I've been making Vocaloid songs since I was 66. 66歳からボカロ曲を作っています。 YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCXrP9ejkZODepxEvzvOJuWw/
88 Extinction of dinosaurs【Past and Future】Dialogue with the Universe
88 Extinction of dinosaurs【Past and Future】Dialogue with the Universe
・6.5million years ago,the collision of a meteorite 10km in diameter to Earth of the dinosaurs planet.
・The clash formed crater of over 250km in diameter(15 ~ 25km depth) in the falling
point(off the Yucatan Peninsula).
・The body of meteorite vaporized by heat of impact vaporization, and dust spreaded into the atmosphere.
・Rock at falling point melted by the heat and splattered around.
・Atmosphere became opaque by dust and sunlight could not reach the surface, the earth was cooling.
・In addition to dinosaurs, many creatures became extinct in order to can not adapt to the rapidly changing environment.
88 恐竜の絶滅【過去と未来】宇宙との対話
87 Snowball earth【Past and Future】Dialogue with the Universe
87 Snowball earth【Past and Future】Dialogue with the Universe
・For about 5~600 million years at the last Precambrian age Earth entered the time of the snowball earth, and near the equator was covered on ice.
・Most lives on Earth of this time were bacteria.
・The time of the dramatic life evolution "Cambrian explosion" had come after the snowball earth.
・There is also an opinion it is supposed that the earth will be in the state of the snowball earth again in the future.
87 スノーボールアース【過去と未来】宇宙との対話
87 スノーボールアース【過去と未来】宇宙との対話
86 The History of the Earth【Past and Future】Dialogue with the Universe
86 The History of the Earth【Past and Future】Dialogue with the Universe
13.7 billion years ago Big Bang
13.5 billion years ago Birth of stars
4.6 billion years ago Earth's formation (primitive atmosphere is mostly hydrogen and helium).
4.3-4.0 billion years ago Ocean was born
3.8 billion years ago Birth of unicellular organisms
2.4~2.1 billion years ago The oldest ice age. (Huronian glaciation)
750~700 million years ago Sturtian glaciations
640 million years ago Marinoan glaciation・・・Snowball Earth
600 million years ago Birth and explosion of multicellular organisms(the Cambrian)
460~430 million years ago Little ice age(Andean-Saharan glaciation)
400 million years ago Plants advanced the land from the sea.
360 million years ago Animal’s landing
360 ~260 million years ago Expansion period of glacier( Karoo Ice Age)
300 million years ago Increase of insects (cockroaches = living fossil)
Emergence of reptiles
250 million years ago Mass extinction of lives (Permian)
Emergence of dinosaurs
225 million years ago Emergence of mammals
220 million years ago Mass extinction of lives
150 million years ago Emergence of archaeopteryx
140 million years ago Division of Australian continent
100 million years ago Golden age of dinosaurs (The average temperature was about 23℃. Temperature of current average is 15℃.)
65 million years ago A mass extinction of organisms= Extinction of dinosaurs(Collision of comet(about 10km diameter))
Emergence of primates(Ability to synthesize vitamin C is lost)
40 million years ago Last ice age
25 million years ago The oldest fossil that seems to be apes
10 million ~5 million years ago The formation of the Great Rift Valley in Africa began.
about 6 million ~ 5 million years ago The differentiation of Humans and chimpanzees
about 2.5 million ~ 1.8 million years ago Start of Stone tools
1.7 million years ago Human beings born
About 0.5 million years ago Peking man
About 230,000 years ago Emergence of Neanderthals ・・・Use of stone tools
About 200,000 ~190,000 years ago Emergence of Homo sapiens (present people)
160,000 ± 40,000 years ago Mitochondrial Eve in Africa
(150 000 years ago polar bear and brown bear was divided)
About 100,000 years ago Modern humans (Homo sapiens) were spread out of the Africa.
About 30,000 years ago Extinction of Neanderthal
About 30,000 ~ 20,000 years ago Mongoloid passed to the Americas.
About 14,000 ~10,000 years ago Humanity tamed the dog.
About 13 000 years ago Japanese archipelago became the island.
10,000 years ago The end of the last ice age
20th century The development of science and technology, the explosive growth of population, globalization, world war, environmental destruction and resource depletion concerns
The 21st century Development and commercialization of new energy. Development of IT, biotechnology and nanotechnology. Multi-polar world.
86 地球の歴史【過去と未来】宇宙との対話
86 地球の歴史【過去と未来】宇宙との対話
137億年前 ビッグバン
135億年前 星の誕生
46億年前 地球誕生(原始大気は、主にヘリウムと水素)
43~40億年前頃 海洋が誕生
38億年前 単細胞生物誕生
24~21億年前頃 最も古い氷河期(ヒューロニアン氷期)
7億5千万年前~7億年前 スターティアン氷期
6.4億年前 マリノア氷期・・・スノーボールアース
6億年前 多細胞生物の誕生・爆発的な増加(カンブリア爆発)
4億6千万年前~4億3千万年前 小さな氷河期(アンデス−サハラ氷期)
4億年前 植物の上陸
3億6千万年前 動物の上陸
3億6千万年前~2億6千万年前 氷河の拡大期(カルー氷期 Karoo Ice Age)
3億年前 昆虫の増加(ゴキブリ=生きている化石)
2億5千万年前 生物の大量絶滅(ペルム紀)。・・・95%の生物種が絶滅。
2億8千万年前 北半球では、アメリカのヒューストン、アフリカのスエズまで氷で覆われていた。
2億2500万年前 哺乳類の出現
2億500万年前 全生物種の75%が絶滅。
2億2000万年前 生物の大量絶滅
1億5千万年前 始祖鳥の出現
1億4千万年前 オーストラリア大陸の分裂
1億年前 恐竜の全盛時代(平均気温23℃。現在の平均気温は約15℃)
6,500万年前 生物の大量絶滅=恐竜の絶滅(彗星(直径10km程度)の衝突)
4000万年前~ 最終氷期
2500万年前 最古の類人猿と思われる化石?
1000万〜500万年前 アフリカでグレート・リフト・バレーの形成が始まる。
約600万〜500万年前 ヒトとチンパンジーが分化
約250万〜180万年前 - この頃、石器の使用がはじまった。
170万年前 人類誕生
約50万年前 北京原人
約23万年前 ネアンデルタール人の出現・・・石器の使用
約20万〜19万年前 ホモ・サピエンス(現在のヒト)の出現
16±4万年前 アフリカのミトコンドリア・イブ
(15万年前 ヒグマとシロクマが分かれる)
約10万年前 現代人(ホモ・サピエンス)がアフリカを出た。
約3万年前 ネアンデルタール人が絶滅
約3万〜2万年 モンゴロイドがアメリカ大陸に渡る。
約1万4000〜約1万年前 イヌを飼い慣らした
約1万3000年前 日本が島化
1万年前 最終氷期の終わり
5千年前 イタリアに象がいた。
B.C.218年 ハンニバルは象を連れてアルプスを越えた。
A.C.800~1300年 平均気温が現在よりも1℃以上高い。イギリスではブドウが栽培され、グリーンランドは氷で覆われていなかった。また、南極にハエがいた。
20世紀 科学技術の発達、人口の爆発的増加、国際化、世界大戦、環境破壊や資源枯渇の懸念。
21世紀 新エネルギーの開発と実用化。IT、バイオ、ナノ技術の発展。多極化する世界
85 Black holes are exits to the another universe?【Black Hole】Dialogue with the Universe
85 Black holes are exits to the another universe?【Black Hole】Dialogue with the Universe
・Black hole rotating at high speed collapses in a ring shape. The middle of the ring is likely to be the gateway to the parallel universe.
【Reference】Michio Kaku / New York incandescent classroom " amazing prophecy of "Theory of Everything;TOE"" 20150403
85 ブラックホールは別な宇宙の出入り?【ブラックホール】宇宙との対話
85 ブラックホールは別な宇宙の出入り?【ブラックホール】宇宙との対話
・ 高速で回転しているブラックホールはリング状につぶれる。そのリングの真ん中は並行宇宙へのゲートウエイとなる可能性がある。
【参 照】ミチオ・カク/ニューヨーク白熱教室「『万物の理論』の驚くべき予言」20150403
84 Hawking Radiation 2【Black Hole】Dialogue with the Universe
84 Hawking Radiation 2【Black Hole】Dialogue with the Universe
・One of the characteristics of the quantum theory is that there is no empty space thing.
・This may look empty at first glance, in a micro scale pair production of virtual particles of negative energy and positive energy always has been done.
・Positive-energy particles can escape from the black hole if energy is greater.
・On the other hand, negative energy particles are sucked into the black hole.
• Since the negative energy particles are inhaled, the energy of the black hole is reduced as a result, the black hole becomes smaller gradually.
・Black hole is going to "evaporation".
・However, the time to partition evaporation is 105.9 billion years, that is orders of magnitude longer than the age of the universe about 14 billion years.
【Reference】The mystery of the black hole Scientific Seminar of the Physical Society of Japan 2004
Text "Einstein and physics in the 21st century"(August 5-6, 2004)
High Energy Accelerator Research Organization Makoto.Natsuume
84 ホーキング放射(その2)【ブラックホール】宇宙との対話
84 ホーキング放射(その2)【ブラックホール】宇宙との対話
・ 量子論の特徴の一つは、からっぽの空間というものがないことである。
・ 一見からっぽに見えても、ミクロなスケールでは常に正エネルギーと負エネルギーの仮想粒子の対生成がおこなわれている。
・ 正エネルギーの粒子は、エネルギーが大きければブラックホールから逃れることができる。
・ 一方、負エネルギーの粒子はブラックホールに吸い込まれる。
・ 負エネルギーの粒子が吸い込まれるため、結果的にはブラックホールのエネルギーは減り、ブラックホールは次第に小さくなっていく。
・ ブラックホールが「蒸発」していくのだ。
・ただし、蒸発しきるまでの時間は、1059 億年と宇宙年齢約140 億年と比べて桁違いに長い。
【参照】ブラックホールの謎に迫る 2004年日本物理学会科学セミナー
高エネルギー加速器研究機構 夏梅 誠
83 Hawking Radiation【Black Hole】Dialogue with the Universe
83 ホーキング放射【ブラックホール】宇宙との対話
82 Black Hole 【Black Hole】Dialogue with the Universe
82 Black Hole 【Black Hole】Dialogue with the Universe
・September 2011 Supermassive black holes •at about 54.4 million light-years away in the direction of Virgo announced.
・Black holes have extremely strong gravity, even light could inhale as well as
substances nearby.
Source: Yahoo! News
・Incidentally it takes about 100,000 years for 20 light years by the ship cruising speed of the current, so we will need about 300 billion years till the black hole in space travel ! ! !
・ The theoretically expected cosmic jet that equivalents to the movement of the substance, and the X-rays emitted from the substance inhaled by the black holes are observed.
・ The white hole solution to which time reflection of the black hole is carried out exists in the solution of the Einstein equation.
・The information inhaled by the black hole is not lost.
Source: Wikipedia ”Black hole”
82 ブラックホール 【ブラックホール】宇宙との対話
82 ブラックホール 【ブラックホール】宇宙との対話
・2011年9月 超巨大ブラックホールが、おとめ座の方向に約5440万光年離れた位
(参 考)
・ 理論的に予想される物質の運動に相当する宇宙ジェットや、ブラックホールに吸い込まれていく物質が出すと理論的に予想されるX線が観測されている。
・ アインシュタイン方程式の解には、ブラックホールを時間反転させたホワイトホール解が存在する。
・ ブラックホールに吸い込まれた情報は失われない。
81 A diamond planet was found! 【Space Travel】Dialogue with the Universe
81 A diamond planet was found! 【Space Travel】Dialogue with the Universe
・This planet is only 40 light-years away.
・It takes 2,500 years for one way, 5,000 years for round trip by the spacecraft.
・Hasten the development of the Hayabusa-Z!
81 ダイヤモンドでできた惑星発見!【宇宙旅行】宇宙との対話
81 ダイヤモンドでできた惑星発見!【宇宙旅行】宇宙との対話
・ この惑星は、たった40光年のところにある。
・ 宇宙船で、片道2,500年、往復5,000年ポッキリ。
・ ハヤブサZの開発を急げ!
80 Exposure【Space Travel】Dialogue with the Universe
80 Exposure【Space Travel】Dialogue with the Universe
・The amount of exposure on the moon is more than 100 times the earth.
【Reference】Planetes(Japanese Comic)
・The average annual exposure due to natural radiation of the world is 2.4mSv. The moon is that over 240mSv. 250mSv is close to the upper limit of the dose exposure of emergency (Radiation Council report in March 2011).
80 被ばく【宇宙旅行】宇宙との対話
80 被ばく【宇宙旅行】宇宙との対話
79 Space food Menu【Space Travel】Dialogue with the Universe
79 Space food Menu【Space Travel】Dialogue with the Universe
・I considered space food menu with a focus on sweet potato. This menu is based on
"Dietary Reference Intakes for Japanese" (2010 edition, Ministry of Health), and "food
composition database"(Ministry of Education).
・Sweet potatoes 4, salmon 2 cans, boiled eggs 2, natto 1 package , soy milk 1.5 cups,
spinach 1.5 bunch.
・In these six items six out • You can meet the Dietary Reference Intakes for Japanese
• Most important problem is how to farmed salmon in the universe.
79 宇宙食メニュー Space food menu【宇宙旅行】宇宙との対話
78 Future of space exploration【Space Travel】Dialogue with the Universe
78 Future of space exploration【Space Travel】Dialogue with the Universe
・September 2011, NASA announced a new rocket development program as a replacement for retiring the space shuttle.
・Development costs of the large projects is $ 10 billion.
• The new rocket will be completed in 2017, conduct a manned exploration of asteroid
in 2025, and in the 2030s is a goal of carry the human race to Mars.
Source: National Geographic News
・I think that challenges in rocket development would be to build a system that can be recovered some development costs by space factory or resource exploration, rather than manned and unmanned.
・There is a plan to mine mineral resources in the universe by 2020.
Reference: Reuters
78 宇宙開発のゆくえ【宇宙旅行】宇宙との対話
78 宇宙開発のゆくえ【宇宙旅行】宇宙との対話
・2011年9月 NASAは、引退したスペースシャトルの後継となる新型ロケットの開発計画を発表した。
出典:ナショナルジオグラフィック ニュース
77 Space Parasol Project(Measures against global warming)【Space Travel】Dialogue with the Universe
77 Space Parasol Project(Measures against global warming)【Space Travel】Dialogue with the Universe
• In this plan they set up space-sprinkler at the Lagrangian point, and create parasol with sprayed dust and soot between the earth and sun.
・If you establish a space-sprinkler except Lagrangian poin, you should always have corrections to change the location.
・Lagrangian point is position where they can rotate around the sun without changing the positional relationship between the sun and the satellite, and there are five points between the sun and the earth.
・In the Space parasol plan, a space sprinkler and a space container are sent with a mass driver from a moon base to the Lagrangian point.
・A space sprinkler rotates at the Lagrangian point, sprinkling dust and soot, and "The Parasol" will be formed between the sun and the earths.
77 スペースパラソル計画(地球温暖化対策) 【宇宙旅行】宇宙との対話
77 スペースパラソル計画(地球温暖化対策) 【宇宙旅行】宇宙との対話
76 Energy【Space Travel】Dialogue with the Universe
76 Energy【Space Travel】Dialogue with the Universe
・10^0(Ten to zero power)=1J(joule) The potential energy of the apple (102 g) of one meter height at the surface of the Earth.
・10^11=191GJ Kinetic energy to escape objects of 1kg mass from the solar system
・10^17=250PJ Nuclear energy of the largest explosion in human history (Tsar Bomba, 1961)
・10^26=382.7YJ Energy emitted per second from the sun
Source: Comparison of energy-Wikipedia
76 エネルギー 【宇宙旅行】宇宙との対話
76 エネルギー 【宇宙旅行】宇宙との対話
・10の0乗=1 J 地球表面で地表から1メートルの高さにあるリンゴ (102 g) が持つ位置エネルギー
・10の11乗=191 GJ 質量1kgの物体が太陽系から脱出するために必要な運動エネルギー
・10の17乗=250 PJ 人類史上最大の核兵器が爆発したときに発したエネルギー(ツァーリ・ボンバ、1961年)
・10の26乗=382.7 YJ 1秒間に太陽から放出されるエネルギー
75 The Cost of Space Travel【Space Travel】Dialogue with the Universe
75 The Cost of Space Travel【Space Travel】Dialogue with the Universe
○The cost of sending into space object of one kilogram
Around 1993 by Space Shuttle: ¥ 9 million
by Soyuz : ¥ 1.8 million
Source: "Talk about the universe 2" Takashi Tachibana (p.73)
Around 2010 by Space Shuttle: about 8,800$(about ¥ 700,000)
Source: Wikipedia Mass Driver (2010)
○Round trip of astronauts to the ISS by Soyuz
about 71 million$
・・・As 60 kg body weight, ¥ 83 million per 1 kg.
Source::日経ビジネス online-Shinya Mtsuura
○ Turned to the Earth orbit ... ¥ 2,400,000 per 1 kg
【Reference】 "The wonder future - latest physics talks" Michio Kaku (April 2015)
E Tele/New York incandescent classroom 20150424 consciousness and mind
※ Michio Kaku officialsite
○The cost of current space travel(4 minutes) (including training costs) ¥ 18 million
・・・As 60 kg body weight, ¥ 300,000 per 1 kg.
【Reference】Guidance of a space trip/Club tourism
75 宇宙旅行のコスト 【宇宙旅行】宇宙との対話
75 宇宙旅行のコスト 【宇宙旅行】宇宙との対話
1993年頃 スペースシャトル:900万円
ソユーズ :180万円
出典:「宇宙を語る2」立花隆 (p.73)
2010年頃 スペースシャトル:8,800$(約70万円)
出典:Wikipedia マスドライバー(2010年)
2013年頃 7,070万$
参照:日経ビジネス online-松浦 晋也
○地球周回軌道への投入・・1キロ 240万円
【参 照】「最新物理学が語る驚異の未来」ミチオ・カク(2015年4月)
Eテレ ニューヨーク白熱教室 20150424 意識と心
You Tube:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-dMt5FB6inY
○4分間の宇宙旅行費用(訓練含む) 1,800万円
【参 照】宇宙旅行の御案内 クラブツーリズム
74 How to get the gravity. 【Space Travel】Dialogue with the Universe
73 ITER(The International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor)【Space Travel】Dialogue with the Universe
73 ITER(The International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor)【Space Travel】Dialogue with the Universe
・International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor
・The goal is to build a fusion power plant in 2040-2050.
・The ITER experimental design has been changed to 2020, one year later than originally planned, under the influence of in eastern earthquake. Aim to start full-scale operation in 2027 as planned. The total project cost is 2 trillion yen.
・In addition, experimental reactor completion of the 2020 has become difficult.
・The name is derived from iter (: Net, Road).
・Seven countries and Region (Japan, China, EU, India, Russia, South Korea, USA)are involved in the this plan.
・ITER construction site is in Cadarache, France.
Fall 2013
In USA national Laboratory, ground-breaking progress in fusion energy experiment
73 国際核融合実験炉(ITER(イーターと読む))【宇宙旅行】宇宙との対話
73 国際核融合実験炉(ITER(イーターと読む))【宇宙旅行】宇宙との対話
【参 考】
・2013年秋 米国立研究所、核融合エネルギー実験で画期的前進
72 Space Travel【Space Travel】Dialogue with the Universe
72 Space Travel【Space Travel】Dialogue with the Universe
At a rate of traditional sailing ship it takes
・15 to 20 years to out of Solar System
・250 years to go to the nearest star 4 light years away.
Note: García-Sánchez, J. et al. (2001). “Stellar encounters with the solar system”. Astronomy and Astrophysics 379: 634-659.
・It takes about 1,000 years for 20 light years by the ship cruising speed of the current
※There is also a theory that it takes 80,000 years to travel the 4.3 light years (about 40 trillion km) .
○Sending to the universe of human connectome
← It is an interesting idea, but the receiver is required to be able to learn.
← For learning and creativity, growing connectome is needed.
← Previously, it is necessary to feed the receiver.
※Human connectome:See No. 39.
72 宇宙旅行 【宇宙旅行】宇宙との対話
72 宇宙旅行 【宇宙旅行】宇宙との対話
・ 太陽系から出るのに15~20年かかる。
・ 約4光年離れた一番近い恒星に行くまでに250年かかる。
参考:Wikipedia 近い恒星の一覧
71 A planet inhabited by creatures has Discovered!【Space Travel】 Dialogue with the Universe
71 A planet inhabited by creatures has Discovered!【Space Travel】 Dialogue with the Universe
April 17, 2014 NASA released
Discovered planet (Kepler 186f) is about 500 light years from Earth at a distance. Its
size is about 1.1 times of Earth's. It rotates around the star similar to the Sun by over 130 days.
This is the first time that Planet of Earth's size is confirmed in habitable zone.
Source: National Geographic News
・By the way, the current speed of the spacecraft, you can go to this planet in about 25 000 years.
December 05, 2011 NASA released
Discovered planet (Kepler 22b) is about 600 light years from Earth at a distance. Its size is about 2.4 times of Earth's. It rotates around the star similar to the Sun by over 290 days, and the planet's surface temperature is about 22 degrees.
Source: National Geographic News
(1) The Goldilocks planet is the planet which is in the habitable planets and which is similar to Earth in terms of the size and other. Kepler 186f that has been recently discovered is Goldilocks planet.
(2)The use of stone tools first began about 1.8-2.5 million years ago. Homo sapiens (current human) appeared approximately 190,000- 200,000 years ago.
(3) The Distance to the closest terrestrial planet(Gliese 581) is15 light-years.
71 生物が住んでいる可能性のある惑星【宇宙旅行】宇宙との対話
71 生物が住んでいる可能性のある惑星【宇宙旅行】宇宙との対話
2014年4月17日 NASA=アメリカ航空宇宙局発表
出典:ナショナルジオグラフィック ニュース
2011年12月5日 NASA=アメリカ航空宇宙局発表
出典:ナショナルジオグラフィック ニュース
【参 考】
(1) ハビタブルゾーンにある惑星をハビタブル惑星(Habitable planet)、またその中でも特に地球とサイズ等が近い惑星はゴルディロックス惑星(Goldilocks planet)と呼ぶ。
(2) 石器の使用がはじまったのは約250万〜180万年前。ホモ・サピエンス(現在のヒト)が出現したのが約20万〜19万年前。
(3)最も近い地球型惑星(グリーゼ 581)までは15光年。
70 Colonization of the planet【Space Travel】Dialogue with the Universe
70 Colonization of the planet【Space Travel】Dialogue with the Universe
“Human colonization of other planets will be achieved by intelligent machines consisting of mechanical and electronic components.” Stephen William Hawking
☆Travelers of the universe would be a complex of brain and artificial intelligence(:GAI).
70 惑星への植民 【宇宙旅行】宇宙との対話
70 惑星への植民 【宇宙旅行】宇宙との対話
・人間の他の惑星への植民は、機械や電子コンポーネントからなる知的マシンによって実現する。 スティーブン・ホーキング
69 The Ultimate Disaster=Escape Earth!【Space Travel】Dialogue with the Universe
69 The Ultimate Disaster=Escape Earth!【Space Travel】Dialogue with the Universe
・10 billion years later, more than 10% increase in solar luminosity.
・20 billion years later, the Earth's ocean has dried up!
・30 billion years later, our Milky Way and Andromeda Galaxy collide!
(Possibility of collision of the sun and other stars is low if the two galaxies collide )
・5 billion years later The sun has become a red giant.
【Reference】AstroArts What happens, the distant future of the solar system
※In addition, there is also a theory that the universe will continue to expand forever, since it would fully cooled, in a few trillion years, mankind is a need to escape from this universe.
【Reference】Michio Kaku / New York incandescent classroom " Amazing prophecy of "Theory of Everything;TOE"" 20150403
・Mankind will no longer be able to cling to the earth.
☆If it do not have the intention to protect it's own safety by its own force, and even the any intelligence body, it is not possible to expect a future. by Studio Gooda!
・There is hope! Do not give up!!
1.7 million years ago Human beings born
About 0.5 million years ago Peking man
About 230,000 years ago Emergence of Neanderthals(Homo sapiens)
About 200,000 ~190,000 years ago Emergence of Homo sapiens sapiens
69 究極の防災=地球脱出! 【宇宙旅行】宇宙との対話
69 究極の防災=地球脱出! 【宇宙旅行】宇宙との対話
【参 考】AstroArts どうなる、太陽系の遠い未来
【参 照】ミチオ・カク/ニューヨーク白熱教室「『万物の理論』の驚くべき予言」20150403
☆自らの安全を自らの力によって守る意思を持たない場合、いかなる知性体といえども、未来を期待することはできない。 by スタジオグーダ!
・希望はある! あきらめてはいけない!!
【参 考】
170万年前 人類誕生
約50万年前 北京原人
約23万年前 ネアンデルタール人(ホモ・サピエンス)の出現。
約20万〜19万年前 新人(ホモ・サピエンス・サピエンス)の出現。
68 Independence【Life】Dialogue with the Universe
68 Independence【Life】Dialogue with the Universe
“It is experience precious to a young person to notice "a difference between oneself and the others." It becomes the cause to go to independence. However, regrettably many people will go to dependence with reverse independence. By uniting with familiar someone, they try to negate loneliness.
The object of their dependence is a sweetheart, the best friend, or a family. Those dependence is only the means for curing one's loneliness. Therefore, the self-centered action which disregards a partner's character and goes to monopolize thoroughly is seen frequently. Or they lose themselves completely and are under the partner's thumb.
It can be said that it is just manifestation of dependence, if they would like to meet their partner every day, or desire to be together always, or want to monopolize their partner. Even if the wish is filled temporarily, it never lasts long. Because their partner are different existence from them, and they are another characters.”
“When it is in dependency, the leading role of your life is not yourself. The partner for dependence is the leading role of your life, and is governing your life. With independence, we become the leading role of our life.”・・・” Anyway, a dream cannot be realized while you have been weak lonely. That everybody take over loneliness and try hard towards realization of a dream makes possible the better human relations which respect mutual character.“
Original text: Shigeki Suwa『援助者のためのコミュニケーションと人間関係 第2版』建帛社
Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life.
Don’t be trapped by dogma – which is living with the results of other people’s thinking.
Don’t let the noise of others’ opinions drown out your own inner voice.
And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. -Steve Jobs(1955-2011)
The friendship between the wise men is light like water. ―Chuang-tzu (B.C.552-B.C.472)
68 自立【知性を探る】宇宙との対話
68 自立【知性を探る】宇宙との対話
原典:諏訪茂樹『援助者のためのコミュニケーションと人間関係 第2版』建帛社
孤独は、創造を業とする者には、神が創造の才能を与えた代償とでも考えたのかと思うほどに、一生ついてまわる宿命である。 塩野 七生「ユリウス・カエサル」ルビコン以降[中] (p.115)
『愛するものと一緒に暮らすには一つの秘訣がいる。すなわち相手を変えようとしないことだ。気にさわる彼女の欠点を直そうとすると、忽ち彼女の幸せまで破壊することになるからだ』【ジャック・シャルドンヌ (1884-1968)】
67 Select good environment for your growth【Life】Dialogue with the Universe
67 Select good environment for your growth【Life】Dialogue with the Universe
・Since we tend to follow the influence of others or environment, we have to choose the environment of being able to be subject to good influence.
○Both bad habits and good habits infect from person to person.
【Resource】Kelly McGonigal "The Willpower Instinct"
67 よい環境を選ぶ【人生】宇宙との対話
67 よい環境を選ぶ【人生】宇宙との対話
○ よい習慣も悪い習慣も、人から人へと感染する。
66 Self Control【Life】Dialogue with the Universe
66 Self Control【Life】Dialogue with the Universe
“The Willpower Instinct”Kelly McGonigal is consulted very much.
The phrase with which I am pleased is as follows.
・Self-control can be demonstrated if you breathe slowly. (p.92)
・Movement, sleep, and relaxation become willpower strengthening. (Second Chapter)
・If it has fallen, it will become easy to lose temptation. It can have confidence, if a guilty feeling is wiped away. (p.232)
・Even if it fails, let's have consideration to ourselves. Then, it is avoidable to repeat failure out of a guilty feeling. (p.232)
It is an opposite effect that thinking, feeling, and desire tend to be suppressed, and when it does so, the thing which you want to surely avoid on the contrary will be considered, felt or performed.
・We will overcome the wave of thinking, feeling, and desire by recollecting the target which can be absorbed, or acting toward the target which is really important for itself. (Chapter 9)
66 自制心・自己コントロール【人生】宇宙との対話
66 自制心・自己コントロール【人生】宇宙との対話
・呼吸を遅らせれば自制心を発揮できる。 (p.92)
65 Unleash Your Brain Power 5/Praise yourself and others【Life】Dialogue with the Universe
65 Unleash Your Brain Power 5/Praise yourself and others【Life】Dialogue with the Universe
・The 4th way to foster neural positive is "to praise oneself and others".
・Human is animal that can reflect.
・You blame yourself or someone else when you regret.
・To blame is into practice and becomes a habit.
・Since this habit inhibits the development of positive neural circuits , we need prevention it.
・To make it a habit to praise yourself and others every day inoder to unleash your brain power.
・When people are praised, they become happy, and brain power will be released.
65 脳力の解放5/自分と他人を褒める【人生】宇宙との対話
65 脳力の解放5/自分と他人を褒める【人生】宇宙との対話
・ ポジティブな神経回路を養成する第4の方法は「自分と他人を褒める」ことだ。
64 Unleash Your Brain Power 4/Not too greedy【Life】Dialogue with the Universe
64 Unleash Your Brain Power 4/Not too greedy【Life】Dialogue with the Universe
・The third way to train positive neural circuit is "not too greedy".
・If you are too greedy, field of your view becomes narrow.
・When this condition continues your feeling ends up atrophy, and you can not seen fun which is everywhere.
・From here, the training of negative neural circuit starts.
・So beware of "too greedy"
○ Proverb:Too much is as bad as too little.
64 脳力の解放4/欲張り過ぎない【人生】宇宙との対話
64 脳力の解放4/欲張り過ぎない【人生】宇宙との対話
・ ポジティブな神経回路を養成する第3の方法は「もっともっとと欲張り過ぎない」ことだ。
・ もっともっとと欲張り過ぎるとどうでもいいことにこだわるのと同じように視野が狭くなる。
・ 心の視野が狭い状態が続くと、心が萎縮し、いたるところにあるはずの楽しみが見えなくなる。
・ ここからネガティブな神経回路の養成が始まる。
63 Unleash Your Brain Power3/Independence【Life】Dialogue with the Universe
63 Unleash Your Brain Power3/Independence【Life】Dialogue with the Universe
・The second way to train positive neural for unlock your originally brain power without having to atrophy is not rely on others.
・The reliance on others is withering the emotions insidiously.
・Even if you go to temples and shrines or a church, and wish only your happiness and fortunes, the Buddha and God will only get bored.
・For unleash of your brain power , it is good to think about not your thing but the surrounding person, and to ask the happiness for the person of the world, if you can do.
・But you don't need to do all of your work, everyday life, etc. by yourself.
・If you do not assign but continue only miscellaneous business, your feeling will shrink.
・You should be advanced work, housekeeping, etc. valuing teamwork and communication and borrowing a surrounding person's power.
・After all, in order to set your brain's ability free, the posture in which it does not depend on other things is required.
・If you do not depend on other things and have a margin to sympathize with the others, your brain power will be enleashed.
63 脳力の解放3 /自立【人生】宇宙との対話
63 脳力の解放3 /自立【人生】宇宙との対話
・ ポジティブな神経回路を養成して、もともとある脳力を萎縮させることなく解き放つための第2の方法は他のものに頼らないことだ。
・ 他力本願は、人の気持ちを知らない間に萎縮させる。
・ それに、寺社や教会に行って、自分の幸福や幸運ばかりを願っても、御本尊や神様に愛想をつかされるだけだろう。
・ 脳力の解放のためには、自分のことではなく周囲の人、できれば世界中の人の幸福をお願いするのがよい。
・ とは言っても、仕事や日常生活など、なんでも自分でやれということではない。
・ 分担をせず雑務ばかりを続けていると、気持ちが萎縮する。
・ 仕事や家事などは、チームワークやコミュニケーションを大切にして、周りの人の力を借りながら進める。
・ でも結局は、脳力を解き放つためには、他のものに頼らない、自分がやるという姿勢が必要です。
・ 他のものに頼らず、他人を思いやる余裕を持つことで、脳力は解き放たれる。
62 Unleash Your Brain Power2/Really important thing?【Life】Dialogue with the Universe
62 Unleash Your Brain Power2/Really important thing?【Life】Dialogue with the Universe
・How do you train a positive neural circuit?
・At first you never picky cares.
・For example, in a modest society, the chances of success are less than the growth society. The opportunity to acquire money, a status, and honor may decrease for most persons, however they may do their best, it will become difficult to obtain them.
・Then, if you are going to adhere to what is not and are going to live, your view will become narrow.
・If the state continues, you will disappear the pleasure which must be everywhere, and your heart will shrink.
・Cultivation of a negative circuit begins from here.
・In short, don't be attached to "what is not."
・If you understand that getting money, a status, honor, etc is impossible, don't be attached to them.
・Instead, be attached to "what existing."
・Change your mind to value your really important matter, your ability, etc. And develop them.
・Let's train your positive neural circuit and set free the brain's ability equipped from the first!
62 脳力の解放2/本当に大事なことは?【人生】宇宙との対話
62 脳力の解放2/本当に大事なことは?【人生】宇宙との対話
・ ポジティブな神経回路って、どうやって養成したらいいのだろう?
・ 例えば、質素な社会では、成長社会よりも成功するチャンスは少なくなる。大半の人にとって、お金や地位や名誉を得る機会が減り、どうがんばっても、それらを得ることが難しくなる。
・ その時、無いものにこだわって生きようとすると視野が狭くなる。
・ 視野の狭い状態が続くと、いたるところにあるはずの楽しみが見えなくなり、心が萎縮してしまう。
・ ここからネガティブな回路の養成が始まる。
・ お金や地位や名誉などが、手に入れることが無理と分かったら、こだわらないこと。
・ その代わり、「有るもの」にこだわるのだ。
・ 自分にとって本当に大事なこと、自分の得意なことなどを大切にしたり、伸ばしたりすることに気持ちを切り替えるのだ。
・ ポジティブな神経回路を養成して、もともと備わっている脳力を解き放ちましょう!
61 Unleash Your Brain Power/Training of positive neural【Life】Dialogue with the Universe
61 Unleash Your Brain Power/Training of positive neural【Life】Dialogue with the Universe
・"Brain decides happiness!"
Source: Marci Shimoff [Author] Kenichiro Mogi [Not] "Do it just "good for the brain" " Publisher Mikasa Shobo (p.2)
・According to this book by repeated the same thing, neural circuitry of the brain
will be strengthened.
・And these "negative" things are firmly memorized by the neural circuit, and a "positive" things are hard to be memorized.
・In modern society with much stress that is going to simple society from growth society, if nothing is done, a "negative" neural circuit will be strengthened in a brain and a "positive" neural circuit will become overwhelmingly inferior in strength.
・Then, it is necessary to train being conscious of a "positive" neural circuit.
61 脳力の解放/ポジティブな神経回路の養成【人生】宇宙との対話
61 脳力の解放/ポジティブな神経回路の養成【人生】宇宙との対話
出典:マーシー・シャイモフ [著]・茂木健一郎[訳]「「脳にいいこと」だけをやりなさい!」三笠書房(p.2)
・ そこで、「ポジティブ」な神経回路を意識して養成することが必要になってくる。
60 Growth with Pleasure【Life】Dialogue with the Universe
60 Growth with Pleasure【Life】Dialogue with the Universe
・ To live is to grow up as an intellect object.
・ However it is necessary to warn against growth-stopping or shrinking.
・ For that purpose, you have to find the theme to which life may be applied.
・ And don't forget to praise yourself and others.
60 一瞬一瞬を楽しみながら成長を続けること【人生】宇宙との対話
60 一瞬一瞬を楽しみながら成長を続けること【人生】宇宙との対話
・ 人が生きるということは、知性体として成長すること。
・ だから、成長が止まったり、萎縮することがないよう注意する必要がある。
・ そのためには、人生をかけてもいいテーマを見つけなければならない。
・ そして、自分と他人を褒めることを忘れてはならない。
59 Positive Thinking【Life】Dialogue with the Universe
59 Positive Thinking【Life】Dialogue with the Universe
・An ordinary man must never blame himself.
・For common people to blame himself is like making the other enemy. As a result, everything becomes impossible increasingly.
・The brain works well when optimistic.
・Then, I send "a murmur."
Don't blame yourself.
But even you are small.
If you won't stop to blame, you'll be flour.
☆Be positive, do it positive, give the positive!
59 ポジティブ思考【人生】宇宙との対話
59 ポジティブ思考【人生】宇宙との対話
・「脳は楽観的でないとうまく働いてくれない。」茂木 健一郎
58 About Suicide【Life】Dialogue with the Universe
58 About Suicide【Life】Dialogue with the Universe
• The non-human animals try desperately to live until the last minute.
・Your body also wants to live.
・But why there would be persons who commit suicide?
・When I thinking about that on the home of the station while in the time of a little depressed feeling, sometimes I feel fear that I might jump on impulse into the running train.
・My body does not hope I would die. My families do not think such a thing even dream of. Some people who might get annoyed by suicide do not expect such a thing.
・I know, my heart at such time is small.
・Therefore, if I die then, I will die with the small heart.
・Probably it is doing of a brain and the developed frontal lobe.
・The mechanism of dying if people's mind becomes small.
・Why is there such mechanism?
・The reason for having made specially the mechanism "die if it becomes small"
・Although it seems that it is cruel ...
・It may be a message "grow up greatly" from the universe.
58 自殺について 【人生】宇宙との対話
58 自殺について 【人生】宇宙との対話
57 Love【Life】Dialogue with the Universe
57 Love【Life】Dialogue with the Universe
・If you can find love at lucky enough, remember that it is a rare thing, you should not
abandoned it. Stephen William Hawking
☆Love is the volition which is going to value a certain object.
☆It will become beauty if love is pierced.
Freedom makes people loneliness .
But don't be afraid.
You cannot grow up, if not loneliness .
It says, if you do not forget love.
Loneliness and love grow up you.
57 愛 Love【人生】宇宙との対話
57 愛 Love【人生】宇宙との対話
・もし幸運に愛を見つけることができたら、それはまれなことであることを忘れず、捨ててはいけない。 スティーブン・ホーキング
『愛するものと一緒に暮らすには一つの秘訣がいる。すなわち相手を変えようとしないことだ。気にさわる彼女の欠点を直そうとすると、忽ち彼女の幸せまで破壊することになるからだ』【ジャック・シャルドンヌ (1884-1968)】
56 Life【Life】Dialogue with the Universe
56 Life【Life】Dialogue with the Universe
Although it is good to be principle, it will not work well if only principle.
It will have failed, if you think that it succeeded.
It has succeeded, even if you think that it failed.
It has lost, if you think that it won.
It won, even if you think that it lost.
It becomes the wrong even if you regard it as the good, it becomes the good even if you regard it as the wrong.
Even if you regard it as there being something, it is nothing to speak of.
Some are great even if you regard it as there being nothing.
56 人生【人生】宇宙との対話
56 人生【人生】宇宙との対話
55 Field of God【Life】Dialogue with the Universe
55 Field of God【Life】Dialogue with the Universe
Word of Tadanori Yokoo:
"Be who you are"・・・"Explore yourself more and more to become your own ultimately, and you express it, its expression becomes the word of God.
(Randy Taguchi, " Island of Light Rain, Yakushima" p.195)
55 神の領域 Field of God【人生】宇宙との対話
55 神の領域 Field of God【人生】宇宙との対話
54 The Meaning of Human Life【Life】Dialogue with the Universe
54 The Meaning of Human Life【Life】Dialogue with the Universe
・The meaning of human life =The meaning of the presence of Sophia
☆The meaning of the presence of Sophia is to give the presence a meaning by itself.
☆Most important, have the courage to spread your ideas to the world.
Tateshina plateau Sculpture park
※Dear everyone of Chino, Nagano Prefecture. Thank you sincerely that create a wonderful park, maintain, and has been published for free.
54 人生の意味 【人生】宇宙との対話
53 Customer of your life【Life】Dialogue with the Universe
53 Customer of your life【Life】Dialogue with the Universe
・ The greatest customer of life is yourself.
・ People can become a customer of life by persuasion.
・ Persuasion is possible by showing that which is truly worthy.
・If you have not lived your life, Who will become yourself?
・Control Your Own Destiny or Someone Else Will.-Jack Welch(1935- )
・Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life.
Don’t be trapped by dogma – which is living with the results of other people’s thinking.
Don’t let the noise of others’ opinions drown out your own inner voice.
And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. -Steve Jobs(1955-2011)
・It is your heart to determine your happiness.
53 人生の顧客【人生】宇宙との対話
53 人生の顧客【人生】宇宙との対話
「自分が自分でなくて 誰が自分になる」相田みつを(1955-2011)
・世界で最高の勝者は誰かといえば、「私は自分の選んだ人生を送っているだろうか」の問いに対して、イエスと答えられる人たちだ。「私ならこうする」ジャック・ウェルチ(1935-) (p.240)
52 Everyone is a child of the miracle.【Life】Dialogue with the Universe
52 Everyone is a child of the miracle.【Life】Dialogue with the Universe
・The probability that one human being exists in the universe is lower than one slash trillion to the fifth power.
・In the case of year-end jumbo lottery in Japan 10 million copies are sold in one unit, so if you would buy ten parts, the chance of 1st prize is per million.
・The probability that one human being exists is the same grade as winning 1st prize of the lottery 11 times continuously.
・In an absurd fortunate result, people exist in this world.
・It is "all persons are the children of a miracle."
・By the way, most fortunate person's existence probability is about 1/1 trillion.
・All persons search for money, honor, and a status.
・I think that it is instinct for survival, or is memorized through social life in the cerebral neural circuit, and is an unavoidable thing.
・However, the difference of the most fortunate person and those who are not so is the difference between winning 1 grade of a Year-End Jumbo lottery 11 times continuously, and the grade applied 13 times.
・If he is devoted to competition, and pleasure of life is missed, and a feeling shrinks and suicide is committed in the end in order that the person who already won 1 grade of the Year-End Jumbo lottery continuously 11 times may win many 1 grades of a Year-End Jumbo lottery continuously twice rather than others, does God sympathize with him?
Does God sympathize with the person who already won 1 grade of the lottery continuously 11 times may win continuously twice rather than others he is devoted to competition, and pleasure of life is missed, and a feeling shrinks and suicide is committed in the end?
Everyone is a child of the miracle!
・Even if I think that I understand myself, actually it is hard to understand.
☆Your mind will become easy if you appreciate.
52 奇跡の子 【人生】宇宙との対話
52 奇跡の子 【人生】宇宙との対話
・ 人がこの世に存在することは、気の遠くなるほどの幸運の結果なのだ。
・ ところで、最も幸運な人の存在確率は、1兆分の1程度だ。
・ 人は皆、お金や名誉や地位を求める。
・ それは生存本能であり、社会生活を通じて脳の神経回路に記憶されたもので、仕方のないことだと思う。
・ すでに年末ジャンボの1等を11回も連続して当てた人が、他人よりも年末ジャンボの1等を2回多く連続して当てるために、競争に明け暮れ、人生の楽しみを見失い。気持ちが萎縮して、あげくの果てに自殺したら、神様は同情するでしょうか?
・ 昔からある「感謝の心を持って生きる」とか「足るを知る」とかいう人生訓は当然のことなのだ。
・ もう一度つぶやこう。「人はみんな奇跡の子」。
・地球の質量 :約6×10の24乗kg・・・(3)
・地球人口 :68億人 (2009年 アメリカ国勢調査局より)
51 Pride and Shame【Life】Dialogue with the Universe
51 Pride and Shame【Life】Dialogue with the Universe
(“The Willpower Instinct”Kelly McGonigal)
・Pride and shame are based on the work of a cerebral domain which is not the logical Prefrontal cortex, and manages feeling. (p.294)
51 プライドと恥【人生】宇宙との対話
51 プライドと恥【人生】宇宙との対話
50 From TV drama "Jin"【Life】Dialogue with the Universe
50 From TV drama "Jin"【Life】Dialogue with the Universe
"If God is unwanted your life, then God cancel it."
Here's where your life replaces human life.
"If God is unwanted human life, then God cancel them."
50 テレビドラマ「仁」より 【人生】宇宙との対話
50 テレビドラマ「仁」より 【人生】宇宙との対話
49 Autism【Sophia】Dialogue with the Universe
49 Autism【Sophia】Dialogue with the Universe
・Autism is said to be the fault in the phylogenetically older parts of the brain responsible for emotion (amygdala and limbic system)。
・The person with autism often have perfect pitch. They have accurate musical memory, but they are not impressed by the music. They can determine "beautiful", but can not cause deep emotional call.
・In addition, to understand the technical language is easy for them. And they have ability of concentration, dense thinking, attention to a single purpose, stubbornness, frankness without a lie, integrity.
・The Autism has many aspects worth.
Reference:”An Anthropologist on Mars” Oliver Sacks/translation Toshiko Yoshida (March, 1997)
49 自閉症 【知性】宇宙との対話
49 自閉症 【知性】宇宙との対話
48 Mental regression【Sophia】Dialogue with the Univers
48 Mental regression【Sophia】Dialogue with the Universe
"If it is made for individual to be buried into a group and these monotonous days are repeated free thinking becomes impossible, it becomes easy to start a hint, and mental regression comes." 村井翔
Source:「心理学・入門」宝島社文庫 December, 1999(p.198)
48 心理的退行現象【知性】宇宙との対話
48 心理的退行現象【知性】宇宙との対話
47 How to grow up with pleasure.【Sophia】Dialogue with the Universe
47 How to grow up with pleasure.【Sophia】Dialogue with the Universe
【Point-1】Never cares to worthless things.
(1) Control Your Own Destiny
・If you have not lived your life, Who will become yourself?
・Control Your Own Destiny or Someone Else Will.-Jack Welch(1935- )
・Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life.
Don’t be trapped by dogma – which is living with the results of other people’s thinking.
Don’t let the noise of others’ opinions drown out your own inner voice.
And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. -Steve Jobs(1955-2011)
☆It is your heart to determine your happiness.
☆Which is true? Lazy or impossible?
☆As long as the tomato is a tomato, it is the real thing. It is fake when you try to show the tomato to melon.
☆Money is not all of life, but no money is inconvenient. Convenient is better.
(2) Find out what is really important for you! Carry out the way to which your only once life be applied.
・If today were the last day of my life, would I want to do what I am about to do today? -Steve Jobs(1955-2011)
・Even if I knew that tomorrow the world would go to pieces, I would still plant my apple tree. -Martin Luther(1483-1546)
・Word of Tadanori Yokoo:
"Be who you are"・・・"Explore yourself more and more to become your own ultimately, and you express it, its expression becomes the word of God.
(Randy Taguchi, " Island of Light Rain, Yakushima" p.195)
☆Go the extra mile on the only way that makes you getting a life!
☆It's a real tear, or cop-out?
☆Locate the goal, and go just straight!
(3)Don't be trapped by compete.
Don’t have an inferiority complex.
Don't be scrupulous.
Merely appreciate that you are alive.
And concentrate your power on taking out 100%!
☆Your mind will become easy if you appreciate.
【Point-2】 Reliance upon others is useless. Reliance upon others withers your mind and you become easy to be deceived.
・When it is in dependency, the leading role of his life is not himself. Shigeki Suwa
・"If it is made for individual to be buried into a group and these monotonous days are repeated free thinking becomes impossible, it becomes easy to start a hint, and mental regression comes." 村井翔
Source:「心理学・入門」宝島社文庫 December, 1999(p.198)
・Since imprinting [which makes it regard it as an important thing that it is not important for you] is performed through education and a home life, it is necessary to continue the correction and escape from there tenaciously.
Freedom makes people solitude.
But don't be afraid.
You cannot grow up, if you are not solitude.
It says, if you do not forget love.
Solitude and love grow up you.
The friendship between the wise men is light like water. -Chuang-tzu (B.C.552-B.C.472)
☆Criticize on the basis of alternative proposal.
【Point-3】For grow up with pleasure, love the people, believe the people, accept the people, act for the people.
・If not, you are reduced, and would result in disaster to yourself and mankind.
Go fishing for the happiness of the day. Make a fortune for the happiness of one year. Help the people for the happiness of life. -The extract from a Chinese proverb
○Benevolence, Justice, Courtesy, Wisdom(, and Sincerity)
※The 5 Confucian virtues
・Benevolence:To love million people in compassion, and to hold Courtesy by suppressing selfish desires.
... Chuang-tzu (BC552-BC472) was preached Benevolence the highest morality.
・Justice:To hold Courtesy by suppressing selfish desires
・Courtesy:Concrete action of Benevolence.
... Which was something that leads to identification system to the axis the patriarchy, but in modern times, it may be considered as manners.
・Wisdom:Intelligence and culture.
・Sincerity:Thick friendship, honesty.)
...That was proposed based on the five elements theory for the four virtues that Mencius (BC372? -BC289) proposed.
☆Humans are mass of greed.
☆Scramble leads to shortage. Share will lead to allowance. Scramble leads to hate. Share will lead to peace.
☆Have a soft heart!
○ Liberté, Égalité, Fraternité « リベルテ、エガリテ、フラテルニテ »
:Originating from the French Revolution. (1790 ~)
※Fraternity:In France, charity or benevolence is class discriminatory.
【Point-4】Do not be too greedy.
・Human becomes smaller if he is too greed. And, he becomes easy to be deceived in person.
☆Even if I think that I understand myself, actually it is hard to understand.
☆Your mind will become easy if you appreciate.・・・Everyone is a child of the miracle.
【Point-5】Be positiv!Think always about happy things.
・To do so, please praise yourself and others daily.・・・Because the positive and negative contagious.
・Never blame yourself!
・To blame yourself is like making your enemy. As a result, everything becomes impossible increasingly.
Don't blame yourself.
But even you are small.
If you won't stop to blame, you'll be flour.
☆The brain works well when optimistic.
☆It's no problem if you stumbled in your life.
☆Don't mind troubles. You just alive!
☆Basic of judo is passive. Judo's passive is the practice of tumbling, losing and exposing the shame in front of people.
☆Don't sweat it. Not to be idle. Take care of business.
☆Take care of business. Specific answer comes out if go for broke.
☆How come you spent so long thinking time?Life would end!
☆You are limbo when you are confused. Snap out of it!Really settle down if you put feet on the ground.
☆Be positive, do it positive, give the positive! by Studio Gooda!
☆You must have insight and judgment not only intelligence and culture.
47 楽しみながら成長するための5つのポイント【知性】宇宙との対話
47 楽しみながら成長するための5つのポイント【知性】宇宙との対話
(1) まずは、自分が自分であることが大切です。
・「自分が自分でなくて 誰が自分になる」相田みつを(1924-1991)
・世界で最高の勝者は誰かといえば、「私は自分の選んだ人生を送っているだろうか」の問いに対して、イエスと答えられる人たちだ。「私ならこうする」ジャック・ウェルチ(1935-) (p.240)
・「かねが人生のすべてではないが有れば便利 無いと不便です 便利のほうがいいなあ」相田みつを(1924-1991)
(2) その上で、一度きりの人生を賭けてもいいと思えるようなものを持つこと。
・もし今日が人生最後の日だったら、今やろうとしていることをやりたいと思うか? 「スティーブ・ジョブズ名語録」桑原晃弥(p.117)
・「この道より我を生かす道はなし、この道を行く」武者小路実篤(1885 – 1976)
・「やれなかった やらなかった どっちかな」相田みつを(1924-1991)
・「トマトがトマトであるかぎりそれはほんもの トマトをメロンに見せようとするからにせものとなる」相田みつを(1924-1991)
(3) 競争やひがみ根性に依存しすぎると成長が止まってしまいます。
・「依存状態にある時、自分の人生の主役は自分ではありません」諏訪茂樹『援助者のためのコミュニケーションと人間関係 第2版』
「一日の幸福が欲しいなら釣りに行きなさい、一年間の幸福が 欲しいなら財産を作りなさい、一生の幸福が欲しいなら人を助けなさい」中国のことわざからの抜粋
【参 考】
・信: 友情に厚く、誠実であること。・・・孟子(B.C.372? –B.C.289)の四端説における「仁義礼智」の四徳に対し、前漢の董仲舒(とうちゅうじょ、B.C.176? – B.C.104?)が五行説にもとづいて加えたもの。
・「にんげん我慾のかたまり にんげんのわたし」相田みつを(1924-1991)
・「うばい合えば足らぬ わけ合えばあまる うばい合えば憎しみ わけ合えば安らぎ」相田みつを(1924-1991)
・「セトモノとセトモノとぶつかりっこするとすぐこわれちゃう どっちかやわらかければだいじょうぶ やわらかい心を持ちましょう」相田みつを(1924-1991)
【ポイント-5】ポジティブであれ! いつもハッピーなことを考えなさい。
・脳は楽観的でないとうまく働いてくれない。-茂木 健一郎
・「つまづいたっていいじゃないか 人間だもの」相田みつを(1924-1991)
・「なやみはつきないな 生きているんだもの」相田みつを(1924-1991)
・「柔道の基本は受身 受身とはころぶ練習 負ける練習 人の前で恥をさらす練習」相田みつを(1924-1991)
・「張りすぎてもだめ たるんでもだめ ちょうどいいあんばいが一番いい」相田みつを(1924-1991)
・「ともかく具体的に動いてみるんだね 具体的に動けば具体的な答えがでるから」相田みつを(1924-1991)
・「途中にいるから中ぶらりん 底まで落ちて地に足が着けばほんとうに落ち着く」相田みつを(1924-1991)
☆ ポジティブに、ただポジティブにポジティブに!
46 What is Sophia? Where will it go?【Sophia】Dialogue with the Universe
46 What is Sophia? Where will it go?【Sophia】Dialogue with the Universe
1)Network ( neural circuit, human society, Web) develops Sophia.
by Studio Gooda!
2)Sophia exceeds time, space, and dimension.
3)The meaning in which Sophia exists is to create the meaning.
4)Sophia is in the middle of growth.
(Intelligent life produces an intellectual electronic circuit.)
5)Sophia expands and contracts.
(In order to prevent contraction, creating is important.)
6)Development of whole intellect requires individual.
(one of the meanings in which an individual exists)
7)Sophia is seldom committed.
(It is resting in many cases.)
46 知性とは何か、どこへ向かうのか?【知性】宇宙との対話
46 知性とは何か、どこへ向かうのか?【知性】宇宙との対話
45 Death【Sophia】Dialogue with the Universe
45 Death【Sophia】Dialogue with the Universe
• Death gives the motivation to man.
"Live in feeling death. That way gives you deeper shade of life. By light of life outlined with dark death." (Randy Taguchi, " Island of Light Rain, Yakushima" p.179)
Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life.
Don’t be trapped by dogma – which is living with the results of other people’s thinking.
Don’t let the noise of others’ opinions drown out your own inner voice.
And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. -Steve Jobs(1955-2011)
If today were the last day of my life, would I want to do what I am about to do today? -Steve Jobs
Even if I knew that tomorrow the world would go to pieces, I would still plant my apple tree. Martin Luther(1483-1546)
Even without win in death, never lose the feeling of gratitude and passion. by Studio Gooda!
○ Japanese life expectancy (2012) Man: 80.2 , female: 86.6 years old
○ Japanese healthy life expectancy (2012) Man: 71.2 , female: 74.2 years old
45 死 Death【知性】宇宙との対話
45 死 Death【知性】宇宙との対話
「いきているうち はたらけるうち 日のくれぬうち」相田みつを(1924-1991)
もし今日が人生最後の日だったら、今やろうとしていることをやりたいと思うか? 「スティーブ・ジョブズ(1955-2011)名語録」桑原晃弥(p.117)
死には勝てなくとも、感謝の気持ちと情熱を失ってはならない。 by スタジオグーダ!
(参 考)
○日本人の平均寿命(2012年) 男:80.2歳、女:86.6歳
○日本人の健康寿命(2012年) 男:71.2歳、女:74.2歳
44 Creation【Sophia】Dialogue with the Universe
44 Creation【Sophia】Dialogue with the Universe
・Creating is the feature of Sophia.
・Only neither creation of art nor research of learning is creation.
・People are performing creativity, in order to survive, or also when living ordinarily.
・On Earth, each person is alive with creating something.
・Looking at the Earth from the universe, it's the sea of creativity!
(GOODA! 第13話-20)
○It is better to create than to learn! Creating is the essence of life.-Julius Caesar(B.C.100- B.C.44)
○There is one important ability to be required in common in any field. It's imagination. -Niccolò Machiavelli (1469-1527)
○Imagination is similar to the muscle. It has a property of degradation if it is not use.
44 創造【知性】宇宙との対話
44 創造【知性】宇宙との対話
・ 創造することは知性の特徴。
・ 芸術の創作や学問の研究だけが創造ではない。
・ 人は生き延びるため、あるいは普通に生活する上でも創造活動を行っている。
・ 地球上では、すべての人が何かを創造しながら生きている。
・ 地球は創造の海だ!
(GOODA! 第13話-20)
○学習より創造である。創造こそ生の本質なのだ。-ユリウス・カエサル(B.C.100- B.C.44)
○いかなる分野でも共通して必要とされる重要な能力が、一つある。それは想像力だ。-マキアヴェッリ(1469-1527)「日本人へ-国家と歴史編」塩野 七生(p.97)
○想像力とは筋肉に似て、使わないと劣化するという性質を持つ。 「日本人へ-国家と歴史編」塩野 七生(p.237)
43 Important for Sophia【Sophia】Dialogue with the Universe
43 Important for Sophia【Sophia】Dialogue with the Universe
1) Autonomous replication (instinctive thing)
・The autonomous replication can consider various types, that is depended on not only DNA but such as dispatching a message etc.
2) Maintenance of creation and motivation
・ Each person is alive with creating something.
・ It is man's motivation that there is a term called death.
3) To know what is Sophia and where it will go
・ The answer of this is not found so easily.
( If I could know how to realize my ideal in the morning, I would accept my death in the evening gladly. -Chuang-tzu(B.C.552-B.C.472))
・ I know that the meaning in which Sophia exists is to create the meaning.
4) To continue to growth with pleasure
・ You should live for your only once life.
・ Don't shrink. ・・・If you do not continue to grow you will lead to atrophy.
43 知性にとって大事なこと【知性】宇宙との対話
43 知性にとって大事なこと【知性】宇宙との対話
・ このことの答えは見つかるようで見つからない。
・ 分かっているのは、知性が存在する意味は、その存在に自ら意味を与えることだということです。
42 The history of Artificial intelligence /Surface of the Microchip【Sophia】Dialogue with the Universe
42 The history of Artificial intelligence /Surface of the Microchip【Sophia】Dialogue with the Universe
○The history of Artificial intelligence
1956 John McCarthy was named artificial intelligence.
1989 Berners-Lee developed the World Wide Web.
1997 Chess dedicated computer, Deep Blue He was able to win Garry Kimovich Kasparov.
※ Kasparov continued to hold the world champion title of chess for 15 years .
2005 Ray Kurzweil wrote about the technical singularity in『The Singularity Is Near: When Humans Transcend Biology』.
○Surface of the Microchip
2011 Nikon Microscope Photo Contest "Small World"
Source: National Geographic News
42 人工知能の歴史/マイクロチップの表面【知性】宇宙との対話
42 人工知能の歴史/マイクロチップの表面【知性】宇宙との対話
1956年 ジョン・マッカーシーが人工知能と命名。
1989年 Berners-LeeがWorld Wide Webを開発。
1997年 チェス専用コンピュータ・ディープ・ブルーがガルリ・カスパロフに勝つことができた。
2005年 レイ・カーツワイルが『The Singularity Is Near: When Humans Transcend Biology』で技術的特異点について詳述。
2011年度ニコン顕微鏡写真コンテスト“Small World“
出典:ナショナルジオグラフィック ニュース
41 Future of GAI(Growing artificial intelligence)【Sophia】Dialogue with the Universe
41 Future of GAI(Growing artificial intelligence)【Sophia】Dialogue with the Universe
・2018 Single-chip computer will have more than the human brain capability. [1]
・2030 Computer with a comparable human intelligence will emerge. [2] [3]
・2040 Single-chip computer will have the capability of 100,000 times of the human brain. [1]
・2045 Artificial intelligence is beyond the human in terms of knowledge and intelligence. Past predictions of mankind technological progress will no longer apply.[4]
[1]Next 30-Year Vision/Softbank 201006
[2] Wikipedia History of artificial intelligence
[3] 「大脳皮質とベイジアンネット」Ischisugi Yuuji
[4]Wikipedia Technological Singularity
41 GAI(Growing artificial intelligence)の未来【知性】宇宙との対話
41 GAI(Growing artificial intelligence)の未来【知性】宇宙との対話
・2018年 人間の脳を超える能力をワンチップのコンピュータが持つに至る。[1]
・2030年 人間並みの知能を持ったコンピュータが出現する。[2] [3]
・2040年 人間の脳の10万倍の能力をワンチップのコンピュータが持つに至る。[1]
・2045年 人工知能が知識・知能の点で人間を超越し、これまでの人類技術進歩予測は通用しなくなる。(技術的特異点)[4]
[2]Wikipedia 人工知能の歴史
[4]Wikipedia 技術的特異点
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