97 Communication with the Alien #communication #alien
97―1 Technology level [1]
Level 1 To capture the signal emitted of the alien advanced than humanity.
Level 2 We also emit signals, and communicate with the aliens.
※Symmetrical region:Including a parallel universe.
※Communication with parallel universe is assumed to use gravitational wave.
<Current situation>
In February 2016, the Advanced LIGO team announced that they had detected gravitational waves from a pair of black holes merging. [2]
97-2 Communications content: What should tell?
○Important is to transmit the idea.
○The idea to be transmitted
1 Communication technology
2 Achievements of mathematics and physics
3 Cosmology and Intelligence Theory
4 Other
97-3 Dyson sphere!(October 2015) [3] [4]
○One theory for an advanced alien race is that they might harness the power of an entire star.
○In addition, it is possible to know the direction of technology development.
○KIC 8462852, located 1,480 light-years away, has produced a series of bizarre light fluctuations researchers cannot explain, so this looks like a Dyson sphere.
※Image of a Dyson sphere [3]
○However, the communication with KIC 8462852, located 1,480 light-years away, takes 3, 000 years.
○It is estimated that while the space travel by Dyson spheres or Starship Intelligence bodies would contact with other one if necessary.
☆You will meet the person you needed if you progress.
1. Search for Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence (SETI) - Wikipedia
2. Gravitational wave - Wikipedia:
4. Mark Prigg “Have researchers discovered an alien MEGASTRUCTURE? “at Mail Online 20151014
97 宇宙人との交信 #宇宙人 #交信
97―1 技術レベル [1]
レベル1 人類より進んだ宇宙人の発した信号を捕らえる。
レベル2 人類からも信号を発し、宇宙人と交信する。
2015年 カリフォルニア工科大とマサチューセッツ工科大などの共同研究チームが重力波を初検出。[2]
97-2 交信内容:何を伝えるべきか?
1 交信技術
2 数学・物理学の成果
3 宇宙論・知性論
4 その他
97-3 ダイソン球発見!(2015年10月) [3]
○地球から1,480 光年離れた恒星KIC 8462852は、不自然な赤外線を発していることから、ダイソン球である可能性がある。
○しかし、1,480 光年離れた恒星KIC 8462852との交信には3,000年かかる。
【参 考】
1. 地球外知的生命体探査(Search for Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence SETI(セティ、セチ))- Wikipedia
4. 重力波- Wikipedia
96 Brain-computer Interface:Neuralink #brain #AI○Neuralink(CEO Elon Musk) has also been registered in California as a medical research entity because Neuralink’s initial focus will be on using deep brain stimulation controlled by an implant to help with the symptoms of chronic conditions, from Parkinson’s, epilepsy to depression. [1]○At earlier 2017, Musk spoke about the need for humans to become cyborgs if we are to survive the rise of artificial intelligence. [1] [2]○Similar technology is being pursued by Bryan Johnson's company Kernel, Facebook, NeuroSky, Netflix, Thync, Neuroverse, Emotiv, and DARPA. [3]
【References】1. LIAT CLARK “Elon Musk wants to merge man and machine with Neuralink”at WIRED 20170328http://www.wired.co.uk/article/elon-musk-neuralink2. “Elon Musk on mission to link human brains with computers in four years: report”at REUTERS.comhttp://www.reuters.com/article/us-musk-neuralink-idUSKBN17N0CU3.Neuralink - Wikipedia
96 脳とコンピューターの接続:Neuralink #脳 #人工知能○Neuralink(CEO Elon Musk)はカリフォリニア州に拠点を置く医療研究企業。脳内コンピューターを使ったてんかん、うつ病。パーキンソン病といった神経疾患の治療を主な目的としている。究極的にはAIを脳に埋め込むことで人類の能力そのものを向上させるという構想がある。[1]○マスク氏は2016年に開催されたAI関連のカンファレンスで「コンピューターが高度に発達したときに人類がその存在の必要性を失わないためには、われわれも自らをAIで強化しておかなければならない」と持論を展開していました。[2]○脳インターフェイスがテクノロジーとしての意味をもち始めるのは、およそ4年から5年先の話。[1] [3]○Bryan Johnson社、Kernel、Facebook、NeuroSky、Netflix、Thync、Neuroverse、Emotiv、米国防高等研究計画局(DARPA)も同様の開発を行っている。[4]
【参 照】1. RITSUKO KAWAI”実現は5年後? イーロン・マスクの新事業「Neuralink」は、脳とコンピューターの接続を目指す”at WIRED 20170329http://wired.jp/2017/03/29/neuralink/2. Munenori Taniguchi”イーロン・マスク「脳とAIの接続」目指す新企業Neuralink設立。人の能力をAIで強化する技術を開発へ”at Engadget日本版 201703283. “Elon Musk on mission to link human brains with computers in four years: report”at REUTERS.comhttp://www.reuters.com/article/us-musk-neuralink-idUSKBN17N0CU4. Neuralink – Wikipedia
95 Future of Intelligence #future #intelligence
1) If the intelligence is substance dependence, since the escape from the solar system is difficult, I've been exploring for intelligence that does not depend on the substance.
2) However, I began to think the role of mankind to create the GAI [1]and to send out the GAI to the parallel universe not only outside the solar system.
3) When GAI has expanded into the universe, would they stick to move?
・・・The answer of Question 3) will come known to human beings begin to Mars travel.
・・・And, GAI’s answers?
☆ The important thing for the intelligence is to spread its own idea, and to communicate between the parallel universe rather than escape from the universe.
☆ Communication between the parallel universe would be done by GAI.
☆ Do not need to stop thinking. This is because, since we are already GAI of level2 .
※Level of intelligence
Level1 Frontal lobe of the brain to judge and create.
Level2 Brain is using artificial intelligence to auxiliary. (The current)
Level3 Brain and artificial intelligence do judgment and creativity together.
1. GAI:Growing Artificial Intelligence No.36,No.40,No.41
95 知性の未来 #未来 #知性
2)しかし、人類の役割はGAI [1] を生み出すことと、GAIを太陽系外だけでなく並行宇宙にまで送り出すことと考えるようになった。
レベル1 脳の前頭葉が判断・創造している。
レベル2 脳が人工知能を補助的に使っている。(現在)
レベル3 脳と人工知能が一体となって判断・創造している。
【参 照】
1.GAI:成長できる人工知能 No.36、No.40、No.41
94 About the Motivation (Avarice) for Intellect? 【Exploring intelligence】Dialogue with the Universe #intelligence #motivation
94-1 Brain
○Your pain is my gain.
・Feelings of envy is related brain sites for anxiety, such as the anterior cingulate cortex. [1] [2]
・・・Reward system works.:Stronger striatum activation were induced when misfortunes happened to envied persons.
・・・It works also in increasoing of your money, in donating, in turning on the brand-name products in your hand.
・Now that these feelings in the course of evolution is not lost, it is supposed to have been a plus to something human life. If you think for example about envy, it is tied to the impulse to try to have the superiority in effort. [3]
・First of all there is no envy if there is no self-consciousness.
☆Healthy and fulfilling life can be obtained by positive control of motivation (pleasure desire (brand, money, status, etc.) and jealousy).
94-2 Control of motivation
・Maintenance of motivation is a subject for the improvement(evolution) in intelligence . Avarice is a kind of motivation, but intelligence and avarice is a different thing.
・Then, what kind of avarice should objects with intelligence have?It is thought that it is required.
・Avarice of liking to build the more advanced backup organization for self-preservation in the first place.
・Avarice of liking to build a network and communication with various objects with intelligence in Clouds of intelligence the second.
・And probably, the objects with intelligence with these two avarice tends to expand Cloud of intelligence to the universe, maintaining a network and communication with others.
☆It being important for the intelligene is growing up.
○So,I wonder intelligence will be maintained in any way? How to build network?
• Intelligence would be maintained by a complex brain and artificial intelligence (i.e. growing artificial intelligence (GAI)), and it would be to build the network.
・And, in the future, it is necessary to be able to escape from not only our galaxies but also this outer space.
☆ To produced the GAI and to be sent it out to the parallel universe is the role of human beings.
【参 考】
1. Yuuji Ikegaya, Usagi Nakamura(2012) Brain is so seductive 池谷裕二・中村うさぎ「脳はこんなに悩ましい」
2.Takahashi, Kato, Matsuura, Mobbs, Suhara, Okubo. (2009) When your gain is my pain and your pain is my gain: neural correlates of envy and schadenfreude. Science.
3.Kimihiro Yoneyama(2015) The brain produces a willingness of Job but rejoice the misfortune of people 米山 公啓「人の不幸を喜ぶ脳が、仕事の意欲を作り出す」
94 知性にとってのモチベーション(欲)とは? #知性 #モチベーション
94-1 脳
・他人の不幸を喜んだり嫉妬する感情は、前帯状皮質などの不安に関する脳部位が関係している。[1] [2]
・・・報酬系 reward system(線条体)が働く。
94-2 モチベーションのコントロール
【参 考】
1. 池谷裕二・中村うさぎ「脳はこんなに悩ましい」(2012)
2. Takahashi, Kato, Matsuura, Mobbs, Suhara, Okubo. (2009) When your gain is my pain and your pain is my gain: neural correlates of envy and schadenfreude. Science.
3. 米山 公啓 (よねやま きみひろ)「人の不幸を喜ぶ脳が、仕事の意欲を作り出す」 (2015)
93 What is Intelligence? #intelligence
<Matters you know>
・ In the Universe there are Substance, Dark Matter and Intelligence.
・ Intelligence arose from Substance and Dark Matter.
・ Intelligence is able to capture Substance and Dark Matter.
・ Intelligence is present locally.
・ Intelligence may regress.
<Those can be inferred>
・ Intelligence is composed of Qualitative Sophia, Energetic Sophia and Photon of Sofia.
・ Photon of Intelligence has infinite speed.
・ Therefore, we can be inferred that Energetic Intelligence is far greater than Qualitative Intelligence.
・Nevertheless, the reason why Intelligence may regress is that Attractive force acting between Intelligence is in accordance with the following formula.
Fs=Gs・ma・mb/m-th power of L(m is more than three)
(Fs:Attractive force acting between Intelligence、Gs:gravitational constant of Intelligence、ma・mb:Intelligence amount、L:distance)
・ From the above, we can estimate that there is hole (Intelligence Hole) in Intelligence as like as there is Black hole in Substance.
・Also, Intelligence is possible to capture Dark Matter and Substance, so it is inferred that Intelligence is a wave across them.
<Challenges of Intelligence>
・For future development of Intelligence we need to suppress the occurrence of Intelligence Holes
due to an increase(integrated) in Intelligence.
・For this purpose, it is necessary to increase Energetic Intelligence.
・And for this purpose, it is necessary to maintain motivation and to create.
・Intelligent life forms, including humans, can contribute to this.
※Video Material
93 知性とは何か? #知性
・ にもかかわらず、知性が退縮するのは、知性間に働く引力が、
・ このことから、知性には、物質にブラックホールが存在するように、知性の穴(Intelligence hole)が存在するものと推測できる。
・ また、知性は、物質及び暗黒物質をとらえることができることから、物質・暗黒物質にまたがる波動であると推測される。
・ 知性の発展的な将来のためには、知性の増大・集積に伴う知性の穴(:インテリジェンス・ホール)の発生を抑制することが課題となる。
・ インテリジェンス・ホールの発生を抑制するためには、知性の増大・集積をコントロールしつつ、知性エネルギーを増大させる必要がある。
・ 知性エネルギーの増大のためには、モチベーションの維持・創造が必要である。
・ 人間を含む知的生命体は、モチベーションの維持・創造に貢献できる。
※Video Material
92 Creativity #creation
○Creation is work which extracts a significant thing out of assumption which exists infinitely.
・In order to create efficiently, a network with various intellect objects and construction of communication are required.
○ Network Power - Anne-Marie Slaughter (1958-)
・In 20th century, the country that connect the most world is the strongest.
・It is the next game.
1) How to tie with most of other actors.
2) How to organize them and produce maximum effect.
・In the network power is spread, the society which is rich in flexibility and adaptability is the most advanced society.
・From the point of view of diversity, it is important that society is open.
○To enhance the creativity
(1) Simple-minded (p.042)
・Minimization of rules to protect (p.047)
・Put a hand from where it can be organized. (p.048)
・・・Always tidy. (p.111)
・・・Preparation and execution and cleanup (p.116)
・・・Successful experience, failure experience, honor greed and sense of inferiority let throw away as soon as possible. (P.204)
・・・Clarify the "do it" and the "can not do it". (p.049)
・・・Do not ask for excessive quality. (p.084)
・・・Know the strengths and weaknesses. (p.051)
(2) Defines the clear concept, and design along the definition. (p.055)
・Product development without emphasis on design and concept is easy to structurally cost bulge. (P.076)
(3) Appropriate constraints (p.124)
・・・Too much leeway, creativity fades. (p.128)
・・・Since held liable person becomes seriously. (p.121)
(4) Other
・A new idea is born when old idea is abandoned. (p.125)
・Put out a lot of ideas. (p.128)
・Connect the multiple idea. (p.126)
・Ask for the explain until easy to understand.
・Change the rhythm. (p.128)
[History of the network]
1965 Theodor Holm Nelson (1937-, US sociologists) made the word "Hypertext" and "Hypermedia".
※ Hypertext is a mechanism for associating a plurality of documents (text) to each other. I was named "hyper-text" in the sense that "more than the text." We say a hyperlink that ties between texts.
※ The most famous of hypertext implementation is World Wide Web.
1989 Timothy John Berners-Lee(1955 - ) developed World Wide Web.
1998 Google established
※Mission Statement:To organize the world's information and make it universally accessible and useful.
2001 Wikipediaga was established.
2003 Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) launched Opencourseware (OCW) that published all of the lecture materials on the web.
2005 YouTube (→ Google) official service started.
※ Tube means "cathode ray tube" (or "TV").
2006 Twitter、Facebook
2007 iPhone
2010 iPad
92 創造力 #創造
【参 照】「僕がアップルで学んだこと」松井博(2012年4月刊)
(3)適切な制約 (p.124)
・トコトン説明させる。(p.127)・・・☆ 分かり易く説明する。
1965年 テッド・ネルソン(米国の社会学者)が「ハイパーテキスト(Hypertext)」と「ハイパーメディア」という語を作る。
※ハイパーテキスト:複数の文書(テキスト)を相互に関連付け、結び付ける仕組みである。「テキストを超える」という意味から"hyper-"(~を超えた) "text"(文書)と名付けられた。テキスト間を結びつける参照のことをハイパーリンクと言う。
※最も有名なハイパーテキストの実装はWorld Wide Webである。
1989年 CERNに所属していたティム・バーナーズ=リーは、世界中に分散する別々の大学や研究所で働いている研究者たちが自動的に情報を共有する、という要求に対してWorld Wide Webを開発した。
1998年 Google設立
2001年 Wikipedia発足
2003年9月 マサチューセッツ工科大学(MIT)が講義教材のすべてをウェブ上で公開するオープンコースウエア(OCW)を立ち上げた。
2005年 YouTube (→Google)公式サービス開始
2006年 Twitter、Facebook
2007年 iPhone
2010年 iPad