31 What is the Universe?+The History of Cosmology【What is the Universe?】Dialogue
with the Universe
does the universe exist in spite of trouble?
Q:Can a unified theory of
the universe explain the universe accurately?
Q:Or we need the Creator?
Q:If so, the Creator gives the effect of something else in the
Q:And who created the Creator?
"Brief History of Time" Stephen William Hawking (issued April 15,
【The history of cosmology】
1900 Max Karl Ernst Ludwig
Planck(1858 -1947)
advocated that the light, X-rays and other electromagnetic waves were released
as a constant mass that he called quantum.
1913 Bohr's model(Niels Henrik David Bohr(1885-1962))・・・A pioneer of quantum mechanics (Old quantum theory).
・Electron is a wave.
・The length of the electrons orbit around the nucleus is an integer
multiple of the electron wavelength (10 minus 10 square m).
(Bohr, de Broglie)
1915-1916 General
theory of relativity(General relativity)(Einstein) [1] [Electromagnetic force +
・Einstein explained that the gravity caused by
the mass distort the space-time.
• When written in Newtonian mechanics[2] the phenomenon of error
increases (movement in the near to the speed of light or large gravitational
field) can be correctly described.
· In general relativity, spacetime is expected never to stay inflated
or deflated steady or the black hole[3] is expected to forme when a
large mass to concentrate on limited space.
・Einstein predicted the existence of gravitational waves[4] in 1916 in his
general theory of relativity.
1920s Quantum mechanics
・Atomic, electronic and electromagnetic waves have the
characteristics of the particles and waves.
1922 Friedman found the expanding universe solutions in general
relativity equations.
Pauli exclusion principle
Werner Heisenberg was put together the uncertainty principle[5].
※Uncertainty principle:It is a characteristic of the system, such as the wave. In knowing pair of physical
properties (eg position and momentum) at the same time, there is a fundamental
limit of accuracy.
1928 Dirac theory
・Either both consistent:theory of quantum mechanics and special relativity
・There is positron(antimatter)
that is the partner of electron.
1929 Discovery of cosmic expansion(the redshift)(Edwin Powell Hubble)
1932 Discovery of positron(antimatter)
1934 Fritz Zwicky coined the term dark matter. [6]
1948 -Big Bang model [7]
-Quantum electrodynamics, QED [Electromagnetic force ]
· Electromagnetic interaction acting between charged particles,
including electrons is caused by the transfer of particles called photons.
1957 Bryce Seligman DeWitt (1923–2004) coined the term many-worlds
interpretation; MWI.
・Peter Ware Higgs proposed the theory of
generation of mass. [8]
・Cosmic microwave background (radiation)(; CMB、CMBR)[7]discovered.
1968 Weinberg-Salam
theory[9] [Electromagnetic force + Weak interaction]
1970 Penrose and Hawkins (co-authored paper)
・On the basis of the general relativity theory, they were finally
prove that should there was a big bang singularity in the very early universe.
• In the singularity, the effect of small scale of quantum mechanics
dealing can not be ignored.
· However, if you take into account the quantum effect, singularities
disappear. ...?
・Only one force was present in the beginning
of the universe, then, the force was divided into electromagnetic force, weak interaction,
strong interaction and gravity, so physicists
are trying to expresse these four
forces in one form.
-Standard Model, SM [Electromagnetic
force + Weak interaction(+ Strong interaction)] [9]
-Grand unification theory or Grand unified
theory、GUT[Electromagnetic force + Weak
interaction+ Strong interaction]
late 1970s -Quantum chromodynamics [9]
1980s Cosmology based on theory of elementary particles[10]
1981 Cosmic inflation Theory [11]
1984 Superstring Theory [12] [Electromagnetic force + Weak interaction+Strong interaction + Gravity]
1995 M-theory[14] [Electromagnetic force + Weak interaction+Strong interaction + Gravity]
-Observed the
accelerated expansion of the universe(Brian P. Schmidt)
2016 Studio Gooda! coined structure
of dark matter.
1. No. 16 Theory of Relativity
2. No. 15 Newtonian Mechanics
3. No. 81 Black Hole
4. No.30 Gravitational Wave
5. No.18 Uncertainty Principle
6. No.11 Dark
Matter and Dark Energy
7. No.20 The Big Bang Mmodel
8. No. 25 Higgs Field/Higgs Boson
9. No.21 Standard Theory(Standard Model)
10. No.23 Quantum Cosmology
11. No.23-2 Inflation cosmology
12. No.26 Superstring Theory
13. No.27 Loop
Quantum Gravity
14. No.28 M-theory
15. No.88-4-2 A Structure of Dark Matter
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