのに対して、量子コンピュータでは量子ビット (qubit; quantum bit、キュービット) により、1キュービットにつき0と1の値を任意の割合で重ね合わせて同時に(並列的に)扱うことができる。
【参 考】Wikipedia
○D-Wave Systems(カナダ)の量子コンピュータ
【参考】Wikipedia:D-Wave Systems
量子ゲートを使った量子回路によるコンピュータではなく、量子アニーリング(量子焼きなまし法(quantum annealing、略称: QA))による最適化アルゴリズムを実装している。
この回路による演算は、ほとんど電力を消費しないため,演算能力が大きくなっても消費電力(超伝導回路を外部磁場から遮蔽するとともに, 絶対零度に近い温度に保つための周辺装置)はそれほど増えない。これは,半導体技術に基づく通常の計算機との大きな違いである。
【参考】西森 秀稔Hidetoshi Nishimori/量子アニーリングとD-Wave
【参 考】34 意識とは?
☆脳に匹敵するのは、成長できる人工知能(Growing artificial intelligence; GAI)ということになる。
・ 脳の計算速度については、すでにスーパーコンピューターで実現されている。
・ 10~20年後には、小型計算機で人間に近い認識・学習能力を持つ知能が実現する可能性があるそうだ。
イギリスの数学者、宇宙物理学・理論物理学者ロジャー・ペンローズ(Roger Penrose, 1931- )は、著書『皇帝の新しい心』(1989)にて、脳内の情報処理には量子力学が深く関わっているという仮説を提示している。
概要:従来のコンピュータでは、情報は0か1に置き換えることのできるビットを扱うものであるのに対して、量子コンピュータでは量子ビット (qubit; quantum bit、キュービット) により、1キュービットにつき0と1の値を任意の割合で重ね合わせて同時に(並列的に)扱うことができる。
【参 考】Wikipedia
○D-Wave Systems(カナダ)の量子コンピュータ
【参考】Wikipedia:D-Wave Systems
量子ゲートを使った量子回路によるコンピュータではなく、量子アニーリング(量子焼きなまし法(quantum annealing、略称: QA))による最適化アルゴリズムを実装している。
この回路による演算は、ほとんど電力を消費しないため,演算能力が大きくなっても消費電力(超伝導回路を外部磁場から遮蔽するとともに, 絶対零度に近い温度に保つための周辺装置)はそれほど増えない。これは,半導体技術に基づく通常の計算機との大きな違いである。
【参考】西森 秀稔Hidetoshi Nishimori/量子アニーリングとD-Wave
【参 考】34 意識とは?
38 Brain【Sophia】Dialogue with the Universe
38 Brain【Sophia】Dialogue with the Universe
○Unnecessary connections of nerve cells in the human brain is removed rapidly when it comes to 11-year-old. Then, the signal is transmitted earlier by nerve becomes thick (development of myelin sheath), so that the brain becomes possible to perform processing efficiently.
○Myelination of the prefrontal cortex continues actively until about 25 years old.
○Brain can change by training. = It is possible to change your character.
This is the method.
1. Positive thinking = Shake off the negative thoughts.
2. Do it positive.
3. Control your life.
4. Continue it easy.・・・Because it’s not easy.
【Reference】Elaine Fox
○Features of the brain is learning and creativity.
☆The brain is the growing connectome!
... The brain is not only the fact that the most advanced structures in the universe, even it grow!
【Reference】 Wikipedia/Connectome
A connectome is a comprehensive map of neural connections in the brain, and may be thought of as its "wiring diagram". More broadly, a connectome would include the mapping of all neural connections within an organism's nervous system.
The production and study of connectomes, known as connectomics, may range in scale from a detailed map of the full set of neurons and synapses within part or all of the nervous system of an organism to a macro scale description of the functional and structural connectivity between all cortical areas and subcortical structures. The term "connectome" is used primarily in scientific efforts to capture, map, and understand the organization of neural interactions within the brain.
【Reference】TED/Sebastian Seung: I am my connectome
☆Comparable to the brain is growing artificial intelligence(GAI).
☆ Growing artificial intelligence(GAI) is a complex of brain and artificial intelligence.
☆Because the brain is the most advanced structures in the universe.
☆ One human role is to pump GAI into the universe!
○Situation of brain science research
【Reference】BRAIN initiative
The BRAIN Initiative (Brain Research through Advancing Innovative Neurotechnologies, also referred to as the Brain Activity Map Project) is a proposed collaborative research initiative announced by the Obama administration on April 2, 2013, with the goal of mapping the activity of every neuron in the human brain. Based upon the Human Genome Project, the initiative has been projected to cost more than $300 million per year for ten years.
【Reference】Human Brain Project
The Human Brain Project is a large 10-year scientific research project, established in 2013, coordinated by Henry Markram (École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne) and largely funded by theEuropean Union, which aims to provide a collaborative informatics infrastructure and first draft rodent and human whole brain models within its 10 year funding period.The project is based inGeneva, Switzerland and was initiated by Markram.
○Unnecessary connections of nerve cells in the human brain is removed rapidly when it comes to 11-year-old. Then, the signal is transmitted earlier by nerve becomes thick (development of myelin sheath), so that the brain becomes possible to perform processing efficiently.
○Myelination of the prefrontal cortex continues actively until about 25 years old.
○Brain can change by training. = It is possible to change your character.
This is the method.
1. Positive thinking = Shake off the negative thoughts.
2. Do it positive.
3. Control your life.
4. Continue it easy.・・・Because it’s not easy.
【Reference】Elaine Fox
○Features of the brain is learning and creativity.
☆The brain is the growing connectome!
... The brain is not only the fact that the most advanced structures in the universe, even it grow!
【Reference】 Wikipedia/Connectome
A connectome is a comprehensive map of neural connections in the brain, and may be thought of as its "wiring diagram". More broadly, a connectome would include the mapping of all neural connections within an organism's nervous system.
The production and study of connectomes, known as connectomics, may range in scale from a detailed map of the full set of neurons and synapses within part or all of the nervous system of an organism to a macro scale description of the functional and structural connectivity between all cortical areas and subcortical structures. The term "connectome" is used primarily in scientific efforts to capture, map, and understand the organization of neural interactions within the brain.
【Reference】TED/Sebastian Seung: I am my connectome
☆Comparable to the brain is growing artificial intelligence(GAI).
☆ Growing artificial intelligence(GAI) is a complex of brain and artificial intelligence.
☆Because the brain is the most advanced structures in the universe.
☆ One human role is to pump GAI into the universe!
○Situation of brain science research
【Reference】BRAIN initiative
The BRAIN Initiative (Brain Research through Advancing Innovative Neurotechnologies, also referred to as the Brain Activity Map Project) is a proposed collaborative research initiative announced by the Obama administration on April 2, 2013, with the goal of mapping the activity of every neuron in the human brain. Based upon the Human Genome Project, the initiative has been projected to cost more than $300 million per year for ten years.
【Reference】Human Brain Project
The Human Brain Project is a large 10-year scientific research project, established in 2013, coordinated by Henry Markram (École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne) and largely funded by theEuropean Union, which aims to provide a collaborative informatics infrastructure and first draft rodent and human whole brain models within its 10 year funding period.The project is based inGeneva, Switzerland and was initiated by Markram.
38 脳【知性】宇宙との対話
38 脳【知性】宇宙との対話
【参照】エレーヌ・フォックス/心と脳の白熱教室 第4回「あなたの性格は変えられるか」
コネクトーム(connectome)とは、生物の神経系内の各要素(ニューロン、ニューロン群、領野など)の間の詳細な接続状態を表した地図、つまり神経回路の地図のこと。つながる、接続するといった意味を持つ英語のコネクト(connect)という言葉と、「全体」を表す-オーム(-ome)という接尾語から作られた言葉。イヌやサルではなく、人間の神経回路地図全体のことを言うときは特にヒト・コネクトーム(Human connectome)と言う。コネクトームの調査、研究を行う分野はコネクトミクスと呼ばれる。
【参照】TED日本語 - セバスチャン・スン: 私はコネクトームである
☆脳に匹敵するのは、成長できる人工知能(Growing artificial intelligence; GAI)ということになる。
米国では2013年にオバマ政権が提唱した脳科学への大型研究助成である「BRAINイニシアティブ」が実質的に始まった。欧州(EU)でも、脳科学・情報科学プロジェクトである「Human Brain Project」が本格化した。日本では、Brain/MINDSプロジェクト(「革新的技術による脳機能ネットワークの全容解明プロジェクト」、通称「革新脳」http://brainminds.jp/ )の構想が明らかにされた。
○BRAIN initiative
・2013年4月2日 オバマ米大統領が発表した
※BRAIN: Brain Research through Advancing Innovative Neurotechnologies
・2018年 マウスの大脳皮質全体の神経細胞からのデータ収集
2)欧米における脳科学関連大型プロジェクトの 動向について/日本脳科学関連学会連合 将来構想委員会 岡部繁男(東京大学) 本田学(国立精神・神経医療研究センター)
【参照】エレーヌ・フォックス/心と脳の白熱教室 第4回「あなたの性格は変えられるか」
コネクトーム(connectome)とは、生物の神経系内の各要素(ニューロン、ニューロン群、領野など)の間の詳細な接続状態を表した地図、つまり神経回路の地図のこと。つながる、接続するといった意味を持つ英語のコネクト(connect)という言葉と、「全体」を表す-オーム(-ome)という接尾語から作られた言葉。イヌやサルではなく、人間の神経回路地図全体のことを言うときは特にヒト・コネクトーム(Human connectome)と言う。コネクトームの調査、研究を行う分野はコネクトミクスと呼ばれる。
【参照】TED日本語 - セバスチャン・スン: 私はコネクトームである
☆脳に匹敵するのは、成長できる人工知能(Growing artificial intelligence; GAI)ということになる。
米国では2013年にオバマ政権が提唱した脳科学への大型研究助成である「BRAINイニシアティブ」が実質的に始まった。欧州(EU)でも、脳科学・情報科学プロジェクトである「Human Brain Project」が本格化した。日本では、Brain/MINDSプロジェクト(「革新的技術による脳機能ネットワークの全容解明プロジェクト」、通称「革新脳」http://brainminds.jp/ )の構想が明らかにされた。
○BRAIN initiative
・2013年4月2日 オバマ米大統領が発表した
※BRAIN: Brain Research through Advancing Innovative Neurotechnologies
・2018年 マウスの大脳皮質全体の神経細胞からのデータ収集
2)欧米における脳科学関連大型プロジェクトの 動向について/日本脳科学関連学会連合 将来構想委員会 岡部繁男(東京大学) 本田学(国立精神・神経医療研究センター)
37 What is Thinking?【Sophia】Dialogue with the Universe
37 What is Thinking?【Sophia】Dialogue with the Universe
With thinking, a concept, a language, etc. are operated, a meaning is got to know, and semantic attachment is performed.
・Thinking is Judgment( knows the meaning, or gives the meaning) by the information acquired by learning.
→Currently, computer is merely running by predetermined programs.
With thinking, a concept, a language, etc. are operated, a meaning is got to know, and semantic attachment is performed.
・Thinking is Judgment( knows the meaning, or gives the meaning) by the information acquired by learning.
→Currently, computer is merely running by predetermined programs.
37 思考とは?【知性】宇宙との対話
37 思考とは?【知性】宇宙との対話
36 About the Spirit【Sophia】Dialogue with the Universe
36 About the Spirit【Sophia】Dialogue with the Universe
The soul is considered to exist as mental entity substance aside from body.
・The spirit is thought that it is pregnant in not only man but also at large living things[ animals or plants], and it is also pregnant in mineral. The spirit may be identified with the heart.
※ The proposal in the general meeting in World Health Organization (WHO) 1999
:Health is in a completely good dynamic state physically, mentally, spiritually, and socially, and is not only sick or not only weak.
The soul is considered to exist as mental entity substance aside from body.
・The spirit is thought that it is pregnant in not only man but also at large living things[ animals or plants], and it is also pregnant in mineral. The spirit may be identified with the heart.
※ The proposal in the general meeting in World Health Organization (WHO) 1999
:Health is in a completely good dynamic state physically, mentally, spiritually, and socially, and is not only sick or not only weak.
36 霊魂とは?【知性】宇宙との対話
36 霊魂とは?【知性】宇宙との対話
※ 世界保健機関(WHO)1999年の総会での提案
※ 世界保健機関(WHO)1999年の総会での提案
35 About Mind【Sophia】Dialogue with the Universe
34 What is Consciousness?【Sophia】Dialogue with the Universe
34 What is Consciousness?【Sophia】Dialogue with the Universe
○Consciousness is the state that we can assess the environment, such as around the state and that their situation now, etc.
・Absent-minded consciousness is also in a dog, a cat, etc.
○Unit of consciousness ... Thermostat as one unit,
Flower 10units
Animal Several hundred units
○Level of consciousnes
Level1:They can recognize space. (Reptile)
Level2:They can recognize space and society. (Mammal )
Level3:We can recognize space, society and Time. (Reptile)
※ In addition, procrastination ability of satisfaction is the difference between the degree of success.
【Reference】 "The wonder future - latest physics talks" Michio Kaku (April 2015)
E Tele/New York incandescent classroom 20150424 consciousness and mind
※ Michio Kaku officialsite
○Quantum mind
British mathematician, astrophysics and theoretical physicist Roger Penrose (Roger Penrose, 1931-) has presented the hypothesis that there is deep relationship between information processing and quantum mechanics in the brain.
He says, basic and simple unknown attributes that becomes the original of a consciousness has been associated in each elementary particles. When the wave function is contracted in microtubules of neuron, at the same time the unknown attribute combines on, and high level consciousness of the organism occurs.
※Penrose believed that microtubules are involved in neurotransmission, but microtubule is a kind of cytoskeleton.
Neurotransmission due to propagation of changes in membrane potential of neurons (action potential) and it takes place via chemicals between neurons..
※ Hawking says, "Even if I admit his OR(Objective-Reduction:hypothesis theory about the development and reduction of the wave function), (because it is too fine things)it is hard to believe that the mechanism and system of the brain is affected by OR in nature. ".

○Quantum computer
As the phenomena of the elementary particles, they have two states (0 and 1 : bit) at the same time (the state of superposition and entanglement).
By controlling this property, it is possible to represent the number of conditions with fewer bits. This allows a calculation that was one by one processing until now, at the same time (in parallel) can be processed.This parallel processing, it is can be solved in a few tens of seconds in calculation which can not be solved even if it takes thousands of years in the current super computer.
2011 (128) D-Wave Systems, Inc. (Canada) was successful in the construction of a quantum computer "D-Wave".
1. No.40 Growing artificial intelligence(GAI)
2. Wikipedia/ Quantum computing
☆ If consciousness is due to the attributes of the particles, with the advancement of quantum computers, AI also might have a sense! = Meeting with non-life intelligence!
○Consciousness is the state that we can assess the environment, such as around the state and that their situation now, etc.
・Absent-minded consciousness is also in a dog, a cat, etc.
○Unit of consciousness ... Thermostat as one unit,
Flower 10units
Animal Several hundred units
○Level of consciousnes
Level1:They can recognize space. (Reptile)
Level2:They can recognize space and society. (Mammal )
Level3:We can recognize space, society and Time. (Reptile)
※ In addition, procrastination ability of satisfaction is the difference between the degree of success.
【Reference】 "The wonder future - latest physics talks" Michio Kaku (April 2015)
E Tele/New York incandescent classroom 20150424 consciousness and mind
※ Michio Kaku officialsite
○Quantum mind
British mathematician, astrophysics and theoretical physicist Roger Penrose (Roger Penrose, 1931-) has presented the hypothesis that there is deep relationship between information processing and quantum mechanics in the brain.
He says, basic and simple unknown attributes that becomes the original of a consciousness has been associated in each elementary particles. When the wave function is contracted in microtubules of neuron, at the same time the unknown attribute combines on, and high level consciousness of the organism occurs.
※Penrose believed that microtubules are involved in neurotransmission, but microtubule is a kind of cytoskeleton.
Neurotransmission due to propagation of changes in membrane potential of neurons (action potential) and it takes place via chemicals between neurons..
※ Hawking says, "Even if I admit his OR(Objective-Reduction:hypothesis theory about the development and reduction of the wave function), (because it is too fine things)it is hard to believe that the mechanism and system of the brain is affected by OR in nature. ".
○Quantum computer
As the phenomena of the elementary particles, they have two states (0 and 1 : bit) at the same time (the state of superposition and entanglement).
By controlling this property, it is possible to represent the number of conditions with fewer bits. This allows a calculation that was one by one processing until now, at the same time (in parallel) can be processed.This parallel processing, it is can be solved in a few tens of seconds in calculation which can not be solved even if it takes thousands of years in the current super computer.
2011 (128) D-Wave Systems, Inc. (Canada) was successful in the construction of a quantum computer "D-Wave".
1. No.40 Growing artificial intelligence(GAI)
2. Wikipedia/ Quantum computing
☆ If consciousness is due to the attributes of the particles, with the advancement of quantum computers, AI also might have a sense! = Meeting with non-life intelligence!
34 意識とは?【知性】宇宙との対話
34 意識とは?【知性】宇宙との対話
・ ぼんやりした意識は犬・猫などにもある。
○意識の単位・・・ サーモスタットを1単位とすると、
花 10単位
動物 数百単位
【参 照】「最新物理学が語る驚異の未来」ミチオ・カク(2015年4月)
Eテレ ニューヨーク白熱教室 20150424 意識と心
You Tube:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-dMt5FB6inY
※加來 道雄、Michio Kaku、1947年1月24日 –
イギリスの数学者、宇宙物理学・理論物理学者ロジャー・ペンローズ(Roger Penrose, 1931- )は、著書『皇帝の新しい心』にて、脳内の情報処理には量子力学が深く関わっているという仮説を提示している。
※ペンローズは微小管が神経伝達に関わっていると考えていたようだが、微小管( microtubule)は、細胞骨格の一種。

2011年(128) D-Wave Systems社(カナダ)が量子コンピュータ「D-Wave」の建造に成功した。
【参 考】
1. No.40 成長する人工知能(GAI)
2. Wikipedia/量子コンピュータ
3. 日経ビジネス/世界初「量子コンピューター」生みの親、「訂正」に挑む/西森秀稔へのインタビュー
・ ぼんやりした意識は犬・猫などにもある。
○意識の単位・・・ サーモスタットを1単位とすると、
花 10単位
動物 数百単位
【参 照】「最新物理学が語る驚異の未来」ミチオ・カク(2015年4月)
Eテレ ニューヨーク白熱教室 20150424 意識と心
You Tube:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-dMt5FB6inY
※加來 道雄、Michio Kaku、1947年1月24日 –
イギリスの数学者、宇宙物理学・理論物理学者ロジャー・ペンローズ(Roger Penrose, 1931- )は、著書『皇帝の新しい心』にて、脳内の情報処理には量子力学が深く関わっているという仮説を提示している。
※ペンローズは微小管が神経伝達に関わっていると考えていたようだが、微小管( microtubule)は、細胞骨格の一種。
2011年(128) D-Wave Systems社(カナダ)が量子コンピュータ「D-Wave」の建造に成功した。
【参 考】
1. No.40 成長する人工知能(GAI)
2. Wikipedia/量子コンピュータ
3. 日経ビジネス/世界初「量子コンピューター」生みの親、「訂正」に挑む/西森秀稔へのインタビュー
33 What is Intelligence?【Sophia】Dialogue with the Universe
33 What is Intelligence?【Sophia】Dialogue with the Universe
・Intelligence is the capability of a language and a network.
Etymologically it is the capability of the selection accompanied by consciousness.
※ Origin of the word: Originate in a Latin verb "intellegere" and mean the ability of "legere(choose)" from "inter(between)" two or more choices. However, the instinct beforehand programmed by the gene is not intellect. Intellect is the acquired capability to create the possibility of new selection.
Reference:"System methodology archive" (~2011) Toshiya Nagai
※ In Goo Dictionary, intellectus is the capability which gets to know things and considers and judges.Capability to perform man's intellectual action.
○Dolphin, Chimpanzee, and the Orangutan can recognize themselves.
→Since there are communications skills, it is not as man, but it can be said that it has intellectus.
○The main feature of intellectus is creative!
☆Level of intelligence
Level1 Frontal lobe of the brain to judge and create.
Level2 Brain is using artificial intelligence to auxiliary. (The current)
Level3 Brain and artificial intelligence do judgment and creativity together.
・Intelligence is the capability of a language and a network.
Etymologically it is the capability of the selection accompanied by consciousness.
※ Origin of the word: Originate in a Latin verb "intellegere" and mean the ability of "legere(choose)" from "inter(between)" two or more choices. However, the instinct beforehand programmed by the gene is not intellect. Intellect is the acquired capability to create the possibility of new selection.
Reference:"System methodology archive" (~2011) Toshiya Nagai
※ In Goo Dictionary, intellectus is the capability which gets to know things and considers and judges.Capability to perform man's intellectual action.
○Dolphin, Chimpanzee, and the Orangutan can recognize themselves.
→Since there are communications skills, it is not as man, but it can be said that it has intellectus.
○The main feature of intellectus is creative!
☆Level of intelligence
Level1 Frontal lobe of the brain to judge and create.
Level2 Brain is using artificial intelligence to auxiliary. (The current)
Level3 Brain and artificial intelligence do judgment and creativity together.
33 知性とは?【知性】宇宙との対話
33 知性とは?【知性】宇宙との対話
※語源:ラテン語の動詞“intellegere”に由来し、複数の選択肢の“間から inter”“選ぶlegere”能力を意味する。ただし、選択の能力といっても、遺伝子にあらかじめプログラムされた本能は知性でない。知性は新しい選択の可能性を切り開く後天的な能力。
レベル1 脳の前頭葉が判断・創造している。
レベル2 脳が人工知能を補助的に使っている。(現在)
レベル3 脳と人工知能が一体となって判断・創造している。
※語源:ラテン語の動詞“intellegere”に由来し、複数の選択肢の“間から inter”“選ぶlegere”能力を意味する。ただし、選択の能力といっても、遺伝子にあらかじめプログラムされた本能は知性でない。知性は新しい選択の可能性を切り開く後天的な能力。
レベル1 脳の前頭葉が判断・創造している。
レベル2 脳が人工知能を補助的に使っている。(現在)
レベル3 脳と人工知能が一体となって判断・創造している。
32 Immunity and Memory【Sophia】Dialogue with the Universe
32 Immunity and Memory【Sophia】Dialogue with the Universe
○Immunity:To escape disease with aware of the pathogens and cancer cells in vivo.
Plague (disease) by infection with pathogenic bacteria can be resistant, and we can be difficult to disease.
○ There is two type of immunity, the innate immunity of almost all organisms and the adaptive immunity of vertebrate.
○Innate immunity that leukocytes (phagocytes) eat pathogens are innately equipped.
→ The innate immune system can not function adequately against new viruses.
○The adaptive immunity:lymphocytes(specific leukocytes) produce acquired antibodies against viral and other pathogens (antigens) to suppress the activity of the virus.
○In lymphocyte balls, the information for production of antibodies (proteins) does "memory" into DNA. This is called immunological memory.
○Dr. Susumu Tonegawa won the Nobel Prize in this immunization research field (elucidation of the hereditary principle of antibody generation) in 1987.
○Immunological memory and cerebral memory work by the same structure, and both of immunological systems (lymphatic system) and nervous systems are everywhere spread in the whole body.
○Immunity:To escape disease with aware of the pathogens and cancer cells in vivo.
Plague (disease) by infection with pathogenic bacteria can be resistant, and we can be difficult to disease.
○ There is two type of immunity, the innate immunity of almost all organisms and the adaptive immunity of vertebrate.
○Innate immunity that leukocytes (phagocytes) eat pathogens are innately equipped.
→ The innate immune system can not function adequately against new viruses.
○The adaptive immunity:lymphocytes(specific leukocytes) produce acquired antibodies against viral and other pathogens (antigens) to suppress the activity of the virus.
○In lymphocyte balls, the information for production of antibodies (proteins) does "memory" into DNA. This is called immunological memory.
○Dr. Susumu Tonegawa won the Nobel Prize in this immunization research field (elucidation of the hereditary principle of antibody generation) in 1987.
○Immunological memory and cerebral memory work by the same structure, and both of immunological systems (lymphatic system) and nervous systems are everywhere spread in the whole body.
32 免疫と記憶【知性】宇宙との対話
32 免疫と記憶【知性】宇宙との対話
○ 免疫には、ほとんど全ての生物が持つ自然免疫と脊椎動物が持つ適応免疫がある。
○ 自然免疫は、先天的に備わっており、白血球(食細胞)が病原体などを食べることによる。
○ リンパ球の中では、抗体(タンパク質)製造のための情報がDNAに「記憶」される。
○ 利根川進先生は、この免疫研究分野(抗体生成の遺伝的原理の解明)で1987年にノーベル賞を受賞している。
○ 免疫記憶と脳の記憶は、同じような仕組みで働き、免疫系(リンパ系)と神経系は、どちらも全身にくまなく張り巡らされている。
※利根川進は 免疫研究ののち脳の研究に進み1996 年に生体のマウスにおける空間記憶に海馬の CA1 と呼ばれる領域が必要不可欠なことを示した[42]。この領域にある場所細胞 (place cell|) と呼ばれる細胞はマウスがある空間における特定の場所 (場所受容野 (place field)と呼ばれる領域) に来た時にのみ選択的に発火する。この場所受容野はその空間全体に分布していて、場所細胞のグループで海馬内に地図を作っていると解釈されている。この地図の正確性はマウスの空間の学習能力を決定している。利根川は CA1 領域の NMDA 型グルタミン酸受容体の NR1 サブユニットを遺伝子的に除去することにより、受容体を特異的に阻害することで、場所細胞の反応選択性が対照群より低下することを示した。
○ 免疫には、ほとんど全ての生物が持つ自然免疫と脊椎動物が持つ適応免疫がある。
○ 自然免疫は、先天的に備わっており、白血球(食細胞)が病原体などを食べることによる。
○ リンパ球の中では、抗体(タンパク質)製造のための情報がDNAに「記憶」される。
○ 利根川進先生は、この免疫研究分野(抗体生成の遺伝的原理の解明)で1987年にノーベル賞を受賞している。
○ 免疫記憶と脳の記憶は、同じような仕組みで働き、免疫系(リンパ系)と神経系は、どちらも全身にくまなく張り巡らされている。
※利根川進は 免疫研究ののち脳の研究に進み1996 年に生体のマウスにおける空間記憶に海馬の CA1 と呼ばれる領域が必要不可欠なことを示した[42]。この領域にある場所細胞 (place cell|) と呼ばれる細胞はマウスがある空間における特定の場所 (場所受容野 (place field)と呼ばれる領域) に来た時にのみ選択的に発火する。この場所受容野はその空間全体に分布していて、場所細胞のグループで海馬内に地図を作っていると解釈されている。この地図の正確性はマウスの空間の学習能力を決定している。利根川は CA1 領域の NMDA 型グルタミン酸受容体の NR1 サブユニットを遺伝子的に除去することにより、受容体を特異的に阻害することで、場所細胞の反応選択性が対照群より低下することを示した。
31 World of Living thing【Sophia】Dialogue with the Universe
31 World of Living thing【Sophia】Dialogue with the Universe
・The Biological World is made by the coincidences and an accumulation of trial and error of over 100 millions years. This was not inevitable. Susumu Tonegawa "Spirit and Matter"
・The Biological World is made by the coincidences and an accumulation of trial and error of over 100 millions years. This was not inevitable. Susumu Tonegawa "Spirit and Matter"
31 生物の世界 【知性】宇宙との対話
31 生物の世界 【知性】宇宙との対話
・生物の世界というのは、何億年にもわたる偶然の積み重ね、試行錯誤の積み重ねでいまこうなっているということであって、こうなった必然性なんてない。 利根川進「精神と物質」
・生物の世界というのは、何億年にもわたる偶然の積み重ね、試行錯誤の積み重ねでいまこうなっているということであって、こうなった必然性なんてない。 利根川進「精神と物質」
30 Cell and DNA(DeoxyriboNucleic Acid)【Sophia】Dialogue with the Universe
30 Cell and DNA(DeoxyriboNucleic Acid)【Sophia】Dialogue with the Universe
・Humans are made of about 100 trillion cells.
・The human nervous system is estimated to consist of roughly 360 billion non-neural glial cells and 100 billion nerve cells.
・Incidentally, the birth of multicellular organisms is the Cambrian about 600 million years ago.

○DNA(DeoxyriboNucleic Acid)
・Every person has about 25,000 different genes.
・Plant is an animal of seniors with 40,000 or more genes.
※Gene: The corresponding DNA sequence to a protein.
・The length of human DNA in a single cell is 1.8 meters. (2 nanometers wide)
※1nanometer is one point nine times ten to the minus second.
・The length of the blood vessels in the adult is about 100,000 km(1×10E5m).
※Earth's diameter is 12,700 km(1.27×10E4m).
・The world largest is 62-th power of 10 of the world smallest.
・DNA of human and chimpanzee is consistent 98.5 percent.
・Humans are made of about 100 trillion cells.
・The human nervous system is estimated to consist of roughly 360 billion non-neural glial cells and 100 billion nerve cells.
・Incidentally, the birth of multicellular organisms is the Cambrian about 600 million years ago.
○DNA(DeoxyriboNucleic Acid)
・Every person has about 25,000 different genes.
・Plant is an animal of seniors with 40,000 or more genes.
※Gene: The corresponding DNA sequence to a protein.
・The length of human DNA in a single cell is 1.8 meters. (2 nanometers wide)
※1nanometer is one point nine times ten to the minus second.
・The length of the blood vessels in the adult is about 100,000 km(1×10E5m).
※Earth's diameter is 12,700 km(1.27×10E4m).
・The world largest is 62-th power of 10 of the world smallest.
・DNA of human and chimpanzee is consistent 98.5 percent.
30 細胞とDNA 【知性】宇宙との対話
30 細胞とDNA 【知性】宇宙との対話

○DNA(DeoxyriboNucleic Acid)
(参 照)「遺伝子の数え方」福岡 伸一
○DNA(DeoxyriboNucleic Acid)
(参 照)「遺伝子の数え方」福岡 伸一
29 What is the Universe?+The history of cosmology【What is the Universe?】Dialogue with the Universe
29 What is the Universe?+The history of cosmology【What is the Universe?】Dialogue with the Universe
Q:Why does the universe exist in spite of trouble?
Q:Can a unified theory of the universe explain the universe accurately?
Q:Or we need the Creator?
Q:If so, the Creator gives the effect of something else in the universe?
Q:And who created the Creator?
Source: "Brief History of Time" Stephen William Hawking (issued April 15, 1995)
【The history of cosmology】
1895 William James(1842-1910) coined the term Multi-Universe(Multiverse).
1900 Max Karl Ernst Ludwig Planck(1858 -1947) advocated that the light, X-rays and other electromagnetic waves were released as a constant mass that he called quantum.
1905 Special relativity・・・Theory of electromagnetism that Albert Einstein(1879-1955) announced.
1913 Bohr's model(Niels Henrik David Bohr(1885-1962))・・・A pioneer of quantum mechanics (Old quantum theory).
・Electron is a wave.
・The length of the electrons orbit around the nucleus is an integer multiple of the electron wavelength (10 minus 10 square m).
(Bohr, de Broglie)
1915-1916 General theory of relativity(General relativity)(Einstein) [Electromagnetic force + gravity]
・Einstein explained that the gravity caused by the mass distort the space-time.
• When written in Newtonian mechanics the phenomenon of error increases (movement in the near to the speed of light or large gravitational field) can be correctly described.
• In general relativity, spacetime is expected never to stay inflated or deflated steady or the black hole is expected to forme when a large mass to concentrate on limited space.
1920s Quantum mechanics
・Atomic, electronic and electromagnetic waves have the characteristics of the particles and waves.
1922 Friedman found the expanding universe solutions in general relativity equations.
1925 Pauli exclusion principle
1926 Werner Heisenberg was put together the uncertainty principle.
※Uncertainty principle:It is a characteristic of the system, such as the wave. In knowing pair of physical properties (eg position and momentum) at the same time, there is a fundamental limit of accuracy.
1928 Dirac theory
・Either both consistent:theory of quantum mechanics and special relativity
・There is positron that is the partner of electron.
1929 Discovery of cosmic expansion(the redshift)(Edwin Powell Hubble)
1932 Discovery of positron
1934 Dark matter(Fritz Zwicky)
1948 -Big Bang model
-Quantum electrodynamics, QED [Electromagnetic force ]
• Electromagnetic interaction acting between charged particles, including electrons is caused by the transfer of particles called photons.
1957 Bryce Seligman DeWitt (1923–2004) coined the term many-worlds interpretation; MWI.
・Peter Ware Higgs proposed the theory of generation of mass.
・Cosmic microwave background (radiation)(; CMB、CMBR)discovered.
1968 Weinberg-Salam theory [Electromagnetic force + Weak interaction]
1970 Penrose and Hawkins (co-authored paper)
・On the basis of the general relativity theory, they were finally prove that should there was a big bang singularity in the very early universe.
• In the singularity, the effect of small scale of quantum mechanics dealing can not be ignored.
• However, if you take into account the quantum effect, singularities disappear. ...?
・Only one force was present in the beginning of the universe, then, the force was divided into electromagnetic force, weak interaction, strong interaction and gravity, so physicists are trying to expresse these four forces in one form.
-Standard Model, SM [Electromagnetic force + Weak interaction(+ Strong interaction)] 【Reference】No.22 Standard theory(Standard model)
-Grand unification theory or Grand unified theory、GUT[Electromagnetic force + Weak interaction+ Strong interaction]
【Reference】No.23 Cosmology based on theory of elementary particles
The late 1970s -Quantum chromodynamics
【Reference】No.22 Quantum chromodynamics
1980s Cosmology based on theory of elementary particles
【Reference】No.23 Cosmology based on theory of elementary particles
1981 Cosmic inflation Theory
1984 Superstring Theory [Electromagnetic force + Weak interaction+Strong interaction + Gravity] 【Reference】No.25 Superstring Theory
1993 Fritz Zwicky coined the term dark matter.
【Reference】No.11 Dark Matter and Dark Energy
1995 M-theory[Electromagnetic force + Weak interaction+Strong interaction + Gravity] 【Reference】No.27 M-theory
1998 Michael S. Turner coined the term dark energy.
【Reference】No.11 Dark Matter and Dark Energy
Q:Why does the universe exist in spite of trouble?
Q:Can a unified theory of the universe explain the universe accurately?
Q:Or we need the Creator?
Q:If so, the Creator gives the effect of something else in the universe?
Q:And who created the Creator?
Source: "Brief History of Time" Stephen William Hawking (issued April 15, 1995)
【The history of cosmology】
1895 William James(1842-1910) coined the term Multi-Universe(Multiverse).
1900 Max Karl Ernst Ludwig Planck(1858 -1947) advocated that the light, X-rays and other electromagnetic waves were released as a constant mass that he called quantum.
1905 Special relativity・・・Theory of electromagnetism that Albert Einstein(1879-1955) announced.
1913 Bohr's model(Niels Henrik David Bohr(1885-1962))・・・A pioneer of quantum mechanics (Old quantum theory).
・Electron is a wave.
・The length of the electrons orbit around the nucleus is an integer multiple of the electron wavelength (10 minus 10 square m).
(Bohr, de Broglie)
1915-1916 General theory of relativity(General relativity)(Einstein) [Electromagnetic force + gravity]
・Einstein explained that the gravity caused by the mass distort the space-time.
• When written in Newtonian mechanics the phenomenon of error increases (movement in the near to the speed of light or large gravitational field) can be correctly described.
• In general relativity, spacetime is expected never to stay inflated or deflated steady or the black hole is expected to forme when a large mass to concentrate on limited space.
1920s Quantum mechanics
・Atomic, electronic and electromagnetic waves have the characteristics of the particles and waves.
1922 Friedman found the expanding universe solutions in general relativity equations.
1925 Pauli exclusion principle
1926 Werner Heisenberg was put together the uncertainty principle.
※Uncertainty principle:It is a characteristic of the system, such as the wave. In knowing pair of physical properties (eg position and momentum) at the same time, there is a fundamental limit of accuracy.
1928 Dirac theory
・Either both consistent:theory of quantum mechanics and special relativity
・There is positron that is the partner of electron.
1929 Discovery of cosmic expansion(the redshift)(Edwin Powell Hubble)
1932 Discovery of positron
1934 Dark matter(Fritz Zwicky)
1948 -Big Bang model
-Quantum electrodynamics, QED [Electromagnetic force ]
• Electromagnetic interaction acting between charged particles, including electrons is caused by the transfer of particles called photons.
1957 Bryce Seligman DeWitt (1923–2004) coined the term many-worlds interpretation; MWI.
・Peter Ware Higgs proposed the theory of generation of mass.
・Cosmic microwave background (radiation)(; CMB、CMBR)discovered.
1968 Weinberg-Salam theory [Electromagnetic force + Weak interaction]
1970 Penrose and Hawkins (co-authored paper)
・On the basis of the general relativity theory, they were finally prove that should there was a big bang singularity in the very early universe.
• In the singularity, the effect of small scale of quantum mechanics dealing can not be ignored.
• However, if you take into account the quantum effect, singularities disappear. ...?
・Only one force was present in the beginning of the universe, then, the force was divided into electromagnetic force, weak interaction, strong interaction and gravity, so physicists are trying to expresse these four forces in one form.
-Standard Model, SM [Electromagnetic force + Weak interaction(+ Strong interaction)] 【Reference】No.22 Standard theory(Standard model)
-Grand unification theory or Grand unified theory、GUT[Electromagnetic force + Weak interaction+ Strong interaction]
【Reference】No.23 Cosmology based on theory of elementary particles
The late 1970s -Quantum chromodynamics
【Reference】No.22 Quantum chromodynamics
1980s Cosmology based on theory of elementary particles
【Reference】No.23 Cosmology based on theory of elementary particles
1981 Cosmic inflation Theory
1984 Superstring Theory [Electromagnetic force + Weak interaction+Strong interaction + Gravity] 【Reference】No.25 Superstring Theory
1993 Fritz Zwicky coined the term dark matter.
【Reference】No.11 Dark Matter and Dark Energy
1995 M-theory[Electromagnetic force + Weak interaction+Strong interaction + Gravity] 【Reference】No.27 M-theory
1998 Michael S. Turner coined the term dark energy.
【Reference】No.11 Dark Matter and Dark Energy
29 宇宙とは?+宇宙論の歴史【宇宙とは】宇宙との対話
29 宇宙とは?+宇宙論の歴史【宇宙とは】宇宙との対話
1895年 ウィリアム・ジェームズ 多元宇宙という言葉を作る。
1900年 マックス・プランク(1858 -1947) は、光、X線その他の電磁波は、量子と彼
1905年 特殊相対性理論:アルベルト・アインシュタイン(1879-1955)が発表した
1913年 ボーアの原子模型(ニールス・ボーア(1885-1962)):電子は波で、原子核を回る軌道の長さは波長(10のマイナス10乗m)の整数倍(ボーア、ド・ブロイ)
1915-1916年 一般相対性理論[電磁気力+重力]
1920年代 量子力学
1922 年 フリードマンが一般相対論方程式の中に膨張宇宙解を見つけた。
1925年 パウリの排他原理
1926年 ヴェルナー・ハイゼンベルグが、不確定性原理をまとめあげた。
1928年 ディラック理論・・・量子力学と特殊相対性理論のどちらとも整合性のある理論
1929年 宇宙膨張(銀河の赤方遷移)の発見(エドウィン・パウエル・ハッブル)
1932年 陽電子の発見
1934年 暗黒物質(フリッツ・ツビッキー)
-量子電磁力学(Quantum electrodynamics, QED)[電磁気力]
1957年 ブライス・デウィットが多世界解釈を提唱。
1968年 ワインバーグ=サラム理論[電磁気力+弱い力]
1970年 ペンローズとホーキングの共著論文
○標準理論( Standard Model, SM) [電磁気力+弱い力(+強い力)]
【参照】No.22 標準理論(標準モデル)
○大統一理論(Grand unification theory or Grand unified theory、GUT)[電磁気力+弱い力+強い力] 【参照】No.23 素粒子論的宇宙論
1970年代後半 量子色力学【参照】No.23 量子色力学
1981年 インフレーション理論
1984年 超弦理論(Superstring theory 1984) [電磁気力+弱い力+強い力+重力]
・想定する「ひも」の大きさが実証不可能に思えるほど小さい(プランク長程度とすると 10-35m)ことなどから、物理学の定説としての地位を得るには至っていない。
【参照】No.25 超弦理論
1993年 フリッツ・ツビッキーが暗黒物質を提唱
【参照】No.11 暗黒物質と暗黒エネルギー
1995年 M理論[電磁気力+弱い力+強い力+重力] 【参照】No.27 M理論
1998年 マイケル・ターナー 暗黒エネルギーという言葉を作る。
【参照】No.11 暗黒物質と暗黒エネルギー
1895年 ウィリアム・ジェームズ 多元宇宙という言葉を作る。
1900年 マックス・プランク(1858 -1947) は、光、X線その他の電磁波は、量子と彼
1905年 特殊相対性理論:アルベルト・アインシュタイン(1879-1955)が発表した
1913年 ボーアの原子模型(ニールス・ボーア(1885-1962)):電子は波で、原子核を回る軌道の長さは波長(10のマイナス10乗m)の整数倍(ボーア、ド・ブロイ)
1915-1916年 一般相対性理論[電磁気力+重力]
1920年代 量子力学
1922 年 フリードマンが一般相対論方程式の中に膨張宇宙解を見つけた。
1925年 パウリの排他原理
1926年 ヴェルナー・ハイゼンベルグが、不確定性原理をまとめあげた。
1928年 ディラック理論・・・量子力学と特殊相対性理論のどちらとも整合性のある理論
1929年 宇宙膨張(銀河の赤方遷移)の発見(エドウィン・パウエル・ハッブル)
1932年 陽電子の発見
1934年 暗黒物質(フリッツ・ツビッキー)
-量子電磁力学(Quantum electrodynamics, QED)[電磁気力]
1957年 ブライス・デウィットが多世界解釈を提唱。
1968年 ワインバーグ=サラム理論[電磁気力+弱い力]
1970年 ペンローズとホーキングの共著論文
○標準理論( Standard Model, SM) [電磁気力+弱い力(+強い力)]
【参照】No.22 標準理論(標準モデル)
○大統一理論(Grand unification theory or Grand unified theory、GUT)[電磁気力+弱い力+強い力] 【参照】No.23 素粒子論的宇宙論
1970年代後半 量子色力学【参照】No.23 量子色力学
1981年 インフレーション理論
1984年 超弦理論(Superstring theory 1984) [電磁気力+弱い力+強い力+重力]
・想定する「ひも」の大きさが実証不可能に思えるほど小さい(プランク長程度とすると 10-35m)ことなどから、物理学の定説としての地位を得るには至っていない。
【参照】No.25 超弦理論
1993年 フリッツ・ツビッキーが暗黒物質を提唱
【参照】No.11 暗黒物質と暗黒エネルギー
1995年 M理論[電磁気力+弱い力+強い力+重力] 【参照】No.27 M理論
1998年 マイケル・ターナー 暗黒エネルギーという言葉を作る。
【参照】No.11 暗黒物質と暗黒エネルギー
28 The Parallel Universe【What is the Universe?】Dialogue with the Universe
28 The Parallel Universe【What is the Universe?】Dialogue with the Universe
○ Structure of the universe
・If the universe (the Real universe) including the Milky Way galaxy was born from a quantum fluctuation, the universe (the Imaginary universe) including quantum fluctuations is assumed on the outside.
・In the Imaginary universe it can be estimated to exist other universe(Parallel universe) born from quantum fluctuations.
○ From the birth of the Real universe to Big Bang
• If the quantum fluctuation does not exceed the threshold, the resulting pair of substance and antimatter within the fluctuation disappears. = The Real universe is not born.
• When the quantum fluctuation exceeds a threshold value, the symmetry of matter and anti-matter brakes, and antimatter is to rapidly expand the space-time after 1e-36 seconds. ( The size of the Real universe (1e-27m) is much smaller than atom (1e-10m) ⇒3 millimeters (1e-3m): The Inflation: inflation rate is 60-fold of light speed.)
(In the reverse case, the Real universe is not born because space-time collapses.)
- Immediately after that, (1e-36 seconds after → 1e-32 seconds after) substance of high temperature causes the Big Bang.
(The size of the Real universe : 3 mm (1e-3m) ⇒10cm (1e-1m))
○ The structure of the Real universe
・Since the outside of the Real universe is made up of antimatter, and it is also the same as the outside of parallel universe, they repel each other.
○ Future of the Real universe
- The Real universe will evaporate at the end of continuing expansion. = Disappearance of the result of a large fluctuation that occurred in the Imaginary universe
• Before evaporation, the outer shell of antimatter in the Real universe will become brittle, and if it conflicts with other parallel universe, both universe will collapse.
・That is, if the matter that was scattered by the collision of the other two parallel universes collides with the outer shell of the Real universe, we might be able to measure it in quantum.
○ Communication between the parallel universes
・At NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory and ESA plans to observe the gravity of parallel universe using Laser Interferometer Space Antenna (LISA), in 2035.
【Reference】LISA Project Office
1. Black hole rotating at high speed collapses in a ring shape. The middle of the ring is likely to be the gateway to the parallel universe.
【Reference】Michio Kaku / New York incandescent classroom " amazing prophecy of "Theory of Everything;TOE"" 20150403
○ Structure of the universe
・If the universe (the Real universe) including the Milky Way galaxy was born from a quantum fluctuation, the universe (the Imaginary universe) including quantum fluctuations is assumed on the outside.
・In the Imaginary universe it can be estimated to exist other universe(Parallel universe) born from quantum fluctuations.
○ From the birth of the Real universe to Big Bang
• If the quantum fluctuation does not exceed the threshold, the resulting pair of substance and antimatter within the fluctuation disappears. = The Real universe is not born.
• When the quantum fluctuation exceeds a threshold value, the symmetry of matter and anti-matter brakes, and antimatter is to rapidly expand the space-time after 1e-36 seconds. ( The size of the Real universe (1e-27m) is much smaller than atom (1e-10m) ⇒3 millimeters (1e-3m): The Inflation: inflation rate is 60-fold of light speed.)
(In the reverse case, the Real universe is not born because space-time collapses.)
- Immediately after that, (1e-36 seconds after → 1e-32 seconds after) substance of high temperature causes the Big Bang.
(The size of the Real universe : 3 mm (1e-3m) ⇒10cm (1e-1m))
○ The structure of the Real universe
・Since the outside of the Real universe is made up of antimatter, and it is also the same as the outside of parallel universe, they repel each other.
○ Future of the Real universe
- The Real universe will evaporate at the end of continuing expansion. = Disappearance of the result of a large fluctuation that occurred in the Imaginary universe
• Before evaporation, the outer shell of antimatter in the Real universe will become brittle, and if it conflicts with other parallel universe, both universe will collapse.
・That is, if the matter that was scattered by the collision of the other two parallel universes collides with the outer shell of the Real universe, we might be able to measure it in quantum.
○ Communication between the parallel universes
・At NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory and ESA plans to observe the gravity of parallel universe using Laser Interferometer Space Antenna (LISA), in 2035.
【Reference】LISA Project Office
1. Black hole rotating at high speed collapses in a ring shape. The middle of the ring is likely to be the gateway to the parallel universe.
【Reference】Michio Kaku / New York incandescent classroom " amazing prophecy of "Theory of Everything;TOE"" 20150403
28 並行宇宙【宇宙とは】宇宙との対話
28 並行宇宙【宇宙とは】宇宙との対話
・NASAのジェット推進研究所およびESAでは、2035年に、宇宙重力波望遠鏡(Laser Interferometer Space Antenna (LISA):レーザー干渉計)を使って並行宇宙の重力を観測する予定だ。[3]
【参 考】
1. ミチオ・カク/ニューヨーク白熱教室「『万物の理論』の驚くべき予言」20150403
2. Wikipedia:多元宇宙論
3. Wikipedia:宇宙重力波望遠鏡
・NASAのジェット推進研究所およびESAでは、2035年に、宇宙重力波望遠鏡(Laser Interferometer Space Antenna (LISA):レーザー干渉計)を使って並行宇宙の重力を観測する予定だ。[3]
【参 考】
1. ミチオ・カク/ニューヨーク白熱教室「『万物の理論』の驚くべき予言」20150403
2. Wikipedia:多元宇宙論
3. Wikipedia:宇宙重力波望遠鏡
27 M-theory【What is the Universe?】Dialogue with the Universe
27 M-theory【What is the Universe?】Dialogue with the Universe
• Hypothesis theory of 11-dimensional (spatial dimension is 10, one time dimension) comprehensive the five superstring theory that is currently known.
・In M-theory membrane of two-dimensional and 5-dimensional I is considered as a component.
・While it is theoretically to be unified to represent the four force electromagnetic force, gravity, weak force, gravity in one form, this theory is the stage of mathematical hypothesis.
・The M in M-theory can stand for "magic", "mystery", or "matrix" according to taste, and the true meaning of the title should be decided when a more fundamental formulation of the theory is known.
• Hypothesis theory of 11-dimensional (spatial dimension is 10, one time dimension) comprehensive the five superstring theory that is currently known.
・In M-theory membrane of two-dimensional and 5-dimensional I is considered as a component.
・While it is theoretically to be unified to represent the four force electromagnetic force, gravity, weak force, gravity in one form, this theory is the stage of mathematical hypothesis.
・The M in M-theory can stand for "magic", "mystery", or "matrix" according to taste, and the true meaning of the title should be decided when a more fundamental formulation of the theory is known.
27 M理論【宇宙とは】宇宙との対話
27 M理論【宇宙とは】宇宙との対話
25 Superstring Theory【What is the Universe?】Dialogue with the Universe
25 Superstring Theory【What is the Universe?】Dialogue with the Universe
・ The development of astronomy, astrophysics, high-energy physics, mankind has been able to observe the world that spans up 45 digit (from 19th power of 10 to 26th power of 10 meters).
・ In addition, the phenomenon and force in the microscopic world is can be explained by the quantum theory, and macroscopic gravity phenomenon is can be explained by the general theory of relativity.
・ Since 1980, scientists around the world are working on the development of the superstring theory that unifies general theory of relativity and the quantum theory, and that theory can be explained from the microscopic to the macroscopic world.
・ Quantum theory has poor compatibility with gravity, would have obtained a result of the contradiction to be fitting the quantum theory to gravity. Superstring theory is expected as candidates for the theory that can be understood gravity in the framework of the quantum theory.
・ The goal of the superstring theory is that it leads to observable predictions.
・ However, from the size of a "string" which this theory assumes being very small etc., superstring theory has not acquired the status as an established theory of physics.
1.「宇宙の数学とは何か」Hirosi Ooguri(Fred Kavli Professor of Theoretical Physics and Mathematics. California Institute of Technology)
2.「アインシュタインの夢と超弦理論」 基礎物理学研究所 江口徹教授
3.Wikipedia 一般相対性理論
○ According to the superstring theory, spatial dimension of 4-10 has been folded into very fine "Planck distance" (35 square minus 10 m) of magnitude.
○ In superstring theory, we do not know how to represent the membrane yet.
【Reference】Michio Kaku / New York incandescent classroom "Dream of Einstein " 20150403
<Multiverse (Multi-Universe)>
・Superstring theory suggests that the Big Bang there was many times. In other words, the universe is not one. It will be that the universe is multi and there are parallel universes.
• In the parallel universe, the laws of physics are different, but superstring theory's seems applicable.
【Reference】Michio Kaku / New York incandescent classroom " Amazing prophecy of "Theory of Everything;TOE"" 20150403
・At NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory and ESA plans to observe the gravity of parallel universe using Laser Interferometer Space Antenna (LISA), in 2035.
【Reference】LISA Project Office



・ The development of astronomy, astrophysics, high-energy physics, mankind has been able to observe the world that spans up 45 digit (from 19th power of 10 to 26th power of 10 meters).
・ In addition, the phenomenon and force in the microscopic world is can be explained by the quantum theory, and macroscopic gravity phenomenon is can be explained by the general theory of relativity.
・ Since 1980, scientists around the world are working on the development of the superstring theory that unifies general theory of relativity and the quantum theory, and that theory can be explained from the microscopic to the macroscopic world.
・ Quantum theory has poor compatibility with gravity, would have obtained a result of the contradiction to be fitting the quantum theory to gravity. Superstring theory is expected as candidates for the theory that can be understood gravity in the framework of the quantum theory.
・ The goal of the superstring theory is that it leads to observable predictions.
・ However, from the size of a "string" which this theory assumes being very small etc., superstring theory has not acquired the status as an established theory of physics.
1.「宇宙の数学とは何か」Hirosi Ooguri(Fred Kavli Professor of Theoretical Physics and Mathematics. California Institute of Technology)
2.「アインシュタインの夢と超弦理論」 基礎物理学研究所 江口徹教授
3.Wikipedia 一般相対性理論
○ According to the superstring theory, spatial dimension of 4-10 has been folded into very fine "Planck distance" (35 square minus 10 m) of magnitude.
○ In superstring theory, we do not know how to represent the membrane yet.
【Reference】Michio Kaku / New York incandescent classroom "Dream of Einstein " 20150403
<Multiverse (Multi-Universe)>
・Superstring theory suggests that the Big Bang there was many times. In other words, the universe is not one. It will be that the universe is multi and there are parallel universes.
• In the parallel universe, the laws of physics are different, but superstring theory's seems applicable.
【Reference】Michio Kaku / New York incandescent classroom " Amazing prophecy of "Theory of Everything;TOE"" 20150403
・At NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory and ESA plans to observe the gravity of parallel universe using Laser Interferometer Space Antenna (LISA), in 2035.
【Reference】LISA Project Office
25 超弦理論【宇宙とは】宇宙との対話
25 超弦理論【宇宙とは】宇宙との対話
【参 照】
2.「アインシュタインの夢と超弦理論」 基礎物理学研究所 江口徹教授
3.Wikipedia 一般相対性理論
【参 照】ミチオ・カク/ニューヨーク白熱教室「アインシュタインの夢」20150403
【参 照】ミチオ・カク/ニューヨーク白熱教室「『万物の理論』の驚くべき予言」20150403
・NASAのジェット推進研究所およびESAでは、2035年に、宇宙重力波望遠鏡(Laser Interferometer Space Antenna (LISA):レーザー干渉計)を使って並行宇宙の重力を観測する予定だ。
【参 照】Wikipedia/宇宙重力波望遠鏡



【参 照】
2.「アインシュタインの夢と超弦理論」 基礎物理学研究所 江口徹教授
3.Wikipedia 一般相対性理論
【参 照】ミチオ・カク/ニューヨーク白熱教室「アインシュタインの夢」20150403
【参 照】ミチオ・カク/ニューヨーク白熱教室「『万物の理論』の驚くべき予言」20150403
・NASAのジェット推進研究所およびESAでは、2035年に、宇宙重力波望遠鏡(Laser Interferometer Space Antenna (LISA):レーザー干渉計)を使って並行宇宙の重力を観測する予定だ。
【参 照】Wikipedia/宇宙重力波望遠鏡
24 Higgs Boson【What is the Universe?】Dialogue with the Universe
24 Higgs Boson【What is the Universe?】Dialogue with the Universe
・Higgs Boson is particle that appeared after 10billionths of a second of the Big Bang, at a time the temperature dropped to quadrillion degrees, and gave mass to other elementary particles.
(Higgs boson is full of space, energy when the particle collides with the Higgs particle is its mass.)
1) If Higgs boson did not appear, then the other particles just fly around at the speed of light, and the substance was not born.
2) Light has no mass because it does not react with Higgs boson.
3) The amount that is expected is 62 square of 10 % of the energy of the entire universe
・July 04, 2012, Conseil Europeenne pour la Reaherche Nucleaire (CERN, in Switzerland)announced that they discovered a new particle which they could believe it as Higgs boson.
・Higgs Boson is particle that appeared after 10billionths of a second of the Big Bang, at a time the temperature dropped to quadrillion degrees, and gave mass to other elementary particles.
(Higgs boson is full of space, energy when the particle collides with the Higgs particle is its mass.)
1) If Higgs boson did not appear, then the other particles just fly around at the speed of light, and the substance was not born.
2) Light has no mass because it does not react with Higgs boson.
3) The amount that is expected is 62 square of 10 % of the energy of the entire universe
・July 04, 2012, Conseil Europeenne pour la Reaherche Nucleaire (CERN, in Switzerland)announced that they discovered a new particle which they could believe it as Higgs boson.
24 ヒッグス粒子【宇宙とは】宇宙との対話
24 ヒッグス粒子【宇宙とは】宇宙との対話
・・・1964年 ピーター・ヒッグス
1) ヒッグス粒子が現われなかったら、他の素粒子は光速で飛び回るだけで、物質は生まれなかった。
2) 光はヒッグス粒子と反応しないため質量を持たない。
3) 予想される量は全宇宙のエネルギーの10の62乗%。
・2012年7月4日 欧州合同原子核研究所(CERN、スイス)は、ヒッグス粒子と見られる新粒子を発見したと発表した。
・・・1964年 ピーター・ヒッグス
1) ヒッグス粒子が現われなかったら、他の素粒子は光速で飛び回るだけで、物質は生まれなかった。
2) 光はヒッグス粒子と反応しないため質量を持たない。
3) 予想される量は全宇宙のエネルギーの10の62乗%。
・2012年7月4日 欧州合同原子核研究所(CERN、スイス)は、ヒッグス粒子と見られる新粒子を発見したと発表した。
23 Cosmology based on theory of elementary particles【What is the Universe?】Dialogue with the Universe
23 Cosmology based on theory of elementary particles【What is the Universe?】Dialogue with the Universe
・The Big Bang model is explained by Cosmology based on theory of elementary particles.
・Elementary particle are explained by several kinds of symmetry in theory of elementary particles.
・Although it is assumed that there are an equivalent amount of substances and anti-matter in the universe from this, it is rare that anti-matter is observed.
・The asymmetry (that is, there is almost no anti-matter) of existence of the substance in the universe is one mystery in theory of elementary particles.
Since the fundamental power of anti-matter is repulsive force, it is thought that anti-matter was diffused at high speed rather than the substance after separation of gravity and antigravity (10E-44(ten to the minus 44th) second after the Big Bang).
○Grand unification theory or Grand unified theory、GUT[Electromagnetic force + Weak interaction+ Strong interaction]
• This is the theory that unifies electromagnetic force, weak interaction and strong interaction. There is more than one model. However, this theory is incomplete.
• GUT is the basis of the Big Bang theory (inflationary universe).
・Inflation cosmology (Katsuhiko Sato, Alan Guth 1981): The theory is that space is the magnitude of 10 26-th power (Bacteria became to be the size of the galaxy! In fact about 10cm!)in the period from after 10 minus 36 square seconds immediately after birth until after 10 minus 34 square seconds.
• By inflation, some of the problems of big bang cosmology, which has been pointed out in the 1970s is resolved.
1-That the universe is observed is very flat. (Flatness problem)
2 -The universe is extremely uniform. (Horizon problem)
3-Phase defect of space in which exist in many models of grand unified theory (GUT) has been predicted is not observed at all. (Monopole problem)
・The Big Bang model is explained by Cosmology based on theory of elementary particles.
・Elementary particle are explained by several kinds of symmetry in theory of elementary particles.
・Although it is assumed that there are an equivalent amount of substances and anti-matter in the universe from this, it is rare that anti-matter is observed.
・The asymmetry (that is, there is almost no anti-matter) of existence of the substance in the universe is one mystery in theory of elementary particles.
Since the fundamental power of anti-matter is repulsive force, it is thought that anti-matter was diffused at high speed rather than the substance after separation of gravity and antigravity (10E-44(ten to the minus 44th) second after the Big Bang).
○Grand unification theory or Grand unified theory、GUT[Electromagnetic force + Weak interaction+ Strong interaction]
• This is the theory that unifies electromagnetic force, weak interaction and strong interaction. There is more than one model. However, this theory is incomplete.
• GUT is the basis of the Big Bang theory (inflationary universe).
・Inflation cosmology (Katsuhiko Sato, Alan Guth 1981): The theory is that space is the magnitude of 10 26-th power (Bacteria became to be the size of the galaxy! In fact about 10cm!)in the period from after 10 minus 36 square seconds immediately after birth until after 10 minus 34 square seconds.
• By inflation, some of the problems of big bang cosmology, which has been pointed out in the 1970s is resolved.
1-That the universe is observed is very flat. (Flatness problem)
2 -The universe is extremely uniform. (Horizon problem)
3-Phase defect of space in which exist in many models of grand unified theory (GUT) has been predicted is not observed at all. (Monopole problem)
23 素粒子論的な宇宙論【宇宙とは】宇宙との対話
23 素粒子論的な宇宙論【宇宙とは】宇宙との対話
参考:「宇宙は何でできているのか」村山 斉 (p.215)
○大統一理論(Grand unification theory or Grand unified theory、GUT)[電磁気力+弱い力+強い力]
・電磁気力、弱い力、強い力を統一する理論で、 幾つかのモデルが作られているが、未完成の理論。
・インフレーション宇宙論(佐藤勝彦、アラン・グース 1981):宇宙は誕生直後の10のマイナス36乗秒後から10のマイナス34乗秒後までの間にその大きさが10の26乗倍(バクテリアが銀河の大きさ! 実際には10cm程度の大きさ!)になったとする理論。
1 観測される宇宙が極めて平坦であること(平坦性問題)
2 宇宙が極めて一様であること(地平線問題)
3 多くの大統一理論 (GUT) のモデルで存在が予言されている空間の位相欠陥が全く観測されないこと(モノポール問題)
参考:「宇宙は何でできているのか」村山 斉 (p.215)
○大統一理論(Grand unification theory or Grand unified theory、GUT)[電磁気力+弱い力+強い力]
・電磁気力、弱い力、強い力を統一する理論で、 幾つかのモデルが作られているが、未完成の理論。
・インフレーション宇宙論(佐藤勝彦、アラン・グース 1981):宇宙は誕生直後の10のマイナス36乗秒後から10のマイナス34乗秒後までの間にその大きさが10の26乗倍(バクテリアが銀河の大きさ! 実際には10cm程度の大きさ!)になったとする理論。
1 観測される宇宙が極めて平坦であること(平坦性問題)
2 宇宙が極めて一様であること(地平線問題)
3 多くの大統一理論 (GUT) のモデルで存在が予言されている空間の位相欠陥が全く観測されないこと(モノポール問題)
22 Standard theory(Standard model)【What is the Universe?】Dialogue with the Universe
22 Standard theory(Standard model)【What is the Universe?】Dialogue with the Universe
・Weinberg-Salam theory and quantumchromodynamics are the foundation of elementary particle physics, and are called standard theory or standard model.
・Standard theory is one of the theory for describing the three forces(electromagnetic force, weak force, strong force) in the same framework, but it is not a unified theory of the three forces.
・Particles of the standard model consists(17 types)
Fermi particles(fermions) constituting a substance(12 types :quark and lepton)
Gauge particles that mediate the force(4)
Higgs particles comprising the mass of the element(1)
= Substance and force are made of elementary particles.
・Force occurs at the catch of Bose particles (bosons).
○ Standard model
※Generation: It is only say that lined the respective sets in light order of mass. Elementary particles of the second generation and later present at the time of creation of the universe, it is not present in the current global.
※ Quarks make up hadrons (protons, neutrons), but do not have internal structure.
・Quark can not be observed unless a significant high-energy state, so its nature is not known yet well.
※The mass of the top quark is about 50 000 times the up quark. Weight of much gold atom.
※Neutrinos have tiny mass, and they are electrically neutral. So even met with other materials they pass through without reaction. The neutrino (meaning "little neutral one" in Italian) is denoted by the Greek letter ν (nu).
- Because neutrions are particles having no electric charge, they may themselves are anti-particles like π-mesons. [Wikipedia]
※Bosons mediate force, and not follow the Pauli exclusion principle, and can be packed in the same place any number.
(Atoms are stuck in the electromagnetic force.)
(Electromagnetic force is transmitted by the particles exchange photons.)
※Pauli exclusion principle:The two Fermi particles can not occupy the same quantum state.
(The two Fermi particles, in limitations impose the uncertainty principle, both the position and velocity can not be the same.)
・・・If assuming that this world has been created without the exclusion principle, quark would not have shaped the separate clearly defined protons and neutrons. And, they would not also be shaping the atom. Substantially uniform density "soup" would be present.
※Strong interaction:Electromagnetic force: Weak interaction: Gravity
=1:10 to the power of minus 2 :10 to the power of minus 5:10 to the power of minus 40
※Fermion (material particles) and bosons (particles of force) is replaced by the quantum theoretic dimension.
○It is shown clearly that the dark matter occupies about 1/4 of the energy density of the universe. However, the particles which serve as a candidate of the dark matter do not exist in a standard model. Therefore, to ask elementary particle for the true character of the dark matter, extension of a standard model is required.
【Theory, etc.】
<Electromagnetic force, weak force ...>
1.Weinberg-Salam theory(WS theory) ,Electroweak unified theory (1967),
○In Weinberg-Salam theory, electromagnetic power and the weak power of appearing at the time of β disintegration[1] were unified by Gauge theory.
○According to gauge theory, the place, i.e. particles (gauge bosons) exists between the elementary particles which carry out an interaction.
○Gauge boson (weak boson (W boson, Z boson)) is mediating the weak power of collapsing a neutron (a radioactive decay and).
○In 1983, the accelerator of CERN in Geneva discovered W boson and Z boson.
【Gauge theory】
○A gauge theory[2] is a type of field theory in which the Lagrangian (the difference between the kinetic energy and potential energy) is invariant. [3]
(☆ Since kinetic energy is expressed by a negative, "difference" is the sum of the two energies.)
1) In Quantum Field Theory, fields form particles, and particles form fields, and particles are medium to convey the power of fields.
(As an example electromagnetic force acting between the electrons is caused by the exchange of photons. W and Z bosons mediate the weak force, gluons mediate the strong force. )[4], [5]
2) Moreover, in a vacuum, the amount of the field is slightly vibrate. Complete "Void" does not exist. [4]
1. In the changing process of neutron to the proton, electron (beta ray (β ray)) is released.
2.Wikipedia:Gauge theory
5.Dialogue with the Universe No.24 Standard theory
2.Kobayashi-Maskawa theory (1973), etc.
< Strong force>
1. Quantum chromodynamics, QCD late 1970s
・Since neutron without electric charge has the strong magnetic moment, physicists was forced to assume that hadron (proton, neutron) is constituted with smaller element.
・Now, hadron is considered as what consists of six kinds of quarks, and eight kinds of gluons which mediate strong interaction inside hadron.
・There are 3 colorred quarks,red, blue and green, and a white hadron will be formed if the three joins together.
・The word "color" is what imagined the three primary colors of light and was used figuratively.
• It is not possible to retrieve the quark in monochromatic.
・Quark is an energy, there is no form to quark.
・Quarks can be packed in the same place. (Do not follow the Pauli exclusion principle.)
・Quark produce a strong force by replacing the "color" (:Ironi:Bose particles = gluon).
・The force becomes stronger as the distance leaves.
・Placing the electrons of high energy protons, the force is weakened. And Quark is I appear to move.
・Weinberg-Salam theory and quantumchromodynamics are the foundation of elementary particle physics, and are called standard theory or standard model.
・Standard theory is one of the theory for describing the three forces(electromagnetic force, weak force, strong force) in the same framework, but it is not a unified theory of the three forces.
・Particles of the standard model consists(17 types)
Fermi particles(fermions) constituting a substance(12 types :quark and lepton)
Gauge particles that mediate the force(4)
Higgs particles comprising the mass of the element(1)
= Substance and force are made of elementary particles.
・Force occurs at the catch of Bose particles (bosons).
○ Standard model
※Generation: It is only say that lined the respective sets in light order of mass. Elementary particles of the second generation and later present at the time of creation of the universe, it is not present in the current global.
※ Quarks make up hadrons (protons, neutrons), but do not have internal structure.
・Quark can not be observed unless a significant high-energy state, so its nature is not known yet well.
※The mass of the top quark is about 50 000 times the up quark. Weight of much gold atom.
※Neutrinos have tiny mass, and they are electrically neutral. So even met with other materials they pass through without reaction. The neutrino (meaning "little neutral one" in Italian) is denoted by the Greek letter ν (nu).
- Because neutrions are particles having no electric charge, they may themselves are anti-particles like π-mesons. [Wikipedia]
※Bosons mediate force, and not follow the Pauli exclusion principle, and can be packed in the same place any number.
(Atoms are stuck in the electromagnetic force.)
(Electromagnetic force is transmitted by the particles exchange photons.)
※Pauli exclusion principle:The two Fermi particles can not occupy the same quantum state.
(The two Fermi particles, in limitations impose the uncertainty principle, both the position and velocity can not be the same.)
・・・If assuming that this world has been created without the exclusion principle, quark would not have shaped the separate clearly defined protons and neutrons. And, they would not also be shaping the atom. Substantially uniform density "soup" would be present.
※Strong interaction:Electromagnetic force: Weak interaction: Gravity
=1:10 to the power of minus 2 :10 to the power of minus 5:10 to the power of minus 40
※Fermion (material particles) and bosons (particles of force) is replaced by the quantum theoretic dimension.
○It is shown clearly that the dark matter occupies about 1/4 of the energy density of the universe. However, the particles which serve as a candidate of the dark matter do not exist in a standard model. Therefore, to ask elementary particle for the true character of the dark matter, extension of a standard model is required.
【Theory, etc.】
<Electromagnetic force, weak force ...>
1.Weinberg-Salam theory(WS theory) ,Electroweak unified theory (1967),
○In Weinberg-Salam theory, electromagnetic power and the weak power of appearing at the time of β disintegration[1] were unified by Gauge theory.
○According to gauge theory, the place, i.e. particles (gauge bosons) exists between the elementary particles which carry out an interaction.
○Gauge boson (weak boson (W boson, Z boson)) is mediating the weak power of collapsing a neutron (a radioactive decay and).
○In 1983, the accelerator of CERN in Geneva discovered W boson and Z boson.
【Gauge theory】
○A gauge theory[2] is a type of field theory in which the Lagrangian (the difference between the kinetic energy and potential energy) is invariant. [3]
(☆ Since kinetic energy is expressed by a negative, "difference" is the sum of the two energies.)
1) In Quantum Field Theory, fields form particles, and particles form fields, and particles are medium to convey the power of fields.
(As an example electromagnetic force acting between the electrons is caused by the exchange of photons. W and Z bosons mediate the weak force, gluons mediate the strong force. )[4], [5]
2) Moreover, in a vacuum, the amount of the field is slightly vibrate. Complete "Void" does not exist. [4]
1. In the changing process of neutron to the proton, electron (beta ray (β ray)) is released.
2.Wikipedia:Gauge theory
5.Dialogue with the Universe No.24 Standard theory
2.Kobayashi-Maskawa theory (1973), etc.
< Strong force>
1. Quantum chromodynamics, QCD late 1970s
・Since neutron without electric charge has the strong magnetic moment, physicists was forced to assume that hadron (proton, neutron) is constituted with smaller element.
・Now, hadron is considered as what consists of six kinds of quarks, and eight kinds of gluons which mediate strong interaction inside hadron.
・There are 3 colorred quarks,red, blue and green, and a white hadron will be formed if the three joins together.
・The word "color" is what imagined the three primary colors of light and was used figuratively.
• It is not possible to retrieve the quark in monochromatic.
・Quark is an energy, there is no form to quark.
・Quarks can be packed in the same place. (Do not follow the Pauli exclusion principle.)
・Quark produce a strong force by replacing the "color" (:Ironi:Bose particles = gluon).
・The force becomes stronger as the distance leaves.
・Placing the electrons of high energy protons, the force is weakened. And Quark is I appear to move.
22 標準理論(標準モデル)【宇宙とは】宇宙との対話
22 標準理論(標準モデル)【宇宙とは】宇宙との対話
・・・もしこの世界が排他原理なしで創造されたとすれば、クォークは別々 の、はっきり確定した陽子と中性子を形づくらなかっただろう。そして、それらが電子といっしょになって別々の、はっきり確定された原子を形づくることもなかっただろう。原子はすべて崩壊して、 ほぼ一様な高密度の“スープ”を形づくったことだろう。
○宇宙のエネルギー密度の約1/4を暗黒物質が占めていることが明らかになっているが、 標準模型には暗黒物質の候補となる粒子が存在しない。そのため、暗黒物質の正体を素粒子に求める場合は標準模型の拡張が必要である。
1.ワインバーグ=サラム理論(Weinberg-Salam theory、WS理論 電弱統一理論 (1967)
○電磁気力と中性子が陽子に変化するベータ崩壊[1]のときに現れる弱い力をゲージ理論により統一した。(ゲージ:gauge 物差し)
○ ゲージ理論によれば、相互作用する素粒子には必ずそれをなかだちする場、すなわち粒子(ゲージ粒子、ex. ウィークボソン(W粒子、Z粒子))が存在する。
1)場の量子論(Quantum Field Theory)では、場は粒子の形をし、粒子は場の形をし、粒子は場の力を伝える媒体となる。 [4]
(例として電子の間に働く電磁力は、光子の交換により生じる。ウィークボソンは弱い力を媒介し、グルーオンは強い力を媒介する。[4], [5]
【参 考】
5.宇宙との対話 No.24 標準理論
1973年 小林-益川理論:アップクオークとダウンクオークは3世代6種類ある。←3であることがCP対称性が破られるために必要。(p.47)
1.量子色力学(Quantum chromodynamics、QCD 1970年代後半)
・現在では、ハドロンは、6種類のクォークとハドロン内部で強い相互作用をなかだちする8種類のグルーオン(英: gluon)から構成されるものとして考えられている。
・・・もしこの世界が排他原理なしで創造されたとすれば、クォークは別々 の、はっきり確定した陽子と中性子を形づくらなかっただろう。そして、それらが電子といっしょになって別々の、はっきり確定された原子を形づくることもなかっただろう。原子はすべて崩壊して、 ほぼ一様な高密度の“スープ”を形づくったことだろう。
○宇宙のエネルギー密度の約1/4を暗黒物質が占めていることが明らかになっているが、 標準模型には暗黒物質の候補となる粒子が存在しない。そのため、暗黒物質の正体を素粒子に求める場合は標準模型の拡張が必要である。
1.ワインバーグ=サラム理論(Weinberg-Salam theory、WS理論 電弱統一理論 (1967)
○電磁気力と中性子が陽子に変化するベータ崩壊[1]のときに現れる弱い力をゲージ理論により統一した。(ゲージ:gauge 物差し)
○ ゲージ理論によれば、相互作用する素粒子には必ずそれをなかだちする場、すなわち粒子(ゲージ粒子、ex. ウィークボソン(W粒子、Z粒子))が存在する。
1)場の量子論(Quantum Field Theory)では、場は粒子の形をし、粒子は場の形をし、粒子は場の力を伝える媒体となる。 [4]
(例として電子の間に働く電磁力は、光子の交換により生じる。ウィークボソンは弱い力を媒介し、グルーオンは強い力を媒介する。[4], [5]
【参 考】
5.宇宙との対話 No.24 標準理論
1973年 小林-益川理論:アップクオークとダウンクオークは3世代6種類ある。←3であることがCP対称性が破られるために必要。(p.47)
1.量子色力学(Quantum chromodynamics、QCD 1970年代後半)
・現在では、ハドロンは、6種類のクォークとハドロン内部で強い相互作用をなかだちする8種類のグルーオン(英: gluon)から構成されるものとして考えられている。
21 The Big Bang model【What is the Universe?】Dialogue with the Universe
21 The Big Bang model【What is the Universe?】Dialogue with the Universe
:The Big Bang model is the cosmology to which it is supposed that the universe began large expansion suddenly from one point extraordinarily smaller than one atom about 13,700 million years ago.
・It is 1/10 billion seconds after the Big Bang that materials which constitute the universe, such as nuclear particles (proton and neutron) and an electron, were produced. (←separation of electromagnetic power and weak power) = birth of the fundamental power of the universe.
※ The fundamental power of the universe
1) Electromagnetic power : power which connects a proton and an electron (a chemical reaction is based on electromagnetic power)
2) Gravity
3) Nuclear force : power which combines a proton and a neutron (it is what is called atomic power)
4) Weak power to which the radioactive decay of the neutron (β disintegration)
○The center of The Big Bang :Only we know that the universe is accelerating expansion, we can not indicate where the center.
Reference:Wikipedia Big Bang
○Evidence of the Big Bang
1) Redshift ... All the galaxies are moving away from us.
※ Redshift: Phenomenon that the spectrum of the light from the observation target (including electromagnetic waves of all wavelengths not only visible light) shifts long wavelength side (closer to the red in the visible light).
【Reference】Measurement of redshift
edX/COSMOLOGY/Section 1: Space and Time/Worked Example 1
※ edX: Free online course of Harvard University and Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) (registration required)
2) The cosmic microwave background radiation (CMB) ... It had been predicted by the Big Bang theory.
※Phenomenon that microwave spectral 3K (the remnant of the Big Bang) is observed from all directions on the celestial sphere.
3) The presence ratio of light elements in the universe ... Prediction of the presence ratio of the light elements such as hydrogen and helium.
Photo: Temperature fluctuations of the cosmic microwave background radiation by WMAP. (Appearance of the universe after about 40 million years of the Big Bang)
※WMAP(Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe)is a spacecraft launched by NASA.
:The Big Bang model is the cosmology to which it is supposed that the universe began large expansion suddenly from one point extraordinarily smaller than one atom about 13,700 million years ago.
・It is 1/10 billion seconds after the Big Bang that materials which constitute the universe, such as nuclear particles (proton and neutron) and an electron, were produced. (←separation of electromagnetic power and weak power) = birth of the fundamental power of the universe.
※ The fundamental power of the universe
1) Electromagnetic power : power which connects a proton and an electron (a chemical reaction is based on electromagnetic power)
2) Gravity
3) Nuclear force : power which combines a proton and a neutron (it is what is called atomic power)
4) Weak power to which the radioactive decay of the neutron (β disintegration)
○The center of The Big Bang :Only we know that the universe is accelerating expansion, we can not indicate where the center.
Reference:Wikipedia Big Bang
○Evidence of the Big Bang
1) Redshift ... All the galaxies are moving away from us.
※ Redshift: Phenomenon that the spectrum of the light from the observation target (including electromagnetic waves of all wavelengths not only visible light) shifts long wavelength side (closer to the red in the visible light).
【Reference】Measurement of redshift
edX/COSMOLOGY/Section 1: Space and Time/Worked Example 1
※ edX: Free online course of Harvard University and Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) (registration required)
2) The cosmic microwave background radiation (CMB) ... It had been predicted by the Big Bang theory.
※Phenomenon that microwave spectral 3K (the remnant of the Big Bang) is observed from all directions on the celestial sphere.
3) The presence ratio of light elements in the universe ... Prediction of the presence ratio of the light elements such as hydrogen and helium.
Photo: Temperature fluctuations of the cosmic microwave background radiation by WMAP. (Appearance of the universe after about 40 million years of the Big Bang)
※WMAP(Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe)is a spacecraft launched by NASA.
21 ビッグバン・モデル【宇宙とは】宇宙との対話
21 ビッグバン・モデル【宇宙とは】宇宙との対話
・・・1948年 ガモフ
1) 電磁気力:陽子と電子を結びつける力(化学反応は電磁気力によるもの)
2) 重力
3) 核力:陽子と中性子を結合する力(いわゆる原子力)
4) 中性子を放射性崩壊(β崩壊)させる弱い力
参照:Wikipedia ビッグバン
【参 考】赤方偏移の測定
edX/COSMOLOGY/Section 1: Space and Time/Worked Example 1
※WMAP(Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe: ウィルキンソン・マイクロ波異方性探査機)は アメリカ航空宇宙局 (NASA) が打ち上げた宇宙探査機。
・・・1948年 ガモフ
1) 電磁気力:陽子と電子を結びつける力(化学反応は電磁気力によるもの)
2) 重力
3) 核力:陽子と中性子を結合する力(いわゆる原子力)
4) 中性子を放射性崩壊(β崩壊)させる弱い力
参照:Wikipedia ビッグバン
【参 考】赤方偏移の測定
edX/COSMOLOGY/Section 1: Space and Time/Worked Example 1
※WMAP(Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe: ウィルキンソン・マイクロ波異方性探査機)は アメリカ航空宇宙局 (NASA) が打ち上げた宇宙探査機。
20 Incompleteness Theorem【What is the Universe?】Dialogue with the Universe
20 Incompleteness Theorem【What is the Universe?】Dialogue with the Universe
:The proposition which cannot judge correction exists.
・・・Gödel (Kurt Gödel, Austria 1906-78) proved in 1930.
・・・Then, Turing(Aan Mathison Turing, UK 1912-1954) proved that there is no unific method of confirming beforehand whether a certain proposition is a proposition which cannot judge truth.
Reference: 「世にも美しい数学入門」Masahiko Fujiwara/Youko Ogawa(p.147~151)
☆If there is a proposition which cannot confirm that verification is impossible and it is unverifiable, it can say, "Search is eternal."
・・・Although nothing may remain even if it continues search throughout life・・・
【Mathematical history】
About 7000 years ago Number was born. (Mankind began to group living.)
16th century Imaginary number is accepted.
・・・"Forgetting the mental anguish received with imaginary number, and merely introducing this." Gerolamo Cardano(Italy 1501~1576)
17th century Minus is accepted in Europe.
・・・Descartes draws a number line. René Descartes(France 1596~1650)
The first half of the 19th century An imaginary number is denoted by an axis of coordinates.:complex plane Carolus Fridericus Gauss(Germany 1777~1855)
1935 Gödel's Incompleteness Theorem
・・・Then, Turing(Aan Mathison Turing, UK 1912-1954) proved that there is no unific method of confirming beforehand whether a certain proposition is a proposition which cannot judge truth.
:The proposition which cannot judge correction exists.
・・・Gödel (Kurt Gödel, Austria 1906-78) proved in 1930.
・・・Then, Turing(Aan Mathison Turing, UK 1912-1954) proved that there is no unific method of confirming beforehand whether a certain proposition is a proposition which cannot judge truth.
Reference: 「世にも美しい数学入門」Masahiko Fujiwara/Youko Ogawa(p.147~151)
☆If there is a proposition which cannot confirm that verification is impossible and it is unverifiable, it can say, "Search is eternal."
・・・Although nothing may remain even if it continues search throughout life・・・
【Mathematical history】
About 7000 years ago Number was born. (Mankind began to group living.)
16th century Imaginary number is accepted.
・・・"Forgetting the mental anguish received with imaginary number, and merely introducing this." Gerolamo Cardano(Italy 1501~1576)
17th century Minus is accepted in Europe.
・・・Descartes draws a number line. René Descartes(France 1596~1650)
The first half of the 19th century An imaginary number is denoted by an axis of coordinates.:complex plane Carolus Fridericus Gauss(Germany 1777~1855)
1935 Gödel's Incompleteness Theorem
・・・Then, Turing(Aan Mathison Turing, UK 1912-1954) proved that there is no unific method of confirming beforehand whether a certain proposition is a proposition which cannot judge truth.
20 不完全性定理【数学の歴史】【宇宙とは】宇宙との対話
20 不完全性定理【数学の歴史】【宇宙とは】宇宙との対話
・・・1930年にゲーデル(オーストリア 1906-78)が証明した。
約7000年前 数字が誕生した。(人類が集団生活を始めた。)
16世紀 虚数を認める
・・・「虚数によって受ける精神的苦痛は忘れ、ただこれを導入せよ」カルダノ(イタリア 1501~76)
17世紀 ヨーロッパでマイナスが認められる・・・デカルトが数直線を描く
デカルト(仏 1596~1650)
19世紀前半 座標軸で虚数を現す:複素平面 ガウス(独1777~1855)
1931年 不完全性定理 ゲーデル(オーストリア 1906-78)
・・・1930年にゲーデル(オーストリア 1906-78)が証明した。
約7000年前 数字が誕生した。(人類が集団生活を始めた。)
16世紀 虚数を認める
・・・「虚数によって受ける精神的苦痛は忘れ、ただこれを導入せよ」カルダノ(イタリア 1501~76)
17世紀 ヨーロッパでマイナスが認められる・・・デカルトが数直線を描く
デカルト(仏 1596~1650)
19世紀前半 座標軸で虚数を現す:複素平面 ガウス(独1777~1855)
1931年 不完全性定理 ゲーデル(オーストリア 1906-78)
19 Uncertainty principle【What is the Universe?】Dialogue with the Universe
19 Uncertainty principle【What is the Universe?】Dialogue with the Universe
:The principle that the position and quantity of motion about a certain particle (for example, electron) can answer only according to probability on the level of quantum.
:The principle that the position and quantity of motion about a certain particle (for example, electron) can answer only according to probability on the level of quantum.
18 Material wave(de Broglie wave)【What is the Universe?】Dialogue with the Universe
18 Material wave(de Broglie wave)【What is the Universe?】Dialogue with the Universe
:On a submicroscopic level, there is no boundary strict between particles and wave.
→When existence is regarded as a wave motion, in physics, it is called a "place." For example, light is wave motion of an electric field and magnetic field.
※ The electron is wave.
※ And the length of orbit around the nucleus is an integer multiple of the wavelength (10 minus 10 square m).
※ It is impossible to determine the size of the electron.
※ It is under a very microscopic situation like an electron beam that the character as a wave is actually observed.
:On a submicroscopic level, there is no boundary strict between particles and wave.
→When existence is regarded as a wave motion, in physics, it is called a "place." For example, light is wave motion of an electric field and magnetic field.
※ The electron is wave.
※ And the length of orbit around the nucleus is an integer multiple of the wavelength (10 minus 10 square m).
※ It is impossible to determine the size of the electron.
※ It is under a very microscopic situation like an electron beam that the character as a wave is actually observed.
18 物質波(ド・ブロイ波(de Broglie wave))の理論【宇宙とは】宇宙との対話
18 物質波(ド・ブロイ波(de Broglie wave))の理論【宇宙とは】宇宙との対話
17 Theory of Relativity(Albert Einstein)【What is the Universe?】Dialogue with the Universe
17 Theory of Relativity(Albert Einstein)【What is the Universe?】Dialogue with the Universe
○The universe is a four-dimensional space-time consisting of three-dimensional space and time, and the space-time can shrink or elongate. (Special relativity [1])
○ The speed of light(electromagnetic wave) traveling space-time is constant. (Special relativity)
○ You can write the relationship of energy and mass and speed of light with following equation. (Special relativity)
※c^2:raise c to the 4 power
(E:energy(J)、m:mass(g)、c:speed of light(m/s))
○If the mass of the object which exercises reaches speed of light, it will become infinite. (Special relativity)
○The space-time is distorted. (General relativity[2])
○ The universe is expanding. (General relativity)
○ Black hole exists. (General relativity)
※ In accordance with Special relativity and General relativity, it is called Theory of relativity.
※ According to theory of relativity, the phenomenon in which an error becomes large if Newtonian mechanics describes (movement near the speed of light and movement in a big gravitational field) , can be described correctly.
1. Special relativity(1905)
:The theory which dealt with the inertia system in the state where there is no gravity.
○The universe is the 4-dimensional world of time and space. The "space-time" seen from the watcher is a relative thing which is rectified by Lorentz transformation, and is extended or is shrunk.
○The length of a spacecraft is shrunk by a cross direction at a rate of.
(V: Motion speed, C:Light speed)
○At the system which exercises, compared with an external system, only is delayed in time.
2. General relativity
:Theory of gravity and space-time. (1915 - 1916)
○ Einstein’s equation: If you assign the mass of the material such as a star or energy in the right-hand side, it is possible to calculate the curvature of space-time around the star.
※ Left-hand side: Curvature of space-time (Geometrical quantity representing the bending of space-time)
※ Right-hand side: The distribution of the substance field (substance and light)
・Gμν:Einstein tensor(Tensor represents the distortion)
・Λgμν : The cosmological constant
・κ :Einstein's constant of gravitation
(κ=8πG/c^4 (π:pi、G:Gravitational constant、c :Speed of light))
※c^4:raise c to the 4 power
・Tμν:energy-momentum tensor
・μ, ν: Identify the coordinates of space-time.
○The universe is a four-dimensional space-time consisting of three-dimensional space and time, and the space-time can shrink or elongate. (Special relativity [1])
○ The speed of light(electromagnetic wave) traveling space-time is constant. (Special relativity)
○ You can write the relationship of energy and mass and speed of light with following equation. (Special relativity)
※c^2:raise c to the 4 power
(E:energy(J)、m:mass(g)、c:speed of light(m/s))
○If the mass of the object which exercises reaches speed of light, it will become infinite. (Special relativity)
○The space-time is distorted. (General relativity[2])
○ The universe is expanding. (General relativity)
○ Black hole exists. (General relativity)
※ In accordance with Special relativity and General relativity, it is called Theory of relativity.
※ According to theory of relativity, the phenomenon in which an error becomes large if Newtonian mechanics describes (movement near the speed of light and movement in a big gravitational field) , can be described correctly.
1. Special relativity(1905)
:The theory which dealt with the inertia system in the state where there is no gravity.
○The universe is the 4-dimensional world of time and space. The "space-time" seen from the watcher is a relative thing which is rectified by Lorentz transformation, and is extended or is shrunk.
○The length of a spacecraft is shrunk by a cross direction at a rate of.
(V: Motion speed, C:Light speed)
○At the system which exercises, compared with an external system, only is delayed in time.
2. General relativity
:Theory of gravity and space-time. (1915 - 1916)
○ Einstein’s equation: If you assign the mass of the material such as a star or energy in the right-hand side, it is possible to calculate the curvature of space-time around the star.
※ Left-hand side: Curvature of space-time (Geometrical quantity representing the bending of space-time)
※ Right-hand side: The distribution of the substance field (substance and light)
・Gμν:Einstein tensor(Tensor represents the distortion)
・Λgμν : The cosmological constant
・κ :Einstein's constant of gravitation
(κ=8πG/c^4 (π:pi、G:Gravitational constant、c :Speed of light))
※c^4:raise c to the 4 power
・Tμν:energy-momentum tensor
・μ, ν: Identify the coordinates of space-time.
17 相対性理論(アルベルト・アインシュタイン)【宇宙とは】宇宙との対話
17 相対性理論(アルベルト・アインシュタイン)【宇宙とは】宇宙との対話
○宇宙は3次元の空間と時間という4次元の時空であり、空間と時間は伸びたり縮んだりする。(特殊相対性理論 [1])
【参 考】
2. 一般相対性理論(1915 - 1916年)
・ Gμν:アインシュタイン・テンソル(テンソルとは歪みを表すもの。)
・Λ :宇宙定数。この項は宇宙項と呼ばれる。
・κ :アインシュタインの重力定数。
(万有引力定数 Gとκ=8πG/c^4 の関係にある(π は円周率、c は光速))
※c^4:cの4乗(raise c to the 4 power)
・ Tμν:エネルギー・運動量テンソル。
・ 添え字μ,νは、それぞれ時空の座標を特定するもの。
○宇宙は3次元の空間と時間という4次元の時空であり、空間と時間は伸びたり縮んだりする。(特殊相対性理論 [1])
【参 考】
2. 一般相対性理論(1915 - 1916年)
・ Gμν:アインシュタイン・テンソル(テンソルとは歪みを表すもの。)
・Λ :宇宙定数。この項は宇宙項と呼ばれる。
・κ :アインシュタインの重力定数。
(万有引力定数 Gとκ=8πG/c^4 の関係にある(π は円周率、c は光速))
※c^4:cの4乗(raise c to the 4 power)
・ Tμν:エネルギー・運動量テンソル。
・ 添え字μ,νは、それぞれ時空の座標を特定するもの。
16 Newtonian mechanics【What is the Universe?】Dialogue with the Universe
16 Newtonian mechanics【What is the Universe?】Dialogue with the Universe
・Three laws of Newtonian mechanics
1) Law of inertia・・・As for an object, unless power acts -- stillness -- linear uniform motion is carried out.
2) Equation of motion・・・At a mass point the acceleration(a) is proportional to the power(F) of acting then, and is in inverse proportion to the mass(m).
3) Action-reaction law
・Law of universal gravitation
※Newtonian mechanics can be used when treating movement of sufficiently later than the velocity of light in a macroscopic scale. For example, in the space navigation in an artificial satellite or planetary exploration, it is calculable in sufficient accuracy using Newtonian mechanics in many cases.
・Three laws of Newtonian mechanics
1) Law of inertia・・・As for an object, unless power acts -- stillness -- linear uniform motion is carried out.
2) Equation of motion・・・At a mass point the acceleration(a) is proportional to the power(F) of acting then, and is in inverse proportion to the mass(m).
3) Action-reaction law
・Law of universal gravitation
※Newtonian mechanics can be used when treating movement of sufficiently later than the velocity of light in a macroscopic scale. For example, in the space navigation in an artificial satellite or planetary exploration, it is calculable in sufficient accuracy using Newtonian mechanics in many cases.
16 ニュートンの物理体系【宇宙とは】宇宙との対話
16 ニュートンの物理体系【宇宙とは】宇宙との対話
1) 慣性の法則・・・物体は、力が作用しない限り、静止または等速直線運動する。
2) 運動方程式・・・加速度aは、そのとき質点に作用する力Fに比例し、質点の質量mに反比例する。
3) 作用・反作用の法則
1) 慣性の法則・・・物体は、力が作用しない限り、静止または等速直線運動する。
2) 運動方程式・・・加速度aは、そのとき質点に作用する力Fに比例し、質点の質量mに反比例する。
3) 作用・反作用の法則
15 Chaos【What is the Universe?】Dialogue with the Universe
15 宇宙とカオス【宇宙とは】宇宙との対話
14 Water on Mars【What is the Universe?】Dialogue with the Universe
14 Water on Mars【What is the Universe?】Dialogue with the Universe
In August 2011. NASA announced, depending on the season at the surface of Mars, "water" may be flowing.
Source: NHK news WEB
In August 2011. NASA announced, depending on the season at the surface of Mars, "water" may be flowing.
Source: NHK news WEB
14 火星と水【宇宙とは】宇宙との対話
14 火星と水【宇宙とは】宇宙との対話
13 The Moon Moving Away【What is the Universe?】Dialogue with the Universe
13 The Moon Moving Away【What is the Universe?】Dialogue with the Universe
・Because of tidal forces between earth and moon, earth's rotation would gradually slow.
•As a result, the moment of the Earth's rotation (rotational force) is reduced, and the moment of the moon around the Earth increases, and the moon away from Earth (3.8 cm per year).
・Because of tidal forces between earth and moon, earth's rotation would gradually slow.
•As a result, the moment of the Earth's rotation (rotational force) is reduced, and the moment of the moon around the Earth increases, and the moon away from Earth (3.8 cm per year).
13 遠ざかる月 【宇宙とは】宇宙との対話
13 遠ざかる月 【宇宙とは】宇宙との対話
12 Life of Stars【What is the Universe?】Dialogue with the Universe
12 Life of Stars【What is the Universe?】Dialogue with the Universe
・Big star burns out faster than small one.
• The lifetime of the sun is about 100 million years. The life of stars of 10 times weight of the sun is from 1 / 1000 to 1 / 100.
・Big star burns out faster than small one.
• The lifetime of the sun is about 100 million years. The life of stars of 10 times weight of the sun is from 1 / 1000 to 1 / 100.
12 星の寿命 【宇宙とは】宇宙との対話
12 星の寿命 【宇宙とは】宇宙との対話
・太陽の寿命は約100 億年。太陽の 10 倍の星の寿命は1/100から1/1000(1億年から 1000万年)。
・太陽の寿命は約100 億年。太陽の 10 倍の星の寿命は1/100から1/1000(1億年から 1000万年)。
11 Dark Matter and Dark Energy【Exploring the universe】Dialogue with the Universe
11 Dark Matter and Dark Energy【Exploring the universe】Dialogue with the Universe
○Dark Matter
・ Dark matter is matter and energy, which is supposed to describe the structure of the universe and the operation of the galaxy. (Fritz Zwicky in 1934) [1]
・ It is named darkness from the fact that is not only not emitting light but also not reflecting.
・Dark matter is distributed spherically around the galaxy.
・From it is to us that can not be only three spatial dimensions recognition, dark matter can not be seen in motion in the other seven spatial dimension to us. [2]
・Mass of dark matter is a kinetic energy of the particles(Elementary particle? In superstring theory, it is string that vibrates at a high frequency) in motion in the other seven spatial dimensions. [2]
• It can be detected by the gravitational lens effect.
○Dark Energy
・In observation of galaxies and galaxy clusters(Cosmic structure) that have been made in the 1990s, if the space has to be flat, only dark matter was suggested that not be explained only about 25% of the universe mass. If the dark energy compensate about 70% of the remaining, can be explained that the universe is flat.
・The universe(space-time) is expanding at an accelerated pace. The dark matter and substances act as a brake against the expansion of the universe in order to attract each other by gravity. On the other hand, dark energy acts as a repulsive force. ・・・?
・And the universe (space-time) even though continued accelerated expansion, the density of dark energy does not become thin.
・The identity of the dark energy is not known. [3] (Related to the quantum theory of gravity ...?)
☆ There are important things that do not appear in the table.
1. Why dark matter is assumed?
1) By the third law of Kepler, from the orbital period and the semi-major axis of the two stars we can obtain the sum of the mass of the stars.
M:Sum of the mass of stars(solar mass)
p:Orbital period(year)
a:Semi-major axis of two stars(astronomical unit: au)
2)When estimating the total mass of galaxies, based on the movement of the galaxy its periphery, the result is a few hundred times the mass which is estimated based on the total luminance of galaxies and the number of galaxies observed optically.
3)Therefore, it is assumed that there are substances that are not visible.
2. 「宇宙は何でできているのか」村山 斉(Japanese)
3. Dark Energy, Dark Matter - NASA Science - Science@NASA
○Dark Matter
・ Dark matter is matter and energy, which is supposed to describe the structure of the universe and the operation of the galaxy. (Fritz Zwicky in 1934) [1]
・ It is named darkness from the fact that is not only not emitting light but also not reflecting.
・Dark matter is distributed spherically around the galaxy.
・From it is to us that can not be only three spatial dimensions recognition, dark matter can not be seen in motion in the other seven spatial dimension to us. [2]
・Mass of dark matter is a kinetic energy of the particles(Elementary particle? In superstring theory, it is string that vibrates at a high frequency) in motion in the other seven spatial dimensions. [2]
• It can be detected by the gravitational lens effect.
○Dark Energy
・In observation of galaxies and galaxy clusters(Cosmic structure) that have been made in the 1990s, if the space has to be flat, only dark matter was suggested that not be explained only about 25% of the universe mass. If the dark energy compensate about 70% of the remaining, can be explained that the universe is flat.
・The universe(space-time) is expanding at an accelerated pace. The dark matter and substances act as a brake against the expansion of the universe in order to attract each other by gravity. On the other hand, dark energy acts as a repulsive force. ・・・?
・And the universe (space-time) even though continued accelerated expansion, the density of dark energy does not become thin.
・The identity of the dark energy is not known. [3] (Related to the quantum theory of gravity ...?)
☆ There are important things that do not appear in the table.
1. Why dark matter is assumed?
1) By the third law of Kepler, from the orbital period and the semi-major axis of the two stars we can obtain the sum of the mass of the stars.
M:Sum of the mass of stars(solar mass)
p:Orbital period(year)
a:Semi-major axis of two stars(astronomical unit: au)
2)When estimating the total mass of galaxies, based on the movement of the galaxy its periphery, the result is a few hundred times the mass which is estimated based on the total luminance of galaxies and the number of galaxies observed optically.
3)Therefore, it is assumed that there are substances that are not visible.
2. 「宇宙は何でできているのか」村山 斉(Japanese)
3. Dark Energy, Dark Matter - NASA Science - Science@NASA
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