
42  The history of Artificial intelligence /Surface of the Microchip【Sophia】Dialogue with the Universe

42  The history of Artificial intelligence /Surface of the Microchip【Sophia】Dialogue with the Universe ○The history of Artificial intelligence 1956  John McCarthy was named artificial intelligence. 1989  Berners-Lee developed the World Wide Web. 1997  Chess dedicated computer, Deep Blue He was able to win Garry Kimovich Kasparov. ※ Kasparov continued to hold the world champion title of chess for 15 years . 2005  Ray Kurzweil wrote about the technical singularity in『The Singularity Is Near: When Humans Transcend Biology』. ○Surface of the Microchip 2011 Nikon Microscope Photo Contest "Small World" Source: National Geographic News http://www.nationalgeographic.co.jp/news/news_article.php?file_id=2011100705 集積回路

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