74 Aging in Space【Space Travel】Dialogue with the Universe
○In the universe aging progresses ten times. [1]
:decreased muscle strength, bone density, circulatory function and immunity, abnormal lipid and sugar metabolism
・After a certain age, people on Earth start to lose mass in their bones, typically at a rate of about 1-to-2 percent a year. But in space, those people lose bone mass at a greatly accelerated rate: as much as 1-to-2 percent a month.
Image credit: NASA
○Cause of aging: weightlessness and otolith
・In the zero gravity state, abnormality occurs in the otolith (connected with autonomic nerves and muscles of the whole body).
・Luckily, skeletal systems of the astronauts usually return to normal once they've spent some time back on terra firma.[1]
※Otolith [2]
○Sitting disease: If you keep sitting for 1 hour, your otolith does not move and your life shortens 22-minute. [3]
:decreased muscle strength, bone density, circulatory function and immunity, abnormal lipid and sugar metabolism
⇒Increased risk of genetic diseases, cancer, diabetes, heart disease, autonomic nervous disorder.
○Countermeasure: Stand up once every 30 minutes. (32 times a day) [4]
・Otolith moves when standing up rather than walking.
1. Jessika Toothman ”How do humans age in space?” at SCIENCE
2. Biodun Olusesi “Searchlight on Otoliths!”at Interesting ORL Facts 20130618
4. Dr.Mercola “Sitting Kills, Moving Heals”at Mercola.com 20130723
74 宇宙と老化【宇宙旅行】宇宙との対話
Image credit: NASA
○老化の原因:無重力と耳石 [2]
※耳石(Otolith(オトリス)) [3]
○座り病:1時間座り続けると耳石が動かないことで22分寿命が縮む。[2] [4]
【参 考】
1. “宇宙では、人は老化の早回しを体験する。(米研究)”at カラパイヤ 20140328
2. NHK「ガッテン」『NASA直伝! 魅惑のアンチエイジング』20161116
3. Biodun Olusesi “Searchlight on Otoliths!”at Interesting ORL Facts 20130618
4. Anna Salleh “TV shortens life by 22 minutes per hour”at ABC Science Online’s 20110816
73 Future of Space Exploration【Space Travel】Dialogue with the Universe○Space business :satellite service, satellite manufacturing etc. [1]・Market size (sales amount): 335billions $ (2015 △ 4%)・While the market center is US (about 40%), markets outside US increase.・Government demand is ceasing・・・In 2006 NASA entrusted the transportation of goods and persons to the ISS to the private sector such as SpaceX.○September 2011, NASA announced a new rocket development program as a replacement for retiring the space shuttle. [2]・Development costs of the large projects is $ 10 billion. • The new rocket will be completed in 2017, conduct a manned exploration of asteroid in 2025, and in the 2030s is a goal of carry the human race to Mars.○2017 Change of space development plan by the new administration of the United States.○Space development by the private sector [1]1. Migration to Mars・Mars One:Mars One aims to create a permanent human colony on Mars in 2027. [3]
※Mars One Webshop [4]・SpaceX [5]:The SpaceX CEO has unveiled a vision for the colonization of Mars that he says will involve hundreds of reusable craft, each carrying somewhere between 100 and 250 colonists or so and also producing fuel from available resources on Mars for the return trips. [6]2.Mining・Planetary Resources(2010 - ):It is aiming for the immediate objective of collecting water on asteroids and their vicinity. [7]・Deep Space Industries:. DSI is expecting to make in-space materials, extracted from asteroids, commercially available in the early 2020s, include space-based refueling, power, asteroid processing, and manufacturing. [8]☆I think that challenges in space exploration would be to build a system that can be recovered some development costs by space factory or mining, rather than manned and unmanned.○Other reference [9]【References】1. 内閣府 宇宙開発戦略推進事務局“国内外の宇宙機器・利用産業の 市場構造及び動向について(1)“ 20160728http://www8.cao.go.jp/space/comittee/27-sangyou/sangyou-dai2/siryou1-1.pdf2. National Geographic Newshttp://www.nationalgeographic.co.jp/news/news_article.php?file_id=20110915063. No.67-1-3-1 Mars One 4. Mars One Webshophttps://community.mars-one.com/webshop/products/hooded-sweaters5. SpaceX(Space Exploration Technologies Corporation 2002 - ):It has developed the Falcon 1 and Falcon 9 launch vehicles, both designed to be reusable, and the Dragon spacecraft which is flown into orbit by the Falcon 9 launch vehicle to supply the International Space Station (ISS) with cargo. [10]6. No.67-1-3-2 SpaceX7.プラネタリー・リソーシズ - Wikipedia8. Deep Space Industries - Wikipedia9. “2017-01-26 宇宙ビジネスの新潮流”at 宇宙開発情報http://www.spaceref.co.jp/10. SpaceX - Wikipedia
73 宇宙開発のゆくえ【宇宙旅行】宇宙との対話○宇宙関連ビジネス:衛星サービス、衛星製造等 [1]・市場規模(売上額):335billions$(2015 △4%)・市場の中心は米国(約4割)だが、米国以外の市場が増加。・官需は頭打ち・・・2006年にNASAはISSへの物資及び人 の輸送をSpaceX等民間に委託。○2011年9月 NASAは、引退したスペースシャトルの後継となる新型ロケットの開発計画を発表した。[2]・開発費用100億ドル(約7660億円)の巨大プロジェクトだ。・新型ロケットの完成予定は2017年で、2025年までに小惑星への有人探査を実施し、2030年代には火星へ人類を運ぶことを目標に掲げている。○2017年 米国の新政権による宇宙開発計画の変更。○民間による宇宙開発 [1]1.火星への移住・マーズワン:2027年までに、火星への片道移住をしようとしている、オランダの民間非営利団体[3]
※Mars One Webshop [4]・SpaceX [5]:21世紀前半に火星に8万人の移住を計画 [6] 2.資源採掘・Planetary Resources(2010 - ):小惑星やその付近での水の採取を当面の目標としている。[7]・Deep Space Industries:2020年代の初めに小惑星からの資源採掘を目標としている。[8]☆宇宙開発の課題は、有人・無人というより、宇宙工場、資源採掘などで、いくらかでも開発費用を回収できるシステムを構築することだろう。○その他 参考 [9]【参 照】1. 内閣府 宇宙開発戦略推進事務局“国内外の宇宙機器・利用産業の 市場構造及び動向について(1)“ 20160728http://www8.cao.go.jp/space/comittee/27-sangyou/sangyou-dai2/siryou1-1.pdf2.ナショナルジオグラフィック ニュースhttp://www.nationalgeographic.co.jp/news/news_article.php?file_id=20110915063. No.67-1-3-1 マーズワン(Mars One) 4. Mars One Webshophttps://community.mars-one.com/webshop/products/hooded-sweaters5. SpaceX(Space Exploration Technologies Corporation 2002 - ):打ち上げロケットファルコン9やファルコンヘビー、ならびにファルコン9で打ち上げるドラゴン宇宙船を開発した。[10]6. No.67-1-3-2 スペースX(SpaceX)社7.プラネタリー・リソーシズ - Wikipedia8. Deep Space Industries - Wikipedia9. “2017-01-26 宇宙ビジネスの新潮流”at 宇宙開発情報http://www.spaceref.co.jp/10. スペースX - Wikipedia
72 Weather Control【Space Travel】Dialogue with the Universe
72-1 Space Parasol Project(Measures against global warming)
72-1-1 Traditional plan
○Initial proposal (1989) [1]
:Produce parasols on the moon, and float into space.・・・The parasols are too heavy.
○Proposal of the University of Arizona (2006) [1]
・The films(having a thickness of 0.005mm diametrically 60cm, and disposed diametrically 5,000km 100,000 km long cylindrical in Lagrange point) scatter sunlight 10%.
・The total weight of films is 20 million tons. The films are launched in electro magnetics-based launcher from the ground, and those are moved to the Lagrange point in the ion engine transport aircraft.
・・・The parasol is still heavy.
☆If you use panels as parasol, you can lead to cost down by linking to "No.71-4 Space Solar Power Systems:SSPS".
72-1-2 My Plan
• In this plan they set up space-sprinkler at the Lagrangian point, and create parasol with sprayed dust and soot between the earth and sun.
・If you establish a space-sprinkler except Lagrangian poin, you should always have corrections to change the location.
・Lagrangian point is position where they can rotate around the sun without changing the positional relationship between the sun and the satellite, and there are five points between the sun and the earth.
・In the Space parasol plan, a space sprinkler and a space container are sent with a mass driver from a moon base to the Lagrangian point.
・A space sprinkler rotates at the Lagrangian point, sprinkling dust and soot, and "The Parasol" will be formed between the sun and the earths.
72-2 Move the Earth = Spaceship Earth
○The human race needs to move to Mars orbit to within 1 billion years.
72-2-1 Set up a nuclear fusion rocket engine on the Earth (1982) [2]
・Proposal of Mieczyslaw Taube
・Arranging a huge pulse fusion rocket engine on the equator of the Earth, and moving the Earth to the Jupiter orbit.
・In this project Earth's mass is released 10% between 1 billion years.
72-2-2 NASA’s plan(2001) [3]
・It uses the the same techniques to deflect asteroids or comets heading towards Earth to control the orbit of the Earth.
・We just require delicacy of planning and manoeuvring for avoiding an adverse influence on the Earth and the moon.
【参 照】
1. 宇宙日傘《科学情報番組・ヴォイニッチの科学書》2006/11/25
2. Taube, M., "Future of the Terrestrial Civilization Over a Period of Billions of Years", Journal of the British Interplanetary Society, Vol.35, p.219, May 1985
3. Robin McKie “Nasa aims to move Earth”(2001) at theguardian
72 気象コントロール【宇宙旅行】宇宙との対話
72-1 スペースパラソル(宇宙日傘)計画(地球温暖化対策)
72-1-1 従来の計画
○最初の提案(1989) [1]
○アリゾナ大学の提案(2006) [1]
☆パネルのようなものを日傘として使うのであれば、No.71-4 宇宙太陽光発電システムと結びつけることでコストダウンにつながる。
72-1-2 私の計画
72-2 地球を動かす計画=宇宙船地球号
72-2-1 地球に核融合ロケットエンジンを設置(1982) [2]
・Mieczyslaw Taubeが提案。
72-2-2 NASAの計画(2001年) [3]
【参 照】
1. 宇宙日傘《科学情報番組・ヴォイニッチの科学書》2006/11/25
2. 太陽が最期を迎えても地球ごと助かる方法 A Successful Failure
3. Robin McKie “Nasa aims to move Earth”(2001) at theguardian
71 Energy【Space Travel】Dialogue with the Universe
71-1 Comparison
・4.0*10^-19 J The mass of a electron neutrino [1]
・1.5*10^-8 J The mass of a proton [2]
・2.0 * 10 ^ -8 J The mass of a Higgs particle [3]
・10^0(Ten to zero power)=1J(joule) The potential energy of the apple (102 g) of one meter height at the surface of the Earth. [4]
・1.67*10^6 J/day Energy consumption of the human brain
・1.9*10^11J Kinetic energy to escape objects of 1kg mass from the solar system [4]
・2.5*10^17J Nuclear energy of the largest explosion in human history (Tsar Bomba, 1961) [4]
71-2 Dyson sphere [4]
○First proposed by theoretical physicist Freeman Dyson in 1960.
○A Dyson sphere is a hypothetical megastructure that completely encompasses a star and captures most or all of its power output.
○One theory for an advanced alien race is that they might harness the power of an entire star.
○In addition, it is possible to know the direction of technology development.
○KIC 8462852, located 1,480 light-years away, has produced a series of bizarre light fluctuations researchers cannot explain, so this looks like a Dyson sphere.[5] [6] [7]
○The SETI Institute's initial radio reconnaissance of KIC 8462852, however, found no evidence of technology-related radio signals from the star. [8]
※Image of a Dyson sphere [5]
71-3 Kardashev scale:Civilization's level based on the amount of energy [9]
○In 1964, Kardashev defined three levels of civilizations, based on the order of magnitude of power available to them:
Type I Technological level close to the level presently attained on earth
≒4.0*10^12 J/s
Type II A civilization capable of harnessing the energy radiated by its own star
≒4.0*10^26 J/s
Type III A civilization in possession of energy on the scale of its own galaxy
≒4.0*10^37 J/s
○Michael Garrett concluded that Kardashev Type-III civilisations are either very rare or do not exist in the local Universe.( Aug 2015)
○Reaching period
Type I 100~200years
Type II a few thousand years
Type III 100,000 to a million years
71-4 Space Solar Power Systems:SSPS
○The goal time of commercialization of JAXA is 2030.
○Element technology [10]
1) collecting solar energy in space with reflectors or inflatable mirrors onto solar cells
2) wireless power transmission to Earth via microwave or laser
※However, laser is affected by the weather.
3) receiving power on Earth via a rectenna, a microwave antenna
※Receiving station is installed on the sea or the like.
・In the case of facilities of 1 million kw(1 nuclear power plant) [11]
Transportation costs:50 billin$
Construction costs :13~20 billin$
Running costa :3.4 billin$/yr
※The solar panels is 2km square.
※It is necessary to lower transportation costs to 1/50.
※Construction costs of 1 nuclear power plant is the billions of dollars, but, in the case of Japan, the final disposal site is not.
・Solar Sail ⇔No.66-5 A Plan to Build Interstellar Spacecraft
1. Wikipedia:Neutrino
2. Wikipedia:Higgs boson
3. Wikipedia:Proton
4. Wikipedia:Dyson sphere
6. No.96 Communication with the Alien
7. Maddie Stone” The So-Called Alien Megastructure Just Got Even More Mysterious”at GIZMODO 20160805
8.Wikipedia: KIC 8462852
9. Wikipedia:Kardashev scale
10. Wikipedia:Space based solar power
11. 産経ニュース”「馬鹿げた計画」酷評「宇宙太陽光発電」 NASAが手を引いても開発続ける「技術立国日本」の意地” 2015