
43 Creation【Intelligence】Dialogue with the Universe

43 Creation【Intelligence】Dialogue with the Universe

・Creation is the point of intelligence.
・Only neither creation of art nor research of learning is creation.
・People are performing creativity, in order to survive, or also when living ordinarily.
・On Earth, each person is alive with creating something.
・Looking at the Earth from the universe, it's the sea of creativity!

コスモ 創造の海!
(GOODA! 第13話-20)

○It is better to create than to learn! Creating is the essence of life.-Julius Caesar(B.C.100- B.C.44)

○There is one important ability to be required in common in any field. It's imagination. -Niccolò Machiavelli (1469-1527)

○Imagination is similar to the muscle. It has a property of degradation if it is not use.

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