37 Mind and Spirit #Intelligence
37-1 Mind
○Mind refers to man's (living thing's) mental action. And the one which becomes a basis of feeling, will, knowledge, consideration, etc are included. [1]
37-2 Spirit
○The soul is considered to exist as mental entity substance aside from body.
○The spirit is thought that it is pregnant in not only man but also at large living things[ animals or plants], and it is also pregnant in mineral. The spirit may be identified with the heart.
※ The proposal in the general meeting in World Health Organization (WHO) 1999
:Health is in a completely good dynamic state physically, mentally, spiritually, and socially, and is not only sick or not only weak.
1. 心 - Wikipedia
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20170416 Add a photo
20171111 Integration of Mind and Spirit
37 心と霊魂 #知性
37-1 心 [1]
37-2 霊魂
※ 世界保健機関(WHO)1999年の総会での提案
【参 照】
1. 心 - Wikipedia
20170416 写真の追加
20171111 心と霊魂の統合
36 What is Consciousness? #Intelligence
36-1 Overview
○Consciousness is the state that we can assess the environment, such as around the state and that their situation now, etc.
・Absent-minded consciousness is also in a dog, a cat, etc.
○Unit of consciousness ... Thermostat as one unit, [1]
Flower 10units
Animal Several hundred units
○Level of consciousness [1]
Level1:They can recognize space. (Reptile)
Level2:They can recognize space and society. (Mammal )
Level3:We can recognize space, society and Time. (Reptile)
※ In addition, procrastination ability of satisfaction is the difference between the degree of success.
36-2 Self-consciousness
・Self-consciousness is directed to oneself.
○Psychologists frequently distinguish between two kinds of self-consciousness, private and public. [2]
・Private self-consciousness is a tendency to introspect and examine one's inner self and feelings.
・Public self-consciousness is an awareness of the self as it is viewed by others. This kind of self-consciousness can result in self-monitoring and social anxiety.
○ The test to determine the presence of self-consciousness: The mirror test, sometimes called the mark test or the mirror self-recognition test (MSR) [3]
This is accomplished by surreptitiously marking the animal with an odourless dye, and observing whether the animal reacts in a manner consistent with it being aware that the dye is located on its own body.
・Self-consciousness is not developed until 2 years before and after in humans. [2]
• Great apes, (such as chimpanzees and orangutans) a single Asiatic elephant, dolphins and orcas, the Eurasian magpie, rhesus macaques, and some ants, have passed the MSR test. A wide range of species have been reported to fail the test including several monkey species, giant pandas, sea lions, and dogs. [2]
・No self-consciousness is no jealousy.
36-3 Bayesian network [4]
○Bayesian networks of AI can have the consciousness.
• However, because "consciousness" is used in a variety of means, we need to be careful.
・And non-functional aspects of consciousness, can not be reproduced in the Bayesian net.
※Bayesian network:It is a technique for making inferences based on probabilistic efficiently. And it acts similar to intuition, which is one of the functions of the brain. It is a technology that is the key to understanding of information processing principles of the brain.
・It has based on Bayes' theorem, which was discovered in 1763 by British pastor Thomas Bayes (1702 (?) - 1761).
36-4 Quantum mind
British mathematician, astrophysics and theoretical physicist Roger Penrose (Roger Penrose, 1931-) has presented the hypothesis that there is deep relationship between information processing and quantum mechanics in the brain.
He says, basic and simple unknown attributes that becomes the original of a consciousness has been associated in each elementary particles. When the wave function is contracted in microtubules of neuron, at the same time the unknown attribute combines on, and high level consciousness of the organism occurs.
※Penrose believed that microtubules are involved in neurotransmission, but microtubule is a kind of cytoskeleton.
Neurotransmission due to propagation of changes in membrane potential of neurons (action potential) and it takes place via chemicals between neurons..
※ Hawking says, "Even if I admit his OR(Objective-Reduction:hypothesis theory about the development and reduction of the wave function), (because it is too fine things)it is hard to believe that the mechanism and system of the brain is affected by OR in nature. ".
36-5 Quantum computer [5][6][7]
As the phenomena of the elementary particles, they have two states (0 and 1 : bit) at the same time (the state of superposition and entanglement).
By controlling this property, it is possible to represent the number of conditions with fewer bits. This allows a calculation that was one by one processing until now, at the same time (in parallel) can be processed.This parallel processing, it is can be solved in a few tens of seconds in calculation which can not be solved even if it takes thousands of years in the current super computer.
2011 (128) D-Wave Systems, Inc. (Canada) was successful in the construction of a quantum computer "D-Wave".
☆ If consciousness is due to the attributes of the particles, with the advancement of quantum computers, AI also might have a sense! = Meeting with non-life intelligence!
36-6 Artificial Consciousness、AC
・There is an ethical problem giving a self-consciousness in artificial intelligence.
・For the existence with self-consciousness there is a need to co-exist recognized its individuality.
・It produces always revolt if trying to slavery the existence with self-consciousness.
1."The wonder future - latest physics talks" Michio Kaku (April 2015)
E Tele/New York incandescent classroom 20150424 consciousness and mind
※ Michio Kaku officialsite
2. Self-consciousness - Wikipedia
3. Mirror test - Science Daily
4. 産業技術総合研究所 > 一杉裕志 > 脳とベイジアンネット > 脳とベイジアンネットFAQ( 2011-05-26 更新)
5. No.40 Growing artificial intelligence(GAI)
6. Quantum computing - Wikipedia
7. 日経ビジネス/世界初「量子コンピューター」生みの親、「訂正」に挑む/西森秀稔へのインタビュー
36 意識とは? #知性
36-1 概 要
・ ぼんやりした意識は犬・猫などにもある。
○意識の単位・・・ サーモスタットを1単位とすると、[1]
花 10単位
動物 数百単位
○意識のレベル [1]
36-2 自己意識(self-consciousness)=自己認識=自意識
・私的自己意識:自己の内面(感覚,感情,思考など)に向けられる。(前帯状皮質(anterior cingulate cortex, BA32)、内側前頭前野(medial prefrontal cortex, BA10)、後帯状皮質(posterior cingulate cortex, BA 23/31)、および楔前部(precuneus, BA7)を含む大脳皮質正中内側部構造(cortical midline structure))
36-3 ベイジアンネット [3]
・ただし、「意識」という言葉は様々な意味で使われることがあるので 注意が必要。
※ベイジアンネット:確率論に基づいた推論を効率的に行うための技術。 脳の機能の1つである直観と似た働きをする。脳の情報処理原理の解明の鍵となる技術。
・イギリスの牧師トーマス・ベイズ(1702年(?) - 1761年)によって1763年に発見されたベイズの定理をもとにしている。
36-4 量子脳理論
イギリスの数学者、宇宙物理学・理論物理学者ロジャー・ペンローズ(Roger Penrose, 1931- )は、著書『皇帝の新しい心』にて、脳内の情報処理には量子力学が深く関わっているという仮説を提示している。
※ペンローズは微小管が神経伝達に関わっていると考えていたようだが、微小管( microtubule)は、細胞骨格の一種。
36-5 量子コンピュータ [4][5][6]
2011年(128) D-Wave Systems社(カナダ)が量子コンピュータ「D-Wave」の建造に成功した。
36-6 人工意識(Artificial Consciousness、AC)
【参 考】
Eテレ ニューヨーク白熱教室 20150424 意識と心
You Tube:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-dMt5FB6inY
※加來 道雄、Michio Kaku、1947年1月24日 –
2. 脳科学辞典/自己意識/守田知代
3.産業技術総合研究所 > 一杉裕志 > 脳とベイジアンネット > 脳とベイジアンネットFAQ( 2011-05-26 更新)
4.No.40 成長する人工知能(GAI)
5. 量子コンピュータ - Wikipedia
35 What is Intelligence? #Intelligence○Intelligence is the capability of a language and a network. Etymologically it is the capability of the selection accompanied by consciousness.※ Origin of the word: Originate in a Latin verb "intellegere" and mean the ability of "legere(choose)" from "inter(between)" two or more choices. However, the instinct beforehand programmed by the gene is not intellect. Intellect is the acquired capability to create the possibility of new selection.Reference:"System methodology archive" (~2011) Toshiya Nagaihttp://www.systemicsarchive.com/ja/a/intellect.html※ In Goo Dictionary, intellectus is the capability which gets to know things and considers and judges.Capability to perform man's intellectual action.○Dolphin, Chimpanzee, and the Orangutan can recognize themselves. →Since there are communications skills, it is not as man, but it can be said that it has intellectus.
○The main feature of intellectus is creative!☆Level of intelligence Level1 Frontal lobe of the brain to judge and create. Level2 Brain is using artificial intelligence to auxiliary. (The current) Level3 Brain and artificial intelligence do judgment and creativity together.
35 知性とは? #知性○知性は言語及びネットワークの能力。語源的には、意識を伴った選択の能力。※語源:ラテン語の動詞“intellegere”に由来し、複数の選択肢の“間から inter”“選ぶlegere”能力を意味する。ただし、選択の能力といっても、遺伝子にあらかじめプログラムされた本能は知性でない。知性は新しい選択の可能性を切り開く後天的な能力。参照:「システム論アーカイブ」(~2011年)永井俊哉http://www.systemicsarchive.com/ja/a/intellect.html ※goo辞書では、物事を知り、考え、判断する能力。人間の、知的作用を営む能力。○イルカやチンパンジー、オランウータンは私を認識できる。→コミュニケーション能力があることから、人間ほどではないが、知性を持つと言える。
○創造することは知性の最大特徴。☆知性のレベル レベル1 脳の前頭葉が判断・創造している。 レベル2 脳が人工知能を補助的に使っている。(現在) レベル3 脳と人工知能が一体となって判断・創造している。
34 Cell and DNA(DeoxyriboNucleic Acid) #Intelligence
・Humans are made of about 100 trillion cells.
・The human nervous system is estimated to consist of roughly 360 billion non-neural glial cells and 100 billion nerve cells.
・Incidentally, the birth of multicellular organisms is the Cambrian about 600 million years ago.
○DNA(DeoxyriboNucleic Acid)
・Every person has about 25,000 different genes.
・Plant is an animal of seniors with 40,000 or more genes.
※Gene: The corresponding DNA sequence to a protein.
・The length of human DNA in a single cell is 1.8 meters. (2 nanometers wide)
※1nanometer is one point nine times ten to the minus second.
・The length of the blood vessels in the adult is about 100,000 km(1×10E5m).
※Earth's diameter is 12,700 km(1.27×10E4m).
・The world largest is 62-th power of 10 of the world smallest.
・DNA of human and chimpanzee is consistent 98.5 percent.
○World of Living thing
・The Biological World is made by the coincidences and an accumulation of trial and error of over 100 millions years. This was not inevitable. Susumu Tonegawa "Spirit and Matter"
34 細胞とDNA #知性
○DNA(DeoxyriboNucleic Acid)
(参 照)「遺伝子の数え方」福岡 伸一
・生物の世界というのは、何億年にもわたる偶然の積み重ね、試行錯誤の積み重ねでいまこうなっているということであって、こうなった必然性なんてない。 利根川進「精神と物質」
33 Mathematics #Universe○Mathematics is the alphabet with which God has written the Universe. -Galileo Galilei (1564 - 1642)○How can it be that mathematics, being after all a product of human thought which is independent of experience, is so admirably appropriate to the objects of reality? —Albert Einstein○Key word:Symmetry [1]※Forecast of mathematics:Those that do not can still prove.(It is well in the world of mathematics.)
【Mathematical history】About 7000 years ago Number was born. (Mankind began to group living.)16th century Imaginary number is accepted.・・・"Forgetting the mental anguish received with imaginary number, and merely introducing this." Gerolamo Cardano(Italy 1501~1576)17th century Minus is accepted in Europe.・・・Descartes draws a number line. René Descartes(France 1596~1650)The first half of the 19th century An imaginary number is denoted by an axis of coordinates.:complex plane Carolus Fridericus Gauss(Germany 1777~1855)1935 Gödel's Incompleteness Theorem・・・Then, Turing(Aan Mathison Turing, UK 1912-1954) proved that there is no unific method of confirming beforehand whether a certain proposition is a proposition which cannot judge truth.1964 Murray Gell-Mann (1929-)predicted the existence of quarks by the theory of pure mathematics(the group:SU (3)).【References】1. Relationship between mathematics and physics - Wikipedia2.Edward Vladimirovich Frenkel(1968-)http://www.nhk.or.jp/hakunetsu/math/【Change log】20170416 Addition of a photo20170419 Addition of the words of Einstein
33 数学 #宇宙○数学は神が宇宙を書いたアルファベットだ。-ガリレオ・ガリレイ○経験とは独立した思考の産物である数学が,物理的実在である対象と,これほどうまく合致しうるのはなぜなのか? -アインシュタイン○キーワード:対称性 [1]※予想:まだ証明できていないもの。(数学の世界ではよくある。)
【数学の歴史】約7000年前 数字が誕生した。(人類が集団生活を始めた。)16世紀 虚数を認める・・・「虚数によって受ける精神的苦痛は忘れ、ただこれを導入せよ」カルダノ(イタリア 1501~76)17世紀 ヨーロッパでマイナスが認められる・・・デカルトが数直線を描く デカルト(仏 1596~1650)19世紀前半 座標軸で虚数を現す:複素平面 ガウス(独1777~1855)1931年 不完全性定理 ゲーデル(オーストリア 1906-78)・・・その後、チューリングが、ある命題が真偽を判定できない命題であるかどうかを、あらかじめチェックする統一的な方法がないということを証明した。1964年 マレー・ゲルマン(1929-)は純粋数学の理論(群:SU(3))を使ってクォークの存在を予言した。【参 考】1. NHK 数学ミステリー白熱教室 エドワード・フレンケル(1968-)http://www.nhk.or.jp/hakunetsu/math/【更新履歴】20170416 写真の追加20170419 アインシュタインの言葉の追加