○August 24, 2016 The European Southern Observatory(ESO) released [1]
・European scientists announced the discovery of an Earth-sized world(Proxima b) around the closest star to the Sun, Proxima Centauri.
・The planet of Earth's size was confirmed in habitable zone.

※Image of Proxima b [1]
【Previous News】
1.April 17, 2014 NASA released [2]
・Discovered planet (Kepler 186f) is about 500 light years from Earth at a distance. Its
size is about 1.1 times of Earth's. It rotates around the star similar to the Sun by over 130 days.
・This is the first time that Planet of Earth's size is confirmed in habitable zone.
※The Goldilocks planet is the planet which is in the habitable planets and which is similar to Earth in terms of the size and other. Kepler 186f that has been recently discovered is Goldilocks planet.
2.December 05, 2011 NASA released [3]
・Discovered planet (Kepler 22b) is about 600 light years from Earth at a distance. Its size is about 2.4 times of Earth's. It rotates around the star similar to the Sun by over 290 days, and the planet's surface temperature is about 22 degrees.
1.ERIC BERGER” It’s true—the closest star to the Sun harbors an Earth-sized planet”at arstechnica.com
2. National Geographic News
3. National Geographic News
【Change log】
20170324 Addition of tha image of Proxima b
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