1 Dialogue with the Universe 【Prologue】Dialogue with the Universe
○Thank you for coming.
○In this corner I will talk about the universe, intelligence and life, and explore their future.
○As a matter of fact, I’d like to do is know the future of the universe and the intelligence.
○Human beings are unique creatures that never stop to confirm the meaning that their alive.
○Thinking about the future is a human-specific brain function.
○And I’m going to make some idea.
○Since I intend to go little by little, please read the latest version.
The best way to predict the future is to invent it. -Alan Kaye (1940 -)
☆Be positive, do it positive, give the positive!
☆Image of the Universe
1 宇宙との対話 【プロローグ】宇宙との対話
○人間は、自分が生きている意味を確認せずにはいられない、特異な生物。-中野信子(1975 - )
○未来について考えるのが人間特有の脳機能-澤口俊之(1959 - )
○未来を予測する最善の方法は、それを発明することだ。-アラン・ケイ(1940 -)
99 To the Future! 【Summary】Dialogue with the Universe
in 2018 One-chip computer with the ability to exceed the human brain will be born. [1]
2027 Launch of No. 1 Nanocraft - Starship construction plan [2]
2030 Computer with a comparable human intelligence will emerge. [3]
2037 Completion of the laser propulsion system of Star shot [2]
2040 One-chip computer will have a capacity of 100 000 times the human brain. [1]
2042 Star shot firing [2]
2045 Artificial intelligence is beyond the human in terms of knowledge and intelligence. Mankind technological progress prediction of the past no longer apply.
(=Technological singularity(2005年 Ray Kurzweil (1948- ))[4]
2045~2100 Fusion power plant construction [5]
45 years later We will get information from the star shot (resource, landable land, landing method). [2]
50 years later Launch of No.2 nanocraft (supply ship) (2 new GAIs) - Starship construction plan [2]
100 Years later Arrive at Alpha Centauri, collaboration of 2 nanocrafts and receive supply material (landing and terraform material etc) - Starship construction plan [2]
100 ~200years later Mankind manages the total energy of the earth and colonizes in the vicinity of the planet. [6]
150 Years later Arrive at earth type planet of Alpha Centauri and start of terafoam (mineral collection and processing, construction of solar panels etc) - Starship construction plan [2]
160 years later Start of building a Starship - Starship construction plan [2]
・The completion of the Starship- Starship construction plan [2]
2,000~3,000 years later
・Mankind manages the total energy of the Solar system. [7]
☆the completion of the Starship- Starship construction plan [3]
※Image of a Dyson sphere[8]
40,000 years later Humanity will arrive at the starship (Alpha Centauri)
10 million years later Reaching of a starship to the other star. [2]
100 million years later Mass extinction by volcanic activity occurs. [7][9]
1 billion years later Solar luminosity increase more than 10%.[10]
2 billion years later Earth's oceans have dried up. (Evaporated water will diffuse out of the earth) [9]
3 ~4billion years later There may be Andromeda galaxy and our Milky Way galaxy (2.5 million light years away now) collision.
(If they collide, the chance of individual stars colliding with each other is extremely low.) [10][11] [12] [13]
5 billion years later The sun has become a red giant. [12]
Trillions of years away At the moment we can not see the future of the universe. [14]
☆The meaning in which the intelligence exists is to create the meaning.
☆The important thing for the intelligence is to spread its own idea.
☆Be positive, do it positive, give the positive!
○Creating is the essence of life.-Julius Caesar(B.C.100- B.C.44)
1.Softbank new 30-year vision(2010)
2. No.80-2 Starship construction plan:Proposal to Breakthough Starshot
3.The independent
4. Technological_singularity - Wikipedia:
5.No.67 Fusion Power
6.Michio Kaku / New York incandescent classroom " Amazing prophecy of "Theory of Everything;TOE"" 20150403
7. The FUTURE is WILD/2003 BBC
8. Mark Prigg “Have researchers discovered an alien MEGASTRUCTURE? “at Mail Online 20151014
9. The Future is Wild - EP 1: Welcome to The Future ... - YouTube
10.Timeline of the far future - Wikipedia:
11. Milky Way - Wikipedia:
12.Information is Beautiful
13.The Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics (CfA)
/When Galaxies Collide, our Solar System Will Go for a Ride
14.No.86 Future of the Universe
Although it is good to be principle, it will not work well if only principle.
It will have failed, if you think that it succeeded.
It has succeeded, even if you think that it failed.
It has lost, if you think that it won.
It won, even if you think that it lost.
It becomes the wrong even if you regard it as the good, it becomes the good even if you regard it as the wrong.
Even if you regard it as there being something, it is nothing to speak of.
Some are great even if you regard it as there being nothing.
☆Life begins always.
※Solar system
【Change log】
20170531 Change future prediction based onNo.80-2 Starship construction plan:Proposal to Breakthough Starshot
98 Summary/Future of the Universe and the Intelligence 【Summary】Dialogue with the Universe
We've been exploring the future of the universe and the intelligence.
Here is the summary.
98-1 Future of the Universe・・・What is known=No.32 What is the Universe?
1)Macro phenomena such as celestial movements and evolution of the universe can be explained by general relativity.
2)Using quantum mechanics describing the micro world, we can explain the three powers of "electromagnetic force" "strong interaction" "weak interaction".・・・Standard theory, Higgs boson etc.
3)The unification of general relativity and quantum mechanics is yet to be seen.
☆Conclusion:The universe is expanding, but we can not see the future at the present moment.
○ It will be necessary to escape the earth or move the earth to Mars orbit after a billion years.
○ The Starship Solar-System is necessary, but we can not experiment with the solar system, so we will send GAI and machine tools and experiment with another star (Alpha Centauri) for building a Starship. ・・・No.80-2 Starship construction plan:Proposal to Breakthough Starshot・・・The completion is 200 years later
98-3 Future of the intelligence
○We will produce growing AI (: GAI) .
※ The brain is the most advanced structures in the universe, so the intelligence will develop in a way that the brain and the GAI was network.
※ There is a difference in the brain between men (concentration) and women (dispersion power).
○The important thing for the intelligence body is the lore of the miracle that it was born and has been developing in this universe.
【Change log】
20170527 Rewrite
98 まとめ/宇宙と知性の未来 【まとめ】宇宙との対話
98-1 宇宙の未来・・・分かっていること=No.32 宇宙とは?
2)ミクロの世界を記述する量子力学を用いて、「電磁気力」「強い力」「弱い力」の3つの力を説明できる。・・・標準理論、ヒッグス粒子 等
98-2 宇宙旅行
○宇宙船太陽系号が必要だが、太陽系で実験するわけにはいかないので、GAIと工作機械を送り込んで他の恒星(アルファケンタウリ)で実験(星船の建造)をすることになる。・・・No.80-2 星船建造計画:ブレークスルー・スターショットへの提案・・・200年後に完成
98-3 知性の未来
20170527 全面書き換え
97 Communication with the Alien 【Exploring intelligence】Dialogue with the Universe
97―1 Technology level [1]
Level 1 To capture the signal emitted of the alien advanced than humanity.
Level 2 We also emit signals, and communicate with the aliens.
※Symmetrical region:Including a parallel universe.
※Communication with parallel universe is assumed to use gravitational wave.
<Current situation>
In February 2016, the Advanced LIGO team announced that they had detected gravitational waves from a pair of black holes merging. [2]
97-2 Communications content: What should tell?
○Important is to transmit the idea.
○The idea to be transmitted
1 Communication technology
2 Achievements of mathematics and physics
3 Cosmology and Intelligence Theory
4 Other
97-3 Dyson sphere!(October 2015) [3] [4]
○One theory for an advanced alien race is that they might harness the power of an entire star.
○In addition, it is possible to know the direction of technology development.
○KIC 8462852, located 1,480 light-years away, has produced a series of bizarre light fluctuations researchers cannot explain, so this looks like a Dyson sphere.
※Image of a Dyson sphere [3]
○However, the communication with KIC 8462852, located 1,480 light-years away, takes 3, 000 years.
○It is estimated that while the space travel by Dyson spheres or Starship Intelligence bodies would contact with other one if necessary.
☆You will meet the person you needed if you progress.
1. Search for Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence (SETI) - Wikipedia
2. Gravitational wave - Wikipedia:
4. Mark Prigg “Have researchers discovered an alien MEGASTRUCTURE? “at Mail Online 20151014