
81 ブラックホール 【ブラックホール】宇宙との対話

81 ブラックホール 【ブラックホール】宇宙との対話

・2011年9月 超巨大ブラックホールが、おとめ座の方向に約5440万光年離れた位



(参 考)
・ 理論的に予想される物質の運動に相当する宇宙ジェットや、ブラックホールに吸い込まれていく物質が出すと理論的に予想されるX線が観測されている。
・ アインシュタイン方程式の解には、ブラックホールを時間反転させたホワイトホール解が存在する。
・ ブラックホールに吸い込まれた情報は失われない。



81 Black Hole 【Black Hole】Dialogue with the Universe

81 Black Hole 【Black Hole】Dialogue with the Universe

・September 2011 Supermassive black holes •at about 54.4 million light-years away in the direction of Virgo announced.

・Black holes have extremely strong gravity, even light could inhale as well as 
substances nearby.

Source: Yahoo! News

・Incidentally it takes about 100,000 years for 20 light years by the ship cruising speed of the current, so we will need about 300 billion years till the black hole in space travel ! ! !

・ The theoretically expected cosmic jet that equivalents to the movement of the substance, and the X-rays emitted from the substance inhaled by the black holes are observed.
・ The white hole solution to which time reflection of the black hole is carried out exists in the solution of the Einstein equation.
 ・The information inhaled by the black hole is not lost.

Source: Wikipedia ”Black hole”


80 Starship Solar-System(SSS)【Space Travel】Dialogue with the Universe

80 Starship Solar-System(SSS)【Space Travel】Dialogue with the Universe

・Since the life expectancy of the sun is 5 billion years, the human race needs to be moved to any other stellar systems.
・30,000 years to go to our nearest neighbouring star, Alpha Centauri (distance: four light years).
・If you think the energy and safety between the long-term move, it is necessary to utilize the forces of nature.

・The solar system is orbiting through the Milky Way galaxy in 240km/s.
• If you have a solar system on the spacecraft, long-term energy and safety can be ensured.
Solar System [1]

○Proposal of Martyn J. Fogg(1989) [2] [3]
・Stars like the sun exist about 300 within a distance of 100 light-years. This plan assumes that to finish the replacement work of the sun and other stars in about 10 million years. 
・First, put a ring of superconductor around the sun, and supplement the 10% of the energy of the total output of the sun. Then generate a toroidal magnetic field by flowing a strong current, and rectify the flow of charged particles spewing from the sun in one direction.
・With this propulsion system, the movement speed of the sun after 700,000 years will be 1km / s, and you can change the scope of the course 1.9 degrees with respect to the rotation axis. After 2.7 million years each of those will be 5km / s, 9.5 degrees, and after 10.7 million years 20km / s, 33.7 degrees.
・Next, select the course that slip through the side of the star of the target. And adjust the inrush course to put the Earth in orbit of the other stellar.

1. 大摩邇(oomani) : 宇宙船「地球号」
2. 太陽が最期を迎えても地球ごと助かる方法 A Successful Failure
3. Martyn J. Fogg, "Solar Exchange as a Means of Ensuring the Long-Term Habitability of the Earth," Specul. Sci. Technol., 12, pp.153-157 1989.
4. YAHOO! 知恵袋

80 星船=宇宙船太陽系号【宇宙旅行】宇宙との対話

80 星船=宇宙船太陽系号【宇宙旅行】宇宙との対話




○Martyn J. Foggの提案(1989) [2]

宇宙船太陽系号 [3]

【参 照】
1. 大摩邇(おおまに) : 宇宙船「地球号」
2. 太陽が最期を迎えても地球ごと助かる方法 A Successful Failure
3. YAHOO! 知恵袋

79 Radiation Exposure【Space Travel】Dialogue with the Universe

79 Radiation Exposure【Space Travel】Dialogue with the Universe

79-1 Cosmic Radiation Exposure
○Constitution of Cosmic Radiation
・Solar Particle Events (SPE's):hydrogen (protons) 90%, helium (alpha particles) , all of the rest of the elements
・Galactic Cosmic Radiation (GCR):hydrogen (protons) 90%, helium (alpha particles) 9%, all of the rest of the elements 1%[1]

Cosmic Radiation - Go Flight Medicine

○The sun’s magnetic field reverses its direction every 11 years (last flip was Jan 2014). Additionally, solar flares occur from time to time, which may increase cosmic radiation dose for a shorter period of time. [1]
○A majority of cosmic radiation never reaches those of us living on the terrestrial earth due to the sun’s magnetic field, the earth’s magnetic field, and the earth’s atmosphere. [1]
○ If the Earth's magnetic field has disappeared (it was several times on the history of the Earth), radiation exposure on the ground is increased about 14%.[2] [3]

79-2 Radiation Limits
○Radiation weighting factor [4]
:Coefficient representing the degree of impact on the human body of radiation.
Photons(x-rays, gamma rays)・Electrons(beta particles):1,protons:2, neutrons:2.5~21, alpha particles(a particle identical to a helium nucleus):20
○Radiation effects
1 mSv/year:Effective dose [5]
2.4mSv/year:Average yearly background natural radiation in the world 
20 mSv/year:Occupational effective dose limit [5]
100mSv:Level at which higher raisk of cancer is first noticeable 
     Missions on the ISS or Russian Mir space station have registered exposures greater than 100 mSv to some astronauts. [1]
1Sv:Missions to Mars(1.5 years)[1]
4Sv:Median lethal dose(LD50) [6] 
7Sv:100% lethal dose [6] 

79-3 Mitigation of Cosmic Radiation
○Alpha (α) radiation is stopped by a sheet of paper. Beta (β) radiation is halted by an aluminium plate. Gamma (γ) radiation is eventually absorbed as it penetrates a dense material(Concrete with a thickness of 50 cm, in the case of lead 10cm). Neutron (n) radiation is blocked by light elements, like hydrogen, which slow and/or capture them. [7]
○Aggressive shielding measures in the ISS is not taken.
← Since the launch cost of screening agents is significant.

79-4 Space Weather
○Military, aviation and space agencies like the FAA and NASA pay close attention to space weather and may publish advisories. To keep up to date on your space weather, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) provides an online service. [1]

1. Cosmic Radiation - Go Flight Medicine
2. 宇宙放射線 - JAXA 宇宙教育センター
3. 聴いて観て話しメモする!:地球大気
4. Wikipedia:Equivalent dose
5. New ICRP recommendations
6. Wikipedia:Acute radiation syndrome
7. Wikipedia:Ionizing radiation

79 被ばく【宇宙旅行】宇宙との対話

79 被ばく【宇宙旅行】宇宙との対話

79-1 宇宙放射線
・太陽粒子線:陽子・電子 90%、He 数%、その他の重荷電粒子[1]
・銀河宇宙船:陽子・電子 90%、He 9%、その他の重荷電粒子、γ・X線等 1%[1][2]


○地球磁場が消滅した場合(地球の歴史上何回かあった)、地上での放射線被曝量は 14%程度増加する。[3][4]

79-2 被ばく線量
○放射線荷重係数(radiation weighting factor)

1mSv(ミリシーベルト) /年:公衆被ばく限度[5]
20mSv/年:職業被ばくの限度 [5]
100mSv/年:がんの増加 [2]
365mSv/年:ISS内部 [1] [6]
1Sv:宇宙飛行士の生涯被ばく限度(男性46歳以上)[1] =火星往復(1年半)[7]
4Sv:50%致死線量(LD50) [7] [8]
7Sv:100%致死線量 [8]

○2012~2016年 船外で人体模型を暴露する実験実施。

79-3 被ばくの緩和
○アルファ線は紙1枚程度で遮蔽できる。ベータ線は厚さ数mmのアルミニウム板で防ぐことができる。ガンマ線(電磁波)は透過力が強く、コンクリートであれば50 cm、鉛であっても10cmの厚みが必要になる。中性子線(中性子)は最も透過力が強く、水やコンクリートの厚い壁に含まれる水素原子によってはじめて遮断できる。[8] 
← 遮蔽剤の打ち上げコストが多額となるため。[9]

79-4 宇宙放射線量の予測

【参 照】
1. 放射線被ばく管理:JAXA
2. Cosmic Radiation - Go Flight Medicine
3. 宇宙放射線 - JAXA 宇宙教育センター
4. 聴いて観て話しメモする!:地球大気
5. 国際放射線防護委員会(ICRP)の2007年勧告
6. 宇宙空間の放射線量はどのくらい? YAHOO! 知恵袋
7. 宇宙放射線による年間被ばく (09-01-06-04) - ATOMICA
8. Wikipedia:被曝
9. 宇宙滞在中の宇宙放射線被ばく線量の大幅な低減法を初めて実証
放射線医学総合研究所, ロシア科学アカデミー生物医学問題研究所, チェコ科学アカデミー原子核研究所


78 Space Food Menu【Space Travel】Dialogue with the Universe

78 Space Food Menu【Space Travel】Dialogue with the Universe

78-1 Dietary Reference Intakes
・I considered space food menu with a focus on sweet potato. This menu is based on
"Dietary Reference Intakes for Japanese" (2010 edition, Ministry of Health), and "food
composition database"(Ministry of Education).

・Sweet potatoes 4, salmon 2 cans, boiled eggs 2, natto 1 package , soy milk 1.5 cups,
spinach 1.5 bunch.
・In these six items six out • You can meet the Dietary Reference Intakes for Japanese

• Most important problem is how to farmed salmon in the universe.


78-2 Health and Anti-Aging
・Incidentally I show the ingredients of daily life to prevent aging and diseases such as cancer and dementia on the planet.
• If you want to know the effect of this food, I want you to watch what this blog will continue indefinitely.

<Prevention of hypertension>Vinegar, Onion, Cinnamon
<Immune strengthening> Garlic, Broccoli sprouts, Mushrooms, Cabbage, Carrot, Natto, Tea, Pigeon barley tea
<Dementia prevention> Egg, Broccoli, Camembert cheese, Linseed oil, Ginger
<Blood sugar value adjustment> Nuts, Brown rice, Sake lees, Yogurt, Mozuku
<Aging prevention> Salmon (astaxanthin), Instant Coffee 2 cups/day (niacin), Honey, Squid and octopus (mitochondria)

78-3 Blood pressure drops! Simple Pot-au-feu
• Further introduce the recipe useful on the planet.
・By the way, in my case (standard body weight) effect comes out in 2 to 3 days.

※ Recipe Features: Processing of the ingredients of step 2 is to during the heating in step 1.

○Yield:4 servings
○Prep time:10mins, Cook time:50mins, Total time :50 mins
○Step 1
(Ingredients and Preparation)
Chicken breast 2pieces(Cut into 2.5 cm pieces)
Olive oil  2tbsp
Onion     1(Cut the onion in half and cut the halves into 5 wedges)
Potato    2(every skin and cut in1/8)
Carrot     1(every skin and cut in half lengthwise, and cut into 1.3 cm slices)
Canned tomatoes (cut) 400g
Water         2cups
・Heat olive oil. When pressure cooker is hot, add the Chicken breasts and lightly fry.
・Add onions, potatos,carrots, tomatos and water. Cook under pressure(Medium heat) for 1 minute.
・Then stop the fire but maintain high pressure for 5 minutes.

○Step 2
(Ingredients and and Preparation)
Cabbage  1/4
Turnip    2(peel and cut in1/4)
Green onion 1
Ginger    5cm(shred)   
Garlic   2cloves(slice)
Shiitake mushrooms 3(slice)
Consomme      2(Ajinomoto brand "Consomme" 5.3g×2)
Curry roux  30g(In the case of House brand "Vermont Curry")
・Add the material, and stir.
・Cook under pressure(Medium heat) for 1 minute.
・Then stop the fire but maintain high pressure for 5 minutes.

○Step 3
Sake lees    30g
Add loosen the sake lees with a Tebo(sieve to cut hot water) [1] and a spoon. (END)

※ Adjust degree of fire and the time of heating and steaming so as not to boil over, and so as not to collapse boiled potatos and turnips.
※ If you pull out the steam of pressure cooker for the time reduction in the manual, you must increase the heating time.

1. Tebo(sieve to cut hot water)
(Source) The sieve to cut hot water when you boil the ball of noodle for ramen → ball → bullet of gun → Teppou zaru (gun sieve) → Tebo

78 宇宙食メニュー【宇宙旅行】宇宙との対話

78 宇宙食メニュー【宇宙旅行】宇宙との対話

78-1 食事摂取基準
・サツマイモ 4本、サケ缶2個、ゆで卵2個、納豆1パック、豆乳コップ1.5杯、ほうれんそう 1.5束。


78-2 健康と老化予防


78-3 血圧が下がる! 簡単ポトフ(4人分) ・・・調理時間50分


鳥のむね肉   600g
オリーブオイル 大さじ2
タマネギ    1個(輪切り)
ジャガイモ   2個(皮ごと1/8)
ニンジン    1本(皮ごと 輪切り)
トマト缶(カット)  1缶(400g)
水       400g

キャベツ  1/4個
カブ    2個(1/8)
長ネギ   1本
生姜    1かけ(千切り)   
ニンニク  2かけ(輪切り)
シイタケ  3個(薄切り)
コンソメ  2個
カレールー 1/8かけ(ハウスのバーモントカレーの場合30g)

酒粕    30g


【参 考】
1. てぼ(湯きりカゴ)

77 Future of Space Exploration【Space Travel】Dialogue with the Universe

77 Future of Space ExplorationSpace TravelDialogue with the Universe

September 2011, NASA announced a new rocket development program as a replacement for retiring the space shuttle.
Development costs of the large projects is $ 10 billion.
The new rocket will be completed in 2017, conduct a manned exploration of asteroid
in 2025, and in the 2030s is a goal of carry the human race to Mars.

Source: National Geographic News

I think that challenges in rocket development would be to build a system that can be recovered some development costs by space factory or resource exploration, rather than manned and unmanned.

There is a plan to mine mineral resources in the universe by 2020.

Reference: Reuters


77 宇宙開発のゆくえ【宇宙旅行】宇宙との対話

77 宇宙開発のゆくえ【宇宙旅行】宇宙との対話

・2011年9月 NASAは、引退したスペースシャトルの後継となる新型ロケットの開発計画を発表した。



76 Space Parasol Project(Measures against global warming)【Space Travel】Dialogue with the Universe

76 Space Parasol Project(Measures against global warming)【Space Travel】Dialogue with the Universe

76-1 Summary
• In this plan they set up space-sprinkler at the Lagrangian point, and create parasol with sprayed dust and soot between the earth and sun.
・If you establish a space-sprinkler except Lagrangian poin, you should always have corrections to change the location.
・Lagrangian point is position where they can rotate around the sun without changing the positional relationship between the sun and the satellite, and there are five points between the sun and the earth.
・In the Space parasol plan, a space sprinkler and a space container are sent with a mass driver from a moon base to the Lagrangian point.
・A space sprinkler rotates at the Lagrangian point, sprinkling dust and soot, and "The Parasol" will be formed between the sun and the earths.


76-2 Similar Project
○Initial proposal (1989) [1] 
:Produce parasols on the moon, and float into space.・・・The parasols are too heavy.

○Proposal of the University of Arizona (2006) [1] 
・The films(having a thickness of 0.005mm diametrically 60cm, and disposed diametrically 5,000km 100,000 km long cylindrical in Lagrange point) scatter sunlight 10%.
・The total weight of films is 20 million tons. The films are launched in electro magnetics-based launcher from the ground, and those are moved to the Lagrange point in the ion engine transport aircraft.
・・・The parasol is still heavy.

76-3 Move the Earth [2]
1982  Proposal of Mieczyslaw Taube
・Arranging a huge pulse fusion rocket engine on the equator of the Earth, and moving the Earth to the Jupiter orbit.
・In this project Earth's mass is released 10% between 1 billion years.

【参 照】
1. 宇宙日傘《科学情報番組・ヴォイニッチの科学書》2006/11/25
2. Taube, M., "Future of the Terrestrial Civilization Over a Period of Billions of Years", Journal of the British Interplanetary Society, Vol.35, p.219, May 1985