
25  Higgs field and Higgs Boson

25  Higgs field and Higgs BosonWhat is the Universe?】Dialogue with the Universe

25-1 Higgs field and mass
The Higgs field is an energy field that is thought to exist everywhere in the universe. [1]
In Higgs field, particles(except photon, require energy of mc ^ 2 additionally. [2] So they now cannot travel at the speed of light. [1]
If the energy of the interaction between certain particle and Higgs field is strong, the mass of the particle increases. (It will require significant energy to move the particle) [2]
Higgs field condensed by the time the temperature of the universe fell, then mass and the Higgs boson appeared. [3]
The birth of mass After 10^-9 second  The temperature of the universe 10^13K
If the Higgs field did not exist, particles would not have the mass required to attract one another, and would float around freely at light speed. [1]

However, Higgs field is the original of 2% of mass. [4]
Most of the mass of protons and neutrons is the kinetic energy of elemental particles (quark, antiquark, gluons). [5]

Energy also has mass according to the principle of mass–energy equivalence.

There are two types of mass. [6]
1) Difficulty of acceleration inertial mass ··· by Higgs field
2) Degree of weight due to gravitation gravitational mass  ··· by gravitational field
1) and 2) are equivalent.
The equality of inertial and active gravitational mass remains as puzzling as ever.

25-2 Higgs boson
Higgs boson is the vibration of the Higgs field. : Higgs boson appears when you excite the Higgs field.
Spin, Electric charge0 [4]
Mass125.3 GeV [4]
<img src="http://image.space.rakuten.co.jp/d/strg/ctrl/9/cc730122b57178a4433b03b1a7ea5cfb55f99796." alt="標準モデル-1.png" border="0">
The Standard Model of elementary particles (more schematic depiction), with the three generations of matter, gauge bosons in the fourth column, and the Higgs boson in the fifth.
Graviton does not enter into the standard model. Gravity can not be described well with the Standard Model.

July 04, 2012, Conseil Europeenne pour la Reaherche Nucleaire (CERN, in Switzerland)announced that they discovered a new particle which they could believe it as Higgs boson. [1]

1. WikipediaHiggs field
2. ヒッグス粒子と質量の謎(ヒッグス粒子は何をするのか)
3. 島根大学集中講義 真空の性質2009
4.   WikipediaHiggs boson
5. ヒッグス粒子にはできないこと-物理学と切手収集
6.   Wikipediamass

7.   WikipediaStandard Model

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